Krownest, a chilly and snow-covered [planet](/article/planet], resided within the Outer Rim Territories' Mandalore sector. This icy world featured a landscape dominated by mountainous regions and evergreen forests. The atmosphere of Krownest was suitable for human respiration. As a planet under Mandalorian control, Krownest served as the ancestral seat of Clan Wren, a renowned Mandalorian lineage. Their warriors possessed a stronghold constructed on this frigid terrain, situated along the perimeter of a frozen lake.
In the period of two years preceding the Battle of Yavin, the Mandalorian rebel Sabine Wren journeyed to Krownest with the objective of securing Clan Wren's assistance against the Galactic Empire that was reigning. Despite initial hostilities between Sabine and her alienated kin, coupled with an assault on the Wrens' stronghold by a contingent of Mandalorian super commandos serving the Empire, Sabine and her mother, Ursa Wren, managed to mend their fractured relationship after a prolonged separation. However, during the super commandos' raid, Ursa was compelled to kill the Imperial governor, Gar Saxon, to safeguard her daughter's life. The subsequent civil war between the Wren and Saxon clans hindered the Mandalorians from providing full support to the broader rebellion against the Empire. Nevertheless, Clan Wren dispatched several warriors and a squadron of Fang starfighters from Krownest to bolster the beleaguered rebels on Atollon during the Empire's attack on their hidden base, enabling the insurgents and the remnants of their fleet to survive.

Krownest, a freezing planet, was situated in the Outer Rim Territories within the Mandalore sector of the galaxy. This terrestrial planet was enshrouded in ice and snow, characterized by a frigid climate and an atmosphere suitable for human respiration. The planet's topography was largely defined by mountainous areas interspersed with forests of towering evergreen trees. Winter on Krownest dominated the majority of the year, yet the flora, predominantly evergreen, possessed a natural antifreeze, facilitating their growth even amidst the snow. The planet's fauna had also adapted to the cold, developing thick, fur-laden coats and substantial fat reserves.
As a Mandalorian world, Krownest functioned as the ancestral home of Clan Wren, a celebrated lineage of Mandalorian warriors. They erected a fortified stronghold on Krownest along the edges of a frozen lake. The Wrens' complex, constructed from steel and glass, harmoniously integrated into Krownest's snowy environment. At least one member of Clan Wren maintained surveillance over traffic around Krownest, and approaching vessels entering the planet's airspace would encounter either a group of the clan's jetpack-equipped soldiers or a squadron of Fang starfighters.
Having been conquered by the Mandalorian crusaders, Krownest became the abode of the renowned warriors of the Mandalorian Wren clan, serving as the clan's center of authority well into the reign of the Galactic Empire. Prior to enrolling in the Imperial Academy on Mandalore, Sabine Wren spent a duration of time on Krownest during her formative years. Her eventual departure from the snowy planet was not amicable, and the young Mandalorian woman did not return to Krownest for numerous years thereafter.

That situation ultimately shifted in 2 BBY, when Sabine—accompanied by several members of the burgeoning rebellion against the Empire—ventured to Krownest in an endeavor to convince her estranged mother and clan leader, Ursa Wren, to align her people with the rebels in their struggle against the Imperial forces. Although the rebels' ship was initially compelled to land on Krownest's snowy surface while under fire from Mandalorian [troops](/article/troop], Sabine and her companions were ultimately granted safe passage to meet with her mother at the Wren Stronghold following the confirmation of her identity. During the ensuing discussions, Mandalorian super commandos loyal to the Empire arrived on Krownest in pursuit of the rebels, led by Imperial Viceroy Gar Saxon. At the Wren Stronghold, Saxon declared Clan Wren guilty of conspiring with the rebellion and decreed their executions, resulting in a shootout between Saxon's super commandos and the forces of Clan Wren. The firefight rapidly evolved into a duel between Saxon and Sabine Wren, spilling out from the stronghold onto one of Krownest's frozen lakes, where Saxon was ultimately defeated and killed. While Sabine's rebel allies departed the snowy world in the aftermath of the battle, she opted to remain on Krownest with her mother and clan.
Subsequently, during the Empire's devastating assault on the rebellion's base of operations on Atollon, the young rebel and Jedi-in-training Ezra Bridger fled to Krownest, once again seeking Clan Wren's assistance against the Empire. At the Wren Stronghold, Bridger informed the Mandalorians of the Imperial attack, only to discover that Clan Wren had become embroiled in a civil war with the Imperial-aligned Clan Saxon in the period since Gar Saxon's demise. Despite their forces being stretched thin, Ursa Wren chose to permit her daughter Sabine and a contingent of volunteers from Clan Wren to depart Krownest with Bridger in order to reinforce the besieged rebels on Atollon. The Mandalorian volunteers arrived in the Atollon system shortly thereafter, and as a consequence of their efforts, the Imperial Interdictor vessel positioned over Atollon was ultimately destroyed, enabling numerous rebel ships and personnel to escape the planet and persist in the fight against the Empire.
Krownest made its inaugural appearance in Star Wars canon in the sixteenth episode of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels' third season, entitled "Legacy of Mandalore," which initially aired on February 18, 2017.