Bhat Jul was a Kajain'sa'Nikto male who held the rank of Jedi Commander within the Jedi Order throughout the Clone Wars. This Nikto was apprenticed to A'Sharad Hett, a Jedi Knight of the time. Tragically, during an early deployment on the planet of Aargonar, Bhat Jul experienced his last moments while in the arms of Anakin Skywalker, succumbing to wounds caused by an explosion. Hett, his Master, who was acting as a Tusken Raider requested that the young Jedi be covered in sand, believing this action would be a fitting tribute to the Nikto's life.
A'Sharad Hett selected Bhat Jul as his Padawan because he was sensitive to the Force.
Bhat Jul is featured in issues 58 and 59 of the Star Wars Republic comic book series, which were published by Dark Horse Comics on December 17, 2003, and December 31, 2003.