Fenn Rau, a male Mandalorian, held the position of Skull Leader during the Clone Wars. After the Galactic Empire's rise, he became the leader of the Protectors of Concord Dawn, which occurred approximately three years prior to the Battle of Yavin. In the Clone Wars era, he and his fellow Protectors fought alongside the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. Rau initially supported the Empire, the Republic's successor, and was tasked with monitoring the Concord Dawn system for any rebel activity. This led to a conflict with the Phoenix Cell when they attempted to pass through the system to reach the Lothal sector. After Rau's attack on Hera Syndulla's diplomatic mission, her rebel allies Sabine Wren and Kanan Jarrus retaliated, resulting in Rau's capture by the rebels.
While held captive, Rau instructed his Protectors to refrain from rescuing him and instead grant the rebellion free passage through the Concord Dawn system. Fenn Rau remained a prisoner of the rebellion for the following year. After the rebellion lost contact with the Protectors, Rau was dispatched on a recon mission to Concord Dawn to investigate the situation. There, together with the rebels Wren, Ezra Bridger, and C1-10P "Chopper," he uncovered the truth: his adversary, Imperial Viceroy Gar Saxon, had murdered the Protectors. Rau was compelled to collaborate with his former enemies to evade Saxon and his Imperial Super Commandos. Impressed by Wren's dedication to her rebel comrades, Rau chose to join the rebellion. Later, he supported Sabine and her family's fight against the Imperial-backed Clan Saxon. Fenn also participated in the Battle of Atollon.
Fenn Rau was a human male Mandalorian who, upon reaching adulthood, took on the role of a Protector for the Mandalorian colony of Concord Dawn. Subsequently, he became the leader of the Mandalorian Protectors, a group of armored warriors tasked with safeguarding the reigning ruler of the Mandalorians: the Mand'alor, a tradition that spanned millennia.

During the Clone Wars, Rau served as a fighter pilot instructor for clone pilots within the Galactic Republic. He eventually rose to command Skull Squadron, a squadron comprised of Mandalorian fighter pilots, holding the title of Skull Leader. In this role, he participated in numerous battles and skirmishes against Separatist battle droids, often fighting alongside the clone soldiers he had trained.
In the Clone Wars' third year, Rau led Skull Squadron in the Third Battle of Mygeeto, which took place on the Outer Rim planet Mygeeto. His actions during this battle played a crucial role in saving the lives of Jedi Master Depa Billaba, her Padawan Caleb Dume, and numerous Republic clone troopers.
Following the Galactic Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire, Fenn Rau and his Protectors aligned themselves with the new governing power. Approximately three years before the Battle of Yavin, Rau became the Empire's primary ally on Concord Dawn. In his capacity as Protector of Concord Dawn, he was responsible for combating rebel forces and reporting their activities to the Empire. When the rebel pilot Hera Syndulla and Phoenix Cell's [Phoenix Squadron](/article/phoenix_squadron] journeyed to the Concord Dawn system to negotiate for safe passage, Rau and his Fang fighters intercepted them, demanding an explanation for their presence in his system. Syndulla responded that the rebels sought safe passage and were willing to stand with Concord Dawn against the Empire. Rau countered by ordering an attack on the rebels' A-wing starfighters. During the ensuing dogfight, Rau and his Fang fighters shot down two A-wing fighters, designated Phoenix Three and Phoenix Four, and severely damaged Syndulla's fighter. Syndulla managed to escape back to Phoenix Cell but suffered serious injuries. In response, the Mandalorian rebel Sabine Wren, who accompanied Syndulla on the mission, advocated for the destruction of Rau's starfighters.

