
Bracca, a hostile junkyard planet, existed within the galaxy's Mid Rim. Due to its location near numerous hyperspace routes, Bracca became a strategically important location and the setting for a campaign during the Clone Wars. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Scrapper Guild had operations on the planet, dismantling wrecked starships and selling their parts to the Empire.


The shipbreaking yard on Bracca

Bracca was an impoverished world in the Mid Rim, largely consisting of rocky plains. Junkyards covered vast areas of the planet's surface, with countless discarded starships and other machinery scattered randomly, awaiting destruction. A single moon orbited it.

Because the world was generally unwelcoming, most of its inhabitants were scrappers, who earned a living by disassembling and selling the refuse left on the planet. The Scrapper Guild once repaired and constructed starships, employing many engineers, but by the fifth year of the Imperial Era, these engineers had become scrappers. The Scrapper Guild managed almost all services on Bracca. The Guild quickly took back the credits earned during a workday through the prices it charged for food, lodging, and other necessities.

The scrappers frequently dumped platforms filled with junk into the Ibdis Maw and then gathered the resulting waste products for profit.

Bracca was connected to Lantillies and Uyter via the Randon Run, which was part of the Perlemian Trade Route. The planet's spaceports shipped supplies from the scrapyards to the Core Worlds, using a comprehensive network of high-speed transport trains that crossed Bracca's surface. Before reaching its final destination, the typical shipment had to pass through twenty-five checkpoints.


High Republic Era

During the High Republic Era, Bracca was mainly run by independent scrappers, who operated under a "finders-keepers" system.

In 232 BBY, Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, Nubs, and Nash Durango visited Bracca to spend the day with Eren Kitt. While there, Eren's droid, M1-M1, needed a new power cell. When a crate of power cells was discovered, a few Pikpiks stole it, breaking the "finders keepers" agreement among the scrappers. This incident led to greater cooperation between Scrappers, and began to end the competitive "finders keepers" system altogether.

Clone Wars

Weeks after the Clone Wars began, the Confederacy of Independent Systems launched a surprise attack on Bracca. The Galactic Republic responded to the assault by dispatching a clone battalion under the command of Cyruss Okent, a Jedi Knight who had recently received a promotion.

As the Clone Wars drew to a close in 19 BBY, the Confederacy, aided by Scrapper Guild sympathizers, tried to seize Bracca from the Galactic Republic. The 13th Battalion, led by Jedi General Jaro Tapal and his Padawan Cal Kestis, was dispatched to secure the planet, and they succeeded. Tapal and Kestis were stationed in orbit above Bracca aboard their Venator-class Star Destroyer Albedo Brave, but following Order 66, Tapal died and Kestis' ship crashed on Bracca.

Imperial Era

The Stinger Mantis flies above Bracca

Shortly after the Galactic Empire was established in 19 BBY, Captain Rex and Clone Force 99, fugitive clone troopers, journeyed to Bracca to utilize the medical facilities of a Jedi cruiser to remove the "Bad Batch's" inhibitor chips. These devices had forced the clone army to betray the Jedi and serve the Empire. Subsequently, a Scrapper Guild patrol revealed the "Bad Batch's" location to the Empire, resulting in a skirmish between them and Imperial forces. During the battle, Cad Bane, a notorious bounty hunter, kidnapped the young clone Omega.

Five years later, Kestis was still on Bracca, awaiting instructions from the Jedi Order, and working for the Scrapper Guild, which was the only source of credits for many. It was common for workers to die while scrapping. After Kestis was forced to use the Force to save his co-worker and friend Prauf from a workplace accident, the Inquisitorius learned of his presence. The Second Sister and Ninth Sister arrived on Bracca and questioned several Scrappers about the Jedi's whereabouts. When Prauf stood up to them, the Second Sister killed him, forcing Cal to escape with the help of Cere Junda, a former Jedi Knight, and Greez Dritus, a Latero pilot.

Rise of the First Order

Decades later, as war erupted and the New Republic was destroyed, the First Order began sending captured Republic starships to Bracca for decommissioning. Leia Organa tasked a team led by Shriv Suurgav with recovering starships there. The team, known as Dross Squadron, infiltrated the Scrapper Guild but were confronted by stormtroopers. They stole several X-wing starfighters with the assistance of locals, but Sanrec Stronghammer, one of their pilots, died in the process.


The Scrapper Guild, which employed numerous beings in their junkyard operation, was based on the planet. Their workforce included members of various species, such as humans and Abednedos. At least one dianoga lived among the wreckage of the planet, inhabiting the murky waters beneath the scrap of a decommissioned Venator-class Star Destroyer.

Behind the scenes

Bracca was created for the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which was developed by Respawn Entertainment. It also appeared in the novel Resistance Reborn, written by Rebecca Roanhorse and published in 2019, before the game was released. The design of Bracca was intended to provide a brief illustration of where Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order fit within the Star Wars timeline.

