Galactic Marines

The Galactic Marines, initially designated as the 21st Nova Corps within the 4th Sector Army, represented an exceptional fighting force that emerged as the Grand Army of the Republic expanded its capabilities during the Clone Wars. With the rise of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, they were renamed the Imperial Galactic Marines.


Specialized armor

These Galactic Marines were equipped with distinctive armor featuring maroon coloration, including a backplate designed to offer protection against low-intensity blaster fire. Their standard weaponry consisted of DC-15A blaster rifles and DC-15S blasters. A key identifier of the Marines was their specialized face covering: synthmesh intended to shield them from diverse environmental hazards, such as snow, sand, airborne fungal spores, and volcanic ash.


The Galactic Marines were known for their utilization of various walkers, notably including Unstable Terrain Artillery Transports, All Terrain Open Transports, and All Terrain Recon Transports. These vehicles were marked with purple patterns to denote their affiliation with the corps.


The 21st Nova Corps of the 4th Sector Army achieved independence and its new designation, Galactic Marines, due to the combined command of Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Clone Marshal Commander CC-1138.

Commander Bacara leads the Galactic Marines during the Battle of Mygeeto.

Extensive cross-training prepared the Marines for combat in diverse settings, both on land and in space, making them remarkably adaptable. They excelled in boarding actions and the capture of enemy spacecraft, as well as planetary assaults, leading to their deployment on numerous planets including Rhen Var, Aargonar, Boz Pity and Mygeeto.

Bacara insisted on peak performance from his troops, immediately reassigning those who failed to meet his stringent criteria, often to the consternation of General Ki-Adi-Mundi. Their relationship remained respectful yet strained until the war's conclusion.


During the Battle of New Bornalex, the Galactic Marines tested prototype spacetrooper powersuits. Despite malfunctions in the suits' integrated weapon systems, the Marines persevered in combat. They engaged B2 super battle droids in close-quarters combat, leveraging the enhanced strength provided by their powersuits. Their performance at New Bornalex solidified the Marines' formidable reputation, establishing them as one of the most dreaded clone units within the Republic's military.

A Galactic Marine in Imperial service.

Commander Bacara (CC-1138), along with a squad of Galactic Marines, fought alongside Ki-Adi-Mundi in the Battle of Mygeeto. Upon receiving Order 66 from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Bacara and his squad betrayed the Jedi, opening fire on him. Although Ki-Adi-Mundi briefly defended himself, he was ultimately overwhelmed by a barrage of blaster fire and killed.

Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire, the Galactic Marines were rebranded as Imperial Galactic Marines. During the Empire Day celebrations that followed the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, they served as guards in the city of Theed and participated in the ceremonial parades. Staff Sergeant Rothax was an Imperial Galactic Marine stationed at the Imperial Outpost on Talus. Imperial soldiers who demonstrated exceptional bravery in combat were awarded Galactic Marine armor by Rothax. This armor was sometimes painted in entirely different colors, including blue, gray, and brighter shades of red. BO-661 was another Imperial Galactic Marine who guarded an Imperial Detainment Facility on Yavin 4, but he met his end at the hands of a Rebel operative during that year's Empire Day festivities.

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars: Battlefront II, Galactic Marine-armored clone troopers are referred to as "clone commanders." However, the Battlefront II clone pack produced by Hasbro identifies them as "Galactic Marines," suggesting a possible retcon. They are also depicted using chainguns in the game, despite typically being equipped with DC-15A blaster rifles and DC-15S blasters in the films. The armor also bears a resemblance to the later Galactic Empire's snowtrooper armor.

Within the Star Wars Miniatures game, the figures representing this military unit are initially named Elite Clone Troopers. However, the second edition of the figure is designated as a Galactic Marine.

