Phantom II

The Phantom II, a modified Sheathipede-class transport shuttle, served the Spectres. This vessel stepped in after the original VCX-series auxiliary starfighter, named Phantom, was destroyed during the mission at Reklam Station. The Spectres came into possession of the Phantom II during a mission on the planet Agamar, where they encountered a Separatist holdout. The rebel team was caught off guard and ambushed by the droid General Kalani's forces, leading to a live wargame with the droid army, which was interrupted by an Imperial strike force. The Spectres decided to keep the shuttle, customizing it to suit their needs and giving it a new paint job. This shuttle played a vital role in the success of several missions, notably those to Concord Dawn and Krownest.

During the New Republic period, the Phantom II was deployed to intercept Transport CT-O5 on Corellia.


The Phantom II, prior to its modification.

The Phantom II began its service as a Sheathipede-class shuttle within the Separatist forces. It also had the capacity for hyperspace travel. Once the Spectres rebel group secured the ship, they not only repainted it but also enhanced it with reinforced hull plating, forward-facing cannons on the port and starboard sides, ventral turrets, and a port-side astromech socket. The Phantom II was engineered to dock with the VCX-100 light freighter Ghost, functioning as its dedicated shuttle. Despite its enhanced weaponry and agility, the Phantom II remained susceptible to damage from small arms.


Clone Wars Period

Initially, the Phantom II was an unnamed, unarmed transport within the Confederate navy, utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. It was stationed on Agamar following orders from super tactical droid General Kalani to the planet by Count Dooku.

Joining the Rebellion

Kalani's forces maintained their presence in the Agamar system for a number of years until members of the Rebellion discovered them. The droid Chopper located and reactivated the shuttle while observing several battle droids. Chopper then informed Ezra Bridger about the vessel, who instructed the droid to prepare it for departure. Realizing a common enemy, the rebels and droids joined forces to successfully evade an Imperial attack. Kanan Jarrus, recognizing the ship's potential, decided it would replace the original Phantom, lost at Reklam Station. The ship was then renamed the Phantom II.

The Phantom II was updated with a new paint job and forward cannons.

Upon the Spectres' return to Phoenix Cell with the ship, it underwent significant modifications and upgrades. Besides the new paint scheme, enhancements included reinforced hull plating and an astromech socket on the shortened dorsal fin's port side. The ship was also equipped with forward cannons on both port and starboard sides, ventral turrets near the boarding ramp, and modifications to dock with the Ghost, mirroring the original Phantom. This potentially allowed it to serve as the freighter's new rear gun, though this was never seen.

Following lost communication with the Protectors of Concord Dawn, Sabine Wren led a recon mission with Ezra, Fenn Rau, and Chopper to the third moon of Concord Dawn to investigate. Rau subdued Sabine and Ezra, taking the shuttle to a ridge overlooking the Protector encampment, revealing the massacre of his men by Imperial Mandalorians under [Gar Saxon](/article/gar_saxon]'s command. While Sabine attempted to rescue Ezra, Rau commandeered the Phantom II to flee, but he returned to save the Spectres, recognizing Sabine's honor and adherence to Mandalorian values.

Fenn Rau pilots the Phantom II to rescue Sabine and Ezra from Gar Saxon.

The Phantom II later participated in the Phoenix rebels' evacuation of rebel sympathizers from Mykapo. Kanan Jarrus and Garazeb Orrelios landed on the planet with the ship to aid in the evacuation before returning to the Ghost. Following the evacuation, Hera Syndulla, Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper used the shuttle to reach the Iron Squadron's YT-2400 light freighter Sato's Hammer, attempting to persuade them to leave Mykapo before the Empire returned. Hera allowed Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper to stay behind to repair the hyperdrive of the YT-2400 and convince the Iron Squadron to evacuate. As Imperial forces under Admiral Kassius Konstantine reappeared, Ezra and Sabine convinced Gooti Terez, Jonner Jin, and R3-A3 to escape on the Phantom II, leaving Mart Mattin behind after his ship was damaged. After docking with the Ghost, the Spectres and Iron Squadron collaborated to rescue Mart.

Subsequently, Kanan and Sabine utilized the Phantom II to track the Nightbrother ship of the former Sith Lord Maul to Dathomir, where Maul had coerced Ezra to join him. Foreseeing issues with Ezra's behavior, Kanan had Sabine install a tracker on Ezra's wrist comm before Maul's arrival at Chopper Base, which was used to track Maul. Landing outside the Nightsister lair, the rebels entered to rescue Ezra but were attacked by Nightsister spirits. After defeating them, Ezra and his allies decided to prevent Maul from reaching Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who held the key to destroying the Sith.

During the Spectres and Captain Rex's second mission to Geonosis, the Phantom II remained docked on the Ghost. When the rebel Saw Gerrera demanded to take the Geonosian Klik-Klak offworld on the shuttle for interrogation, the Spectres and Rex opposed him.

The Phantom II was docked aboard the Ghost as it left Chopper Base for a training exercise. Following EXD-9's attack on Chopper Base, the Phantom II and its mother ship returned following Zeb's incident report.

The Phantom II attached to the Ghost during the Battle of Atollon.

Later, Sabine, along with Kanan, Ezra, Chopper, and Fenn, used the Phantom II on a mission to Krownest, the home of Clan Wren, to gain their support for the Rebellion. The ship sustained engine damage in an attack by Clan Wren warriors, but Sabine managed to land it in the snow. Chopper stayed with Fenn while the others met with Countess Ursa Wren, Sabine's mother. Chopper repaired the ship and used it to transport Kanan and Ezra back to the rebel forces after Sabine and Fenn remained to unite the Mandalorians.

The Phantom II was docked with the Ghost during the Battle of Atollon, a failed mission to Jalindi Station, and the subsequent rescue of Ezra and Sabine from a disabled Imperial Shuttle damaged by a massive kyber crystal explosion. The ship remained attached to the Ghost during its hyperspace journey after the mission.

Corellia Mission

The Phantom II chasing after Transport CT-O5

Following the Attack on the Vesper and Morgan Elsbeth's liberation, Hera and Chopper traveled to Corellia, meeting with Regional Supervisor Myn Weaver. Discovering that CT-O5 was departing from the spaceport, Hera boarded Phantom II and pursued the transport in a dogfight. Hera instructed Chopper to attach a homing beacon to the ship, which Chopper accomplished just before CT-O5 jumped to hyperspace.

Production Notes

The Phantom II made its debut in the Star Wars Rebels Season Three episode "The Last Battle," which aired on Disney XD on October 22, 2016.

