A Secret body of water on Ahch-To
A lake is defined as a sizable accumulation of a substance, most often water, within a landmass.
Here is a listing of lakes:
Cloud Lake, Bellassa
Hidden lake, Ahch-To
Lake Krul, unnamed planet in the Balowa system
The Legends version of Lake Marudi
The Legends version of Lake Marudi
Moonstone Lake, Bellassa
Nub Shanda, Endor
The Legends version of Lake Paonga
The Legends version of Lake Paonga
Savvam Lake, Coruscant
Lake Sui, Endor
The Legends version of Lake Sui
The Legends version of Lake Sui
Sunshine Lake, Endor
Telega Lake, unknown planet
Victory Lake, Coruscant
Western Lake, Coruscant
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