Mygeeto Campaign

The Mygeeto Campaign, alternatively referred to as the assault on Mygeeto, or the campaign on Mygeeto, was a military conflict spanning three standard years of the Clone Wars. This conflict pitted the forces of the Galactic Republic against those of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It encompassed multiple engagements, notably the Third Battle of Mygeeto and the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto, the latter occurring during the broader Outer Rim Sieges. Ki-Adi-Mundi, a Jedi General, along with the soldiers of the 21st Nova Corps, were dispatched to Mygeeto with the objective of wresting control of the planet from Separatist forces during this extended campaign. However, a pivotal event transpired during the campaign: Mundi was executed by his own clone troopers as a consequence of Order 66.

The battle

The struggle to seize Mygeeto extended across a period of three standard years. During the Third Battle of Mygeeto, Depa Billaba, another Jedi General, and her assigned battalion, engaged in combat against General Grievous and his assembled forces. Although Grievous successfully evaded capture, the Republic secured a victory, albeit at the cost of Colonel Coburn Sear's death. However, a mere few months afterwards, the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto erupted. In this subsequent battle, Ki-Adi-Mundi, a Jedi General, commanded the 21st Nova Corps in opposition to the Separatist Droid Army. Critically, during this engagement, Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor, issued Order 66. This directive compelled all clone troopers within the Grand Army of the Republic to betray and execute their Jedi superiors, an action facilitated by secret control chips embedded within their brains. Mundi attempted to gather his troopers on a bridge that traversed a deep divide between two sections of the city, while enemy droids destroyed several tanks. However, his soldiers had already received their new, sinister instructions.

The troopers followed their orders without hesitation. The clones positioned near Mundi abruptly ceased their advance. Bewildered, Mundi turned to face them and was immediately met with a barrage of blaster fire from his own troops. The surprised Jedi Master managed to kill three Marines by skillfully deflecting their blaster bolts, but he was ultimately overwhelmed by the sheer volume of fire. Prior to the issuing of Order 66, Jaro Tapal, a Jedi General, and his 13th Battalion had received orders to reinforce Master Mundi’s forces stationed on Mygeeto. However, the Chancellor's command ensured that they never arrived. Instead, the battalion was decimated following a skirmish that took place aboard Tapal's flagship, the Albedo Brave. This confrontation concluded with the warship's destruction and the escape of Tapal, mortally wounded, along with his Padawan Cal Kestis, in an escape pod that carried them to Bracca. Tapal succumbed to his injuries shortly thereafter. Following Mundi's death, Bacara, the Clone Commander, and the Nova Corps pressed forward with their efforts to eliminate the remaining Separatist holdouts on Mygeeto. The Clone Wars officially concluded less than a day after the implementation of Order 66. Palpatine, in his true identity as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, dispatched Darth Vader, his new apprentice, to Mustafar to kill the members of the Separatist Council and deactivate the Separatist Droid Army. Simultaneously, Palpatine formally proclaimed the transformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire.

