During the High Republic Era, a male Pooba named Nubs underwent training to become a Jedi Initiate. Nubs, always together with his youngling companions Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay, honed his skills in the Force under the guidance of Grand Master Yoda on the planet of Tenoo. While there, he not only mastered his abilities but also indulged in his considerable appetite, eagerly seizing any opportunity for a delicious meal. Endowed with exceptional physical strength, this young Pooba was always ready to protect his friends and other people from danger. Nubs and his fellow young Jedi embarked on many adventures in the Galactic Frontier, journeying alongside pilot Nash Durango to explore, learn, and provide assistance throughout their vast galaxy.
Originally hailing from Myllnaab, Nubs, a Force-sensitive Pooba, was inducted into the Jedi Order early in his life during the High Republic Era. He was sent to the planet of Coruscant to study the Force. There, he befriended fellow Jedi Initiates Lys Solay and Kai Brightstar, creating a close-knit group that faced challenges together. After a time of training on Coruscant, the younglings received orders to continue their education on Tenoo, a planet in the Outer Rim. On the day of their scheduled departure to their new home, the young Jedi secretly attempted to break their record on one of the Jedi Temple's training courses. As Marksman-H training remotes fired upon them, Nubs employed his strength to propel Brightstar across the room, diverting the remotes' attention and enabling the trio to complete the course in record time.
Following an urgent holomessage from Jedi Master Zia Zanna, Nubs and his companions boarded the Crimson Firehawk, the last transport to Tenoo, and encountered its pilots, the youthful Nash Durango and her droid RJ-83. Aboard the Firehawk, Nubs was startled by a sudden burst of steam from the aged ship's pipes, but he quickly regained his composure. Later, he discovered and promptly devoured a bowl filled with fruits and vegetables. As the group approached Tenoo, Durango received a distress signal from Hap, who ran a cafe in the town of Kublop Springs, requesting help against a pirate raid. Nubs and his friends offered their assistance, immediately taking action after the Firehawk landed.

Upon arriving at Hap's establishment, the Jedi were confronted by Taborr Val Dorn and his gang of pirates, including the droid EB-3 and the Gamorrean Pord. Nubs went up against Pord, who bombarded the Pooba with various foods, including a plate of noodles that Nubs swiftly consumed after falling backward. Regaining his footing, Nubs cornered Pord, but a blast from Val Dorn caused branches from a large tree to collapse toward the cafe. The younglings allowed the pirates to escape with the stolen goods, using their combined strength to hold back the falling debris. Durango and RJ-83 managed to delay the pirates from fleeing aboard their ship long enough for the Jedi to intervene and recover the townsfolks' possessions. Upon their eventual arrival at the Temple, Master Zanna commended the younglings for their successful mission and welcomed them to their new home, with Nubs inquiring about the availability of food.
During a training session at Tenoo's Training Field, the three younglings were given the task of reaching a platform while under attack from a lightsaber training droid. Nubs' attempt at the challenge resulted in him dangling precariously from a rope, requiring assistance. Brightstar, having dropped his lightsaber, tried to retrieve both his weapon and his friend simultaneously using the Force, but his divided focus caused him to lose his grip on the Pooba, resulting in Nubs falling to the ground and failing the challenge. Brightstar apologized to his friend, which Nubs accepted with a hug. After the session, Grand Master Yoda himself arrived, entrusting the younglings with an important mission: the acquisiton of sparkle-fire seeds in preparation for the Kublop Springs festival later that day. Nubs began to dance before joining his friends aboard the Crimson Firehawk.
The group quickly obtained the seeds—which Nubs tried to eat—from a vendor named Kumpa in a settlement on the planet Yarrum. However, before they could return to Tenoo, they received a distress signal on Yarrum and went to investigate, leaving the seeds on the Firehawk. In reality, the signal was a trick by Val Dorn, who used the opportunity to ransack the younglings' ship and steal their seeds. Nubs, Brightstar, and Solay tracked the pirates down to Yarrum Tower, where Nubs led his friends aboard Val Dorn's ship but inadvertently revealed their presence by knocking over cargo. Nubs and Solay escaped with the seeds as Brightstar held the pirates back, but a mistimed jump left Nubs barely holding onto a cable hanging from the Firehawk. Disarmed by Val Dorn, Brightstar found himself in a similar situation to the training grounds, but this time he focused solely on saving his friend, using the Force to lift Nubs onto the ship and escaping without his lightsaber.
Back at Tenoo, the younglings delivered the seeds to Yoda just in time for the festival. Nubs watched as the old Jedi Master planted the seeds, which instantly grew into large flowers that shot bursts of light into the air. As the festival continued, Nubs danced alongside Solay, Durango, and RJ-83 while Brightstar shared a private moment with Master Yoda.

