During the High Republic Era, Hap's Sap Tap on the forest planet of Tenoo was run by Hap, a Latero bartender and chef of male gender.
Hap's Sap Tap, a café, was owned by Hap on Tenoo, where he also resided. He maintained a friendship with Nash Durango, a young pilot. A gang of pirates repeatedly targeted his establishment in 232 BBY, staging several raids. During one of these raids, Hap, having learned that Durango was ferrying Jedi to Tenoo, got in touch with her to request assistance. He was let down to discover that the Jedi were merely younglings, but they nonetheless consented to provide aid.
Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs, the three younglings, faced the pirates. However, their captain, Taborr Val Dorn, caused a large tree limb to collapse onto Hap's café. The Jedi, utilizing the Force, successfully prevented the tree limb from destroying the café, and with support from Nash Durango, recovered Hap's possessions from the pirates.