Noodles were a foodstuff resembling a pale grassworm. They could be served alongside various meats or vegetables. On the planet Denon, a noodle stand was operated by the Kupohan Sakhet, who used it as a facade for her intelligence operations. Luke Skywalker, a Rebel agent, consumed noodles on multiple occasions while traveling with Nakari Kelen, even employing the Force to move them on a couple of instances.
Noodles were a moist food, bearing a resemblance to a wan grassworm. They could be prepared by boiling and served hot accompanied by meats like nerf nuggets and pahzik meat, as well as vegetables such as onions and garlic. Alternatively, they could be served in broths, including vegetable broth, and adorned with salt and pepper. Noodles were served in cartons or bowls, and could be eaten with forks or eating sticks. It was widely understood that noodles were not strong-willed. They would make a wet, smacking noise when dropped on a wet surface, and could leave a damp, squiggly stain. They could be created from buckwheat, and one type was known as Corellian buckwheat noodles.

Sakhet's Noodles, a noodle bar run by the Kupohan Sakhet on the planet Denon, served as a front for her intelligence network, though the food was well-liked by local residents too. The establishment served noodles hot in flimsicard cartons with eating sticks. The menu featured dishes such as buckwheat noodles with nerf nuggets and onions. Sakhet used a speeder to deliver hot cartons of noodles to certain customers.
Not long after the Battle of Yavin, Alliance to Restore the Republic agents Luke Skywalker and Nakari Kelen visited the bar to get in touch with Sakhet, who possessed information regarding the whereabouts of the Givin slicer Drusil Bephorin. To signal their identity to the Kupohan, the Rebels ordered Corellian buckwheat noodles with rancor sauce, a combination generally seen as repulsive. Subsequently, they received a receipt instructing them to return the following morning, and to their relief, they were served noodles with nerf nuggets instead of rancor sauce.
The pair then took seats at a picnic table where they seasoned their meals with salt and pepper, before Kelen encouraged Skywalker to use the Force to telekinesis move one of his noodles. Kelen began eating her noodles in a messy and loud fashion while Skywalker closed his eyes and successfully moved the noodle a short distance on the table, undulating smoothly like a snake as it traveled. Skywalker then falsely accused Kelen of moving the noodle while his eyes were closed, but Kelen denied it. Skywalker then ate the remainder of his noodles and determined that they were the best noodles he had ever tasted.
The following day, Sakhet met with the two Rebels, and the trio journeyed to Bephorin's location in the delivery speeder, using a noodle delivery as justification for their presence. After successfully liberating their Givin target, the Rebels were later compelled to land on Kupoh, the Kupohan homeworld, where they revealed themselves to Azzur Nessin, a colleague of Sakhet's, by mentioning their enjoyment of Sakhet's noodles, especially the nerf nuggets. Nessin allowed the Rebels to repair their ship, the Desert Jewel, at the headquarters of his company, Nessin Courier and Cargo. While they worked on the vessel, Bephorin brought them bowls of noodles in broth with nerf nuggets, phazik meat, peanuts and vegetables including garlic, as well as a selection of sauces for mixing and a fork for eating. Skywalker then moved another noodle with the Force for Bephorin.
After the completion of the mission to reunite Bephorin with her family and the death of Kelen, Skywalker found himself alone, consuming a bowl of noodles in vegetable broth on the CR90 corvette transporting him back to the Alliance Fleet. The noodles brought Kelen to mind, whom he greatly missed, but Skywalker resolved not to be depressed and used the Force to lift his fork, feeding himself a mouthful of noodles.