The Battle of Aargonar represented a setback for the Republic, although it wasn't a devastating one. Only a few days following the calamitous Battle of Jabiim, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Bultar Swan, A'Sharad Hett, Bhat Jul, and Anakin Skywalker were reassigned to Aargonar. This planet was largely unremarkable, except for its location on the boundary between the Galactic Republic and Separatist territories.
Mirroring the events of the Battle of Jabiim, the Republic forces experienced significant difficulties. Jedi Knight Jul lost his life in combat, along with numerous clone troopers belonging to the Grand Army of the Republic. Jedi General Mundi, who was temporarily overseeing Anakin Skywalker's training due to the presumed death of Obi-Wan Kenobi on Jabiim, issued the order to withdraw from his aerial gunship. Swan, informing Mundi that the ongoing sandstorm was charged with ions and that the situation risked becoming even worse than Jabiim, promptly moved to destroy the Republic's base camp. Her intention was to prevent the Separatists from acquiring their supplies, unaware that Anakin and A'Sharad were still in Aargonar's deserts.

Seeking refuge, the two Jedi attempted to find cover inside a cavern, only to be set upon by a sarlacc. The sarlacc was then devoured by a gouka dragon. After escaping through the passage left by the gouka, Anakin, in a fit of rage, mistakenly attacked Hett, perceiving him as a Tusken Raider, nearly killing him. Overcome with guilt, Anakin confessed to Hett about his massacre of Tuskens on Tatooine before the Battle of Geonosis. Hett acknowledged that this was a personal battle for Anakin to face, and he pledged to keep Anakin's secret.
The two Jedi located a damaged Enhanced Gunship Bomber and used it to attract a native gouka toward the Separatist forces. This distraction allowed the Republic to execute a retreat and rescue the two young Jedi. The Republic successfully withdrew, and the surviving Jedi made their way back to New Holstice.
News of a victory on Aargonar was disseminated to the Galactic Senate, as part of a strategy orchestrated by Chancellor Palpatine to project a more favorable image of the Republic's war efforts than was actually the case.