Wren had tracked Rau's starfighters to a camp situated on the Third moon of Concord Dawn. The Phoenix rebel commander Jun Sato authorized a retaliatory strike against the Protectors and dispatched the Jedi Kanan Jarrus—formerly the Padawan Caleb Dume, one of the Jedi Rau saved at Mygeeto—and the astromech droid Chopper to the Concord Dawn system. Despite Jarrus's reservations, Wren insisted on joining, seeking retribution against Rau. Upon arriving at the camp, Jarrus informed Wren that he still intended to negotiate with Rau, but Wren remained determined to destroy his Fang fighters. They split up, with Jarrus following Rau into a building while Wren proceeded to plant explosives on the fighters.
While Rau was retrieving a drink, he noticed Jarrus and allowed the intruder to reveal his identity. Jarrus identified himself as a Jedi veteran of the Clone Wars who had participated in the Third Battle of Mygeeto. Jarrus expressed his gratitude to Rau for saving him and his master's lives during that battle. Rau recalled being a young and reckless fighter during that battle but failed to see what it had to do with Jarrus infiltrating his base. Jarrus then appealed to Rau to join the rebellion, but the Protector was unwilling to side against the Empire. In his mind, the rebellion had little chance of victory, and he believed it was foolish to commit to a losing side. Despite Jarrus's arguments, Rau remained uninterested in fighting another losing war alongside the Jedi.
Rau's conversation with Jarrus was interrupted by the arrival of one of his subordinates, who reported that a group of Protectors had encountered an intruder who had invoked the Mandalorian code to seek justice through single combat. This intruder turned out to be Sabine Wren, a member of Clan Wren, a part of House Vizsla which had sided with the Death Watch, the sworn enemies of the Protectors during the Clone Wars. While Jarrus offered to reason with Wren, Rau decided to accept Wren's challenge and so confronted Wren in the square near the parked Fang fighters.
As Rau drew his blaster pistol, Wren shot it out of his hand and then triggered several explosives, which destroyed seven of the Fang fighters. Rau's fighter survived the bombing, and the enraged Protector decided to confront the rebel fleet. However, Jarrus managed to grab the starfighter and hold on to it as it ascended into the sky. Despite Rau's attempts to shake off Jarrus, the Jedi managed to breach the cockpit with his lightsaber and damage the starfighter's controls. After knocking out Rau, Jarrus carried him while jumping aboard the waiting rebel ship, the Phantom, before traveling back into space to rejoin the rebel fleet.
As the Phantom traveled back to the rebel fleet, Rau stirred and his transmitter began buzzing. Jarrus ordered the captive Rau to answer the device. Upon activating it, Rau was informed by his subordinates that the Protectors had prepared starfighters for a counterattack. However, Rau ordered them to call off the attack. He agreed to give the rebels safe passage through the Concord Dawn system in exchange for them keeping his capture a secret. Rau was taken back to the Phoenix fleet, where he was taken into custody by rebel forces as a "reluctant recruit."

For the subsequent year, Fenn Rau was held as a captive by the rebellion. He was confined to a cell, while the Protectors allowed the rebels to utilize the Concord Dawn system as a route to evade Imperial sector patrols. Rau spent his time in rebel custody playing Cubikahd with Sabine Wren, a fellow Mandalorian. Despite her family's traitorous history, Rau formed a positive relationship with Wren. However, he rejected her attempts to recruit him into the rebellion, believing that the Protectors were already contributing sufficiently without attracting the Empire's attention.
Soon after, Rau and Wren were summoned by the Lasat Garazeb Orrelios for a briefing in the war room with rebel commander Jun Sato and Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla. During the briefing, Sato revealed that the rebels had lost contact with the Protectors and expressed his suspicion that they were being lured into a trap. Rau defended his men, stating that something unfortunate must have befallen them. He agreed to investigate. Hera reluctantly permitted Rau to depart for the Concord Dawn system on a recon probe, but she sent Wren along with Ezra Bridger and Chopper to monitor him.
During the journey aboard the rebel shuttle Phantom II, Rau managed to befriend Bridger. However, this was a ploy to free himself from his magnetic binders. While Bridger was distracted by the sight of Concord Dawn's shattered southern hemisphere, Rau broke free and stunned Bridger and Wren. Rau then landed the Phantom II near the Protectors Camp. He walked up a hill and discovered that another Mandalorian faction had slaughtered the Protectors. Shortly, he was joined by Bridger and Wren, who had been freed by Chopper. The Jedi apprentice Bridger used the Force to snatch Rau's blaster out of his hand.
Together with the rebels, Rau explored the camp and discovered evidence that another Mandalorian clan had attacked. Rau then chastised Wren and the rebellion for keeping him prisoner and preventing him from aiding his men. Wren replied that she was not the enemy and remarked that this did not make sense. At that point, Chopper and Bridger detected movement. Rau and the rebels were then attacked by an Imperial Viper probe droid, which Wren managed to destroy. Rau wanted to bargain with the Empire but Wren refused to let that happen and ordered Chopper to secure the Phantom II.
Before they could argue any further, Rau and the rebels were forced to flee into hiding when his nemesis Imperial Viceroy Gar Saxon turned up with several Imperial Super Commandos. Rau and Wren managed to escape by hiding behind a building, but Bridger and Chopper along with the Phantom II were captured. When Wren expressed her desire to rescue Bridger, Rau responded that the boy provided a diversion for the Mandalorians, who were looking for him. He also opined that Bridger would be safer without his lightsaber since the Empire was hunting for Jedi. The two then moved to a safe vantage point on a hill where they could observe the Super Commandos.

