Concord Dawn, a planet situated within the Concord Dawn system, could be found in the Mandalore sector of the Outer Rim Territories in the galaxy. This planet had been ravaged by countless conflicts, resulting in the expulsion of approximately one-third of its original mass into an orbital field of asteroid-sized fragments. During the era known as the Age of the Empire, the Mandalorian Protectors, under the command of Fenn Rau, held dominion over Concord Dawn. Furthermore, Concord Dawn held distinction as the birthplace of numerous esteemed warriors, notably the bounty hunter Rako Hardeen, as well as the Mandalorian warrior and foundling Jango Fett.
Located in the Outer Rim Territories within the [Mandalore sector](/article/mandalore_sector], the planet Concord Dawn, accompanied by its three moons within the Concord Dawn system, was renowned for producing skilled Mandalorian combatants; however, a significant portion of the planet's southern region was destroyed and broken into smaller asteroid fragments as a result of one of the many conflicts it faced.
At some point in time, the bounty hunter Rako Hardeen first experienced birth on the war-torn planet. Hardeen acquired the epithet "Marksman of Concord Dawn" due to his exceptional marksman capabilities. The famous Mandalorian bounty hunter and clone template Jango Fett was also born there, although his complete history remained shrouded in mystery, much to his own amusement.

During the Age of the Empire, the Mandalorian Protectors governed Concord Dawn and its third moon, where they established a camp. These Mandalorian warriors had previously served the ruler of Mandalore before its occupation by the Imperial forces. Under the leadership of Fenn Rau, the Protectors allied themselves with the Empire. Three years prior to the Battle of Yavin, an aerial engagement unfolded against members of Phoenix Squadron concerning unrestricted passage through the system and toward the Lothal sector. While the squadron members successfully evaded capture, the Jedi Kanan Jarrus and the Mandalorian Sabine Wren assaulted the Protectors' stronghold.
An exchange between Rau and Jarrus revealed their shared involvement in the Third Battle of Mygeeto, during which Rau and Skull Squadron rescued Jarrus and his master Depa Billaba from a Separatist offensive. Following further encounters with the concealed Wren, who had strategically placed explosives around the base and invoked the Mandalorian code, Rau's starfighters were destroyed, but he managed to escape. Concerned about the potential arrival of the Empire in their system, Rau granted the members of the rebellion safe passage through the system.
Subsequently, the Galactic Empire, commanded by Imperial viceroy Gar Saxon and a contingent of Imperial Super Commandos, arrived in the system. The Imperial forces later engaged Sabine Wren, Fenn Rau, and the young Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger upon their arrival on Concord Dawn's moon, ultimately leading to the departure of all parties from the area.