
Rivi-Anu was a Human female who pledged her allegiance to the Jedi Order and fought for the Galactic Republic throughout the Clone Wars, a massive conflict across the galaxy that pitted the Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. As the war reached its final year, she earned a promotion to the rank of Jedi Knight and found herself serving under the command of Jedi Master and General Ki-Adi-Mundi. Together, she, Mundi, and the Republic forces under their command were sent to the planet of Mygeeto with orders to assault a Separatist stronghold located there.

During the ensuing battle, Rivi-Anu sustained injuries even as the Republic pushed the Separatists into a retreat. Tragedy struck when a Venator-class Star Destroyer suffered critical damage and began a rapid descent towards the planet, posing a dire threat to the Republic troops engaged in combat. Rivi-Anu urged Mundi to prioritize the safety of the forces, and she bravely employed the Force in an attempt to delay the ship's inevitable crash. Once her comrades were out of harm's way, Rivi-Anu was unable to maintain her hold on the Star Destroyer, and she was crushed as the vessel completed its catastrophic fall to the surface.


Rivi-Anu, a Human female, came into the world in the closing decades of the Galactic Republic. She underwent training in the disciplines of the Force under the tutelage of the Jedi Order. Around 19 BBY, amidst the backdrop of the Clone Wars—a galaxy-spanning war between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems—Rivi-Anu achieved the rank of Jedi Knight through promotion, a testament to the Order's growing need for Knights during the conflict.

Rivi-Anu, as the Venator-class Star Destroyer crashes on Mygeeto

During that selfsame year, Rivi-Anu, accompanied by the Jedi Eon, a Twi'lek Jedi, and a Human Jedi, was assigned to the command of Jedi Master and General Ki-Adi-Mundi. They received orders to deploy to the planet of Mygeeto as part of the Republic's sieges within the Outer Rim Territories, their mission being to engage the forces of the Separatist Droid Army. As the clone troopers under Ki-Adi-Mundi's leadership prepared to launch an assault on a Separatist base situated on the planet, Rivi-Anu conveyed the concerns of her fellow Jedi regarding the impending battle to Mundi after he concluded his meditation.

In time, Rivi-Anu participated in a battle alongside Ki-Adi-Mundi and her fellow Jedi against the Separatists, forcing the enemy to fall back. Mundi directed her to secure the western flank, but as she was preparing to carry out this order, she was struck in the right arm by enemy fire, resulting in the loss of her lightsaber. Simultaneously, a Republic Venator-class Star Destroyer, crippled by Separatist fire, plummeted through the atmosphere, endangering the forces on the ground. Rivi-Anu, defying Mundi's orders for retreat, chose to remain and attempt to use the Force to seize the ship and delay its crash long enough for her allies to reach safety. However, once the Republic troops had successfully escaped to safety, Rivi-Anu lost her grip on the ship, leading to her being crushed as it impacted the planet's surface. Following the battle, Mundi took note of Rivi-Anu's selfless sacrifice. During his subsequent mission on Mygeeto, the Cerean meditated in the rain upon Rivi-Anu's act of valor.

Personality and traits


Rivi-Anu possessed a fair complexion, red hair, and green eyes, further distinguished by triangular purple tattoos beneath each eye. She harbored concerns regarding her youth and her status as a Jedi Knight, a consequence of her accelerated training necessitated by the Republic's increasing need for Jedi Knights. She voiced these concerns to Master Ki-Adi-Mundi while stationed on Mygeeto. Despite these anxieties, Mundi reassured her, expressing his confidence in her abilities and those of her fellow Jedi. During the battle against the Separatists on the planet, she demonstrated her selflessness by sacrificing her own life to ensure the safety of her allies, utilizing the Force to delay the crash of the crippled Republic Star Destroyer. In the aftermath of her death, Mundi acknowledged that her selfless act was an expression of profound love.

Powers and abilities

Rivi-Anu demonstrated proficiency in telekinetic Force abilities, as evidenced by her efforts to delay the disabled Star Destroyer's impact on Mygeeto's surface.


Rivi-Anu was clad in a set of brown Jedi robes and wielded a lightsaber powered by a green crystal during the Battle of Mygeeto.

Behind the scenes

Rivi-Anu made her debut in the short story "To the Vanishing Point," which was included as one of four stories within the sixth volume of the Clone Wars Adventures trade paperbacks. The character's creation and artistic representation are attributed to Matthew and Shawn Fillbach. In "To the Vanishing Point," the battle that led to Rivi-Anu's demise was implied to have occurred on a world distinct from Mygeeto. However, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia subsequently clarified that the events of the story transpired on Mygeeto. This article adopts the latter interpretation as the accurate account.