After some discussion, Rau agreed to help Wren keep the Super Commandos from taking the Phantom II, which contained the coordinates for Chopper Base. While Rau had little love for the rebellion, he was willing to help due to his hatred for Saxon, whom he regarded as a traitor who served the Empire. Wren then agreed to rescue Bridger and Chopper. Putting their plans into action, Rau sneaked aboard the Phantom II and knocked out the sentry following a fist fight. However, he then decided not to help the rebels escape and fled into space.

While departing from the Concord Dawn system, Rau had a change of heart and decided to return for Wren and her friends. Rau arrived just in time to save the rebels from being executed by Saxon and one of his surviving Super Commandos. Wren and her companions had managed to lead the Super Commandos into a canyon but were unable to steal Saxon's ship. Rau told Saxon that the rebels were under his protection and proceeded to destroy Saxon's ship and to gun down the surviving Super Commando. Following a struggle with Saxon, the rebels managed to flee aboard the Phantom II with Rau.
Once in space, Wren confronted Rau about his change of heart. In response, he told her that her willingness to save her friends even though they were not Mandalorians showed that she still respected the "old ways." In his view, that had earned his respect. When Bridger remarked about the "craziness" of Mandalorian culture, Rau responded that he was crazy enough to join the rebellion. Wren then welcomed her former foe into their "family."

Kanan Jarrus presented the Darksaber to Fenn, which Sabine Wren had discovered during their encounter with the former Sith Lord and ruler of Mandalore Maul on Dathomir. Rau shared with Jarrus the history of the Darksaber, including its importance in Mandalorian history and politics. He suggested that Wren use the saber to unite House Vizsla and all of Mandalore. Rau and the crew of the Ghost convinced Sabine to train with the Darksaber in an attempt to add members of House Vizsla to The rebellion. After Wren, Jarrus, and Bridger had trained for two days, Rau arrived with supplies from Chopper Base, including a pair of Mandalorian vambraces as a gift for Wren.
Fenn observed as Sabine outmaneuvered Ezra before being bested by Kanan, who used the opportunity to emphasize that training and discipline, not tricks, were essential for survival. Frustrated with Kanan's teaching, Sabine ventured into the wilderness to clear her mind. Later that night, Fenn and Ezra sat by a campfire and awaited Sabine's return. When Ezra suggested that Sabine needed more time, Fenn pointed that time was not a luxury that the galaxy had. Shortly, Sabine returned. Kanan, who had consulted Hera, apologized for holding back her training and gave her the Darksaber. Fenn and Ezra watched as Sabine sparred with Jarrus. Following an emotional duel, Sabine managed to best her instructor, completing her trial. Fenn along with Kanan and Ezra were impressed with Wren's abilities and newfound confidence, and offered her their allegiance.

Subsequently, Fenn accompanied Sabine, Kanan, Ezra, and Chopper on the Phantom II during their mission to Krownest, the ancestral home of Clan Wren. During the journey, Fenn encouraged Sabine by reminding her that her mother Ursa Wren was loyal to Mandalore. He reasoned that if she could persuade her mother, the rest of Mandalore would follow her and the Darksaber. Fenn and his companions survived an aerial assault by Sabine's brother Tristan Wren and several Clan Wren warriors.
Knowing that he was considered a traitor by Clan Wren and other vassals of Viceroy Saxon, Fenn chose to remain aboard the Phantom II with Chopper while Sabine, Ezra, and Kanan accompanied Tristan and the warriors back to the Wren Stronghold. Later, Fenn ventured to the stronghold and used the scanners inside his helmet to spy on the castle's occupants. He overheard a hologram conversation between Ursa and Saxon and learned that Ursa planned to turn over Ezra and Kanan to the Viceroy in return for her daughter being spared. Fenn then infiltrated Ursa's chambers and knocked out a guard. He then retrieved Ezra and Kanan's lightsabers, which had been kept for safekeeping.
However, Gar Saxon reneged on his deal and then ordered his Imperial Super Commandos to exterminate Clan Wren. At that moment, Fenn stormed the throne room with his jetpack and handed Ezra and Kanan their lightsabers. During the ensuing skirmish, Fenn helped the Wrens and the Spectres defeat Saxon's Super Commandos. Fenn and the others then watched as Sabine dueled with Saxon on the ice outside the Wren stronghold. Following a fierce duel, Sabine defeated Saxon and took back the Darksaber. Saxon attempted to kill her but was shot dead by Ursa.
Following the skirmish, Fenn remarked that Saxon was guilty of treason against the throne, collusion with the enemy, and executing his fellow Protectors. Fenn and Sabine decided to remain behind with Clan Wren to help them reunify the Mandalorian people. Rau watched as Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper returned to the rebellion. Fenn complimented Sabine by telling her that she had proven herself to Clan Wren and that she would make a good leader. Sabine disagreed with the latter point but vowed to help Mandalore find its true leader.