Later, Nubs, Brightstar, and Solay joined Durango in the Kublop Classic, an annual race for young residents of Kublop Springs that involved racing watercraft through Tenoo's rivers. The initiates helped Durango build the Crimson Bolt, a racing skiff of her own design. Nubs was specifically responsible for assembling the vessel's sail. He demonstrated his work for Master Zanna at the Kublop docks, but the contraption came loose and fell into the water. Working with Brightstar, Nubs used the Force to reattach the sail, earning praise from their Jedi instructor. Durango expected Nubs and the others to use their powers during the race to beat her rival Raena Zess, but the team agreed to compete fairly.
As the Kublop Classic began, Nubs was assigned to the Bolt's sail, using his strength to help the skiff navigate sharp turns. Nubs' skills were tested early in the race, narrowly avoiding a large Tenoo tree root that damaged another team's skiff. As Team Crimson Bolt approached a waterfall, Durango instructed Nash to turn the sail while Brightstar applied speed and RJ-83 opened the skiff's flaps, propelling the craft closer to Zess but still behind. In a desperate move, Durango had Nubs grab hold of the sail to create lift as the Bolt fell down the waterfall, but the maneuver resulted in the skiff getting stuck in thick mud.
Zess, whose racer was also stuck, mockingly asked why the younglings refused to use their abilities to free their skiff, but Nubs, translated into Basic by Brightstar, declared that Jedi do not cheat. Realizing that a fair race was better than no race, Zess and her pit droids worked with Nubs and the rest of Team Crimson Bolt to free both racers and complete the competition. Thanks to Durango's clever command, the younglings narrowly overtook Zess in the race's final moments, winning the Kublop Classic. Hap presented the team with a trophy, prompting Nubs to lift Durango onto his shoulders as celebrations began.
While exploring the Temple Library on Tenoo, the younglings stumbled upon a forgotten antechamber hidden behind shelves of holobooks. Inside, Nubs became fascinated by a holographic display of various plant life until Brightstar discovered an ancient starship tracker. With Master Zanna's help, the trio learned that the tracker held the location of the Star Seeker, a renowned Jedi exploratory ship that had vanished centuries ago. The three friends followed the directions to a nearby planet with Durango, who subjected them to her "Jedi-friend-adventure song" along the way. An asteroid field surrounding their destination caused Nubs to feel fear, but that fear quickly turned into excitement when Durango allowed Nubs to operate the Firehawk's cannons. Nubs' marksmanship destroyed a particularly large asteroid in the ship's path, allowing the crew to reach the planet safely.
The foggy surface of the deserted world made Nubs uneasy, but he found comfort in his friends' presence. Using the Force to clear the fog, the younglings discovered the Star Seeker and its pilot, a droid known as 0G-LC. After crash-landing on the planet, the brave adventurer was overcome by the fear of failing again and resigned himself to stay on the lonely world. However, encouragement from the Jedi inspired the old droid to complete his mission and return to Tenoo. Back at the Jedi Temple, Nubs and his friends helped 0G-LC unload his cargo before wishing him well on his future adventures.
Nubs later contracted an illness called the sniffles, which confined him to bed on the day of the annual eruption of the Kublop Geyser. Brightstar and Solay discovered Nubs was sick after he missed breakfast, an unusual occurrence for him. They were disappointed that their friend would miss the geyser's eruption until Nubs told them about a remedy he had found: a tea made from the Yara plant, which was said to relieve the symptoms of the sniffles within minutes. Nubs' friends traveled to the only known location of the Yara plant, a giant Tenoo tree, where they encountered a large gangul and successfully obtained the Yara leaves. Nubs made a full recovery and watched the eruption of Kublop Geyser with his friends.
Nubs was a Pooba boy characterized by his blue fur and matching blue eyes. Despite his diminutive stature, he possessed remarkable strength, and his ears were capable of detecting high-pitched sounds. Furthermore, Nubs demonstrated Force-sensitive abilities and skillfully wielded a blue lightsaber.
Nubs maintained a close and dependable friendship with fellow Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay. He communicated in Poobian but lacked the ability to speak Galactic Basic Standard. While occasionally clumsy, Nubs exhibited a resilient and expressive personality. Additionally, Nubs harbored a deep affection for nature and possessed extensive knowledge of plants.

Nubs is a character featured in the Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures television series, initially revealed on the Star Wars Twitter account. His identity was first confirmed in an episode of This Week! in Star Wars.
Dee Bradley Baker provided the voice for Nubs. In voicing Nubs, Baker recorded several options for each of his character's lines after consulting with the series creators about what Nubs is trying to say. He also said that he usually spent about 20 minutes recording his lines for Nubs in each episode, which varied on the character's involvement in the episode. Because Nubs does not speak Galactic Basic Standard (English), Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay frequently reiterated his statements, a dynamic Baker likened to the relationship between Han Solo and Chewbacca. He also compared Nubs' communication style to that of "a pre-lingual child or even a dog, where there's a specific intent with the whining or vocalization." When recording Nubs' lines, Baker said that he focused on the intent of his character.
Nubs is reimagined as a Sith Lord known as Darth Nubs for the LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy.