Chopsticks, alternatively referred to as eating sticks, are eating implements that originated in the Aakaash system within the Oplovis sector, where they are still frequently utilized. Individuals not native to the star system often struggled with the proper use of chopsticks. On the planet Naboo, shortly after Padmé Amidala's election as Queen, Captain Quarsh Panaka and Mariek, his wife, both members of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, were observed using chopsticks during a late-night meal. These utensils were also employed when consuming dishes such as Corellian buckwheat noodles or nerf nuggets accompanied by onions. Should someone place an order from Sakhet's Noodles, a restaurant located on Denon, their meal would be delivered in flimsicard containers, complete with single-use eating sticks for consumption. During 0 ABY, Luke Skywalker and Nakari Kelen patronized Sakhet's Noodles, utilizing the disposable eating sticks to enjoy their meal.
The initial depiction of eating sticks occurred in Heir to the Jedi, a 2015 publication authored by Kevin Hearne.