Following Gar Saxon's demise, Fenn Rau assisted Clan Wren in their conflict against the Imperial-backed Clan Saxon. Clan Wren's resources and manpower were stretched thin during the conflict. When Ezra and Chopper traveled to Krownest seeking assistance to break Grand Admiral Thrawn's siege of Atollon, Fenn suggested that Ezra accept his losses and consider himself fortunate to have escaped. After further discussion between Ezra, Sabine, and Ursa Wren, Fenn volunteered to accompany Sabine and several Mandalorian warriors and Fang fighters. During the battle, Fenn and his Fang fighters harassed Thrawn's Star Destroyers and TIE fighters while Ezra and Sabine led a successful strike on Thrawn's second Interdictor vessel. This enabled the remaining rebels force to flee into hyperspace.
After the evacuation of the rebel forces on Atollon, Fenn Rau accompanied Sabine, Kanan, Ezra, and Chopper on a mission to rescue Alrich Wren, Sabine's father and the patriarch of Clan Wren. Clan Saxon had kept Alrich as a hostage at a prison outpost on Mandalore. While watching Kanan display his Jedi powers and combat skills, Fenn muttered that the Jedi Knight was a "showoff." Despite catching the Imperial garrison by surprised, they were outgunned by two AT-DP walkers. Fortunately for Rau and his allies, they were saved by the arrival of Clan Kryze forces led by Bo-Katan Kryze, a former Death Watch member and the former Regent of Mandalore.
Despite capturing the prison, the Mandalorians and rebels were dismayed to find that the Empire had already evacuated Alrich. After learning that Alrich was being transported to the Mandalorian capital of Sundari. The joint Mandalorian-rebel forces decided to ambush the Imperial convoy as it traveled through a narrow canyon. While watching the convoy, Fenn detected a single unarmored passenger in the middle Imperial Troop Transport, whom they determined to be Alrich. Rau joined Sabine, Kanan, and Bo-Katan in attacking the convoy while Ezra rescued Alrich. Following a brief skirmish, the Mandalorians and rebels succeeded in rescuing Alrich.
However, this victory was overshadowed by news that Governor Tiber Saxon had deployed an Arc Pulse Generator known as the "Duchess" against Ursa and Tristan's Clan Wren forces. Though Ursa and Tristan survived, the group soon found themselves ambushed by Imperial Super Commandos and TIE fighters. Fortunately for Rau and his comrades, they managed to escape aboard one of Bo-Katan's ships. While traveling to Bo-Katan's base, Rau and the others learned that Sabine had created the "Duchess" during her days at the Imperial Academy of Mandalore. Bo-Katan considered Sabine's actions to be sacrilegious since the weapon turned Mandalorian armor against their wearers by reacting with the beskar alloy inside the armor. Mandalorian armor were regarded as sacred family heirlooms that were passed down across the generations.
At Bo-Katan's camp, Sabine agreed to atone for her actions by leading an attack on Tiber Saxon's Star Destroyer to destroy the "Duchess" and any data associated with the weapon. Sabine's plan involved one team destroying the machine while the other deleted the data in the Imperial database. During the meeting, Rau pondered whether the weapon could be used against the Empire, something Sabine rejected. When Countess Ursa offered to lead the attack, Rau advised against it since she could barely hold a blaster. While Sabine went over the details of the mission, Rau took Bo-Katan aside, and the two commented on Sabine's leadership potential.
During the night raid on Saxon's Star Destroyer, Rau and Sabine's brother Tristan helped fight off Imperial forces in the hangar bay while Sabine and Bo-Katan sought out the weapon and Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper deleted it from the records. While fighting off Imperial walkers, Rau encountered Ezra, who was heading to find Sabine. Ultimately, the rebels succeeded in achieving both their objectives. Rau and his comrades managed to escape Saxon's Star Destroyer before the malfunctioning "Duchess" blew up with the ship. Back at Bo-Katan's camp, Rau, representing the Protectors, joined the other Mandalorian clans in pledging allegiance to Bo-Katan, the new wielder of the Darksaber and leader of the Mandalorian clans.

