Third Battle of Mygeeto

The Third Battle of Mygeeto, also referred to as the Battle of Mygeeto, took place on the planet of Mygeeto during the months nearing the end of the Clone Wars. As a world allied with the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Mygeeto was occupied by a military force from the Confederacy of Independent Systems. General Grievous and Colonel Coburn Sear commanded a segment of the Separatist Droid Army. The Galactic Republic responded swiftly with their own military, but their troops were significantly outnumbered. This led to reinforcements being sent, including Jedi General Depa Billaba and her battalion of clone troopers. Upon arriving on Mygeeto, Billaba, along with her Padawan, Caleb Dume, directed their soldiers to eliminate the Separatist battle droids from the southern mesas. During this operation, a large group of droids cornered the two Jedi, Clone Captain Styles, and trooper Stance on a city platform. They were rescued by the timely arrival of Skull Squadron, a Mandalorian unit commanded by Skull Leader Fenn Rau.

Not long after Billaba, Dume, and their forces made it back to their base camp, Grievous and Sear launched an attack on their position. While Sear engaged Dume in combat, Billaba found herself in a lightsaber duel against Grievous. Sear ended his own life by self-immolation in an attempt to claim Dume's life as well, but Dume severed Sear's head with his lightsaber. Dume, Styles, and Clone Commander Grey then went to assist Billaba, who had been seriously wounded by Grievous, but Grievous managed to escape. Despite the Republic's victory in the Third Battle of Mygeeto, conflict reopened on the planet during the Outer Rim Sieges before long.


Mygeeto was among the numerous planets caught in the galactic conflict of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This frigid Outer Rim world, Mygeeto, had ties to the InterGalactic Banking Clan, which the Republic's Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine incorporated into his administration following significant changes in the Banking Clan's leadership.

In 19 BBY, the Confederacy focused on Mygeeto. General Grievous led a contingent of the Separatist Droid Army to the planet, and he was later joined by Colonel Coburn Sear, who had barely escaped from Jedi General Depa Billaba's Republic battalion on Kardoa. After her victory on Kardoa, Billaba received directives from the Jedi High Council to challenge the Separatist presence on Mygeeto. She then proceeded there with her battalion of clone troopers and her Padawan learner, Caleb Dume.

The battle

Clash in the Southern Mesas

The Separatists droids used their superior numbers to overwhelm

The battalion received orders to clear the Southern Mesas of battle droids. Remo, Soot, Big-Mouth, Mixx, and Kaylon commanded squads through the mesas. Billaba and Dume accompanied Stance, a clone trooper who had become Dume's friend, and Clone Captain Styles. Clone Commander Grey led the remaining troops. Despite being outnumbered by the battle droids, Billaba's battalion pressed forward with their mission to clear the Southern Mesas.

However, Billaba, Dume, Styles, and Stance were then isolated from their troops by the Separatists. B1-series battle droids then approached them from all directions. Billaba contacted Grey for evacuation, but they had to hold out for four minutes, a time frame Dume thought they couldn't manage. Billaba, Dume, and Stance defended against the droids until they were completely surrounded. However, the Fang fighters of Skull Squadron, under the leadership of Skull Leader Fenn Rau, arrived and destroyed the attacking battle droids. Grey then arrived and evacuated them back to the Republic base camp aboard a Republic attack gunship. Billaba and Dume never personally met or thanked Rau for saving their lives.

Ambush at the Republic base camp

General Grievous tries to overwhelm Depa Billaba.

While most of the battalion remained in the field, Billaba, Dume, Grey, and Stance returned to their camp. The camp was then attacked by battle droids under the command of Colonel Coburn Sear and General Grievous. Stance was killed by Sear's Electro sword. Sear was then confronted by Dume, while Billaba confronted Grievous. Billaba managed to sever one of Grievous's hands before being slashed by one of his lightsabers, causing her significant injury. Grey and Styles called for reinforcements while fighting the battle droids.

Dume continued his fight against Sear. During the confrontation, Dume damaged Sear's Flamethrower. Sear then attempted to kill Dume, but his flamethrower exploded. Sear then tried to take Dume with him, but he fell to his death. Dume was then found by Grey and Styles. The three then went to find Billaba, who was still dueling with Grievous. As Grey and Styles opened fire on Grievous, Dume went to Billaba. Grievous was forced to retreat, but after the cyborg fled, Billaba did not order a pursuit, having learned to live with regret long ago. Republic reinforcements, including at least two Republic attack gunships and at least one Venator-class Star Destroyer, arrived at their location, ending the battle.


Billaba, Dume, and members of their battalion held a funeral for Stance. Billaba then entered a bacta tank to recover from her injuries. Billaba, Dume, and their troops were subsequently sent to Kaller. Only months later, the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto occurred on Mygeeto.

Years later, Dume, now known as Kanan Jarrus, reflected on his time as a padawan under Billaba, remembering the battle while in a medcenter in Plateau City on Kaller. He awoke in time to save the Spectres, his group, from Imperial stormtroopers. His own padawan, Ezra Bridger, was among the group.

Later, Jarrus met up with Rau, now the leader of the Protectors, on Concord Dawn's Third moon. There, Jarrus recounted how Rau and Skull Squadron had saved his and Master Billaba's lives that day. Kanan then attempted to recruit Rau and his Protectors into the rebellion. Initially, Rau declined to fight another losing war with the former Jedi, but Rau was then captured by Jarrus and Sabine Wren, a fellow member of the Spectres and a Mandalorian like Rau. He then instructed his protectors to keep his capture a secret from the Galactic Empire.

Behind the scenes

The Third Battle of Mygeeto was first depicted in the comic Kanan 10, authored by Greg Weisman, illustrated by Pepe Larraz, and released by Marvel Comics on January 27, 2016.