Fenn Rau stood out as a formidable warrior, a highly competent pilot, and an inspiring leader. Due to his proficiency as a starfighter pilot, the Kaminoans entrusted Rau with the critical task of training clone troopers to become proficient starfighter pilots for the Republic Military. Throughout the Clone Wars conflict, Fenn Rau maintained his unwavering allegiance to the Galactic Republic. Notably, he spearheaded Skull Squadron in a mission to support the Jedi and clone troopers during the Third Battle of Mygeeto, an action he would later reflect upon as both courageous and impetuous. As the leader of the Protectors, he actively resisted the Death Watch, which had seized control of Mandalore during the war. This experience instilled in Rau a deep-seated aversion towards those Mandalorians who had aligned themselves with the Death Watch.
In the aftermath of the Clone Wars, Rau continued to pledge his loyalty to the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire. He refrained from lending his support to the burgeoning rebellion, as he deemed its chances of success against the Empire to be slim. Rau's devotion to the Empire initially led him to deny safe passage to the Phoenix Cell and to launch an attack on a rebel delegation headed by Hera Syndulla. As a battle-hardened warrior, Rau displayed minimal remorse for the lives he had claimed during the aerial combat above Concord Dawn.
Following the rebel's retaliatory strike on his base, Rau was overcome with such intense fury that he sought to obliterate the rebel fleet as retribution. Despite his animosity towards the rebels, Rau possessed the pragmatism to acknowledge defeat after being captured by Jarrus and Wren. Anxious to prevent the Protectors from losing their freedom to the Empire, he granted the rebels safe passage through the Concord Dawn system in exchange for concealing his capture.
Despite viewing Wren's family as traitors, Rau developed a friendship with her based on their shared Mandalorian heritage. However, he remained unwilling to join the rebellion and longed for the opportunity to rejoin his followers. Despite his mixed feelings about the rebellion, Rau harbored an even greater animosity towards his adversary, Gar Saxon, the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore. Rau considered Saxon a traitor and a collaborator with the Empire. This intense hatred for Saxon, combined with his admiration for Wren's dedication to her non-Mandalorian rebel comrades, ultimately swayed Rau to join the rebellion.
Fenn recognized Sabine's potential to unite the Mandalorian people under the rebellion's banner. Despite Sabine's insecurities and anxieties, he remained steadfast in his belief in her. He also possessed a thorough understanding of the Darksaber's history and its significance in Mandalorian history and politics. Rau's respect for Sabine motivated him to equip her with Mandalorian vambraces. Rau later played a crucial role in the mission to Krownest, retrieving Ezra and Kanan's lightsabers and assisting the Wrens and rebels in defeating Gar Saxon's forces. He praised Sabine as a powerful leader and warrior who had regained her clan's respect. Fenn also viewed Saxon as a betrayer of his people and a dishonorable murderer.
Fenn Rau's esteem for the rebels and Sabine prompted him to assist them during the Battle of Atollon. Rau's opposition to the Empire and Clan Saxon led him to participate in a mission to rescue Alrich Wren and destroy an Arc Pulse Generator. Both he and Bo-Katan recognized Sabine's leadership and military command potential.

Fenn Rau possessed both remarkable piloting skills and extensive leadership experience. These attributes secured him a position as an instructor for the Republic Military and subsequently as the leader of the Mandalorian Protectors. He also oversaw a squadron of Fang fighters and personally trained all of its pilots.
Beyond his piloting abilities and knowledge of Mandalorian vambraces, Rau demonstrated exceptional strategic thinking and proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.

Fenn Rau's combat gear included Mandalorian vambraces, a tactical scanner, and a jetpack. Rau's weaponry consisted of dual WESTAR-35 blaster pistols.
Fenn Rau made his debut appearance in the spinoff computer game Star Wars Rebels: Strike Missions on October 14, 2015. This game served as a promotional tie-in for the release of the second season of the Disney XD television series Star Wars Rebels. Kevin McKidd later provided the voice for the character in the eleventh Rebels episode, "The Protector of Concord Dawn," which was released concurrently with the Marvel Comics story Kanan 10 on January 27, 2016.
Dissatisfied with the initial name selected for Rau, Dave Filoni proposed the name "Glenn Rau" during a story meeting, drawing inspiration from Chris Glenn, a Lucasfilm concept artist, and Brad Rau, the episodic director for "The Protector of Concord Dawn." The name was subsequently altered to Fenn Rau during the scripting process.