Cyrus Vuundir

Cyrus Vuundir, a prince hailing from the planet of Vuundalla, lived a double life. His parents were unaware that he was also a pirate, known as Taborr Val-Dorn. This pirate once stole the lightsaber that belonged to Jedi youngling Kai Brightstar. He frequently clashed with Brightstar, as well as Lys Solay, Nubs, and the other Jedi younglings stationed on the planet Tenoo. In contrast, when the three younglings visited Vuundalla, Cyrus Vuundir, the prince, became their friend.

Life Story

Assaulting Hap's Sap Tap

As Taborr Val Dorn, the pirate's primary area of operation was Tenoo. He and his gang, consisting of Pord and EB-3, regularly targeted Hap's Sap Tap, the establishment owned by the Latero chef Hap.

On one particular occasion, after terrorizing Hap and looting his store, Val Dorn encountered Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs, a trio of Jedi Initiates who had been summoned by Hap for assistance. Brightstar insisted that Val Dorn return Hap's stolen goods, but the pirate refused. Val Dorn then instructed his accomplices to return to their ship, brandished his electrostaff, and engaged Brightstar in combat.

Val Dorn and Brightstar fought on top of Hap's bar, while Lys and Nubs battled the other pirates. Observing that Pord and EB-3 were being defeated, Val Dorn used a repulsor blast to knock down several tree branches, endangering Hap's cafe and distracting Brightstar. Val Dorn and his gang then made their escape.

As he headed for his ship, Val Dorn ordered Pord and EB-3 to load the stolen goods. However, the Jedi prevailed against Val Dorn's gang. After recovering Hap's possessions, Brightstar demanded that Val Dorn leave. The frustrated pirate complied, but vowed to get revenge on the Jedi before departing.

Scheming Against the Jedi

Later, Val Dorn observed Brightstar and his companions, plotting with Pord and EB-3 to sabotage the Jedi's upcoming mission. His goal was to drive them away from Tenoo. Val Dorn faked a distress signal to lure the Jedi away from their ship, the Crimson Firehawk, which he then promptly stole. Val Dorn tried to sell seeds taken from the Firehawk to a Chagrian bartender, but the bartender rejected his offer.

Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs eventually arrived at the pirates' starship to reclaim the seeds, where Val Dorn was waiting. Val Dorn briefly fought Brightstar again, then used a whipcord launcher to snatch his opponent's lightsaber. Brightstar broke off the fight to save Nubs, who was in danger, and the Jedi escaped in the Firehawk, leaving Val Dorn behind.

Junkyard Plunder

The Junk Giant, JG-1, created by Cyrus Vuundir from scrap

The Tenoo Jedi younglings caught Val Dorn and his crew pilfering materials from the junkyard belonging to Marlaa Jinara. Taborr intended to construct a junk giant from the stolen scrap, hoping to impress more seasoned pirates at Yarrum Tower by stealing larger items. His main target was the statue of Kaliah Kublop located in the center of Kublop Springs. When the Jedi demanded the return of the stolen materials, Val Dorn unleashed his junk giant to attack them. Taborr and his crew fled, and the junk giant used scrap to trap the Jedi inside the warehouse.

With the Jedi out of the way, Taborr sent his junk giant to steal the statue of Kaliah Kublop. The theft proceeded smoothly, much to the pirate's delight. However, the Jedi soon caught up and demanded his surrender. Val Dorn once again used the junk giant to fight off the Jedi, but the lumbering droid damaged a fountain and lost a hand in the process. As more locals gathered due to the commotion and the junk giant failed to subdue the Jedi, Taborr decided to retreat. He deemed the junk giant useless and ordered it to continue fighting the Jedi as he fled. The Jedi managed to use the junk giant's programming to stop the attack, and the droid eventually began working for Jinara in her junkyard.

Jellyfruit Heist

In another attempt to impress the pirates at Yarrum Tower, Taborr and his gang used iron clamps attached to the Iron Talon to steal crates of jellyfruit from a Rodian family of horticulturalists on Tenoo during the Jellyfruit Festival. While mocking his victims as he escaped, he inadvertently revealed enough information for the young Jedi to deduce his plan to sell the jellyfruit at Yarrum Tower.

Taborr and his crew arrived at the market area of Yarrum Tower and began selling the jellyfruit from one of the stolen crates. He advertised the product as fresh and natural produce from Tenoo. One of his customers, an Abednedo pirate named Chigg, helped up a young pirate girl he had bumped into, whose young companions inquired about where he obtained his fruit. Chigg directed them to Taborr.

The young girl and her companions were Nash Durango and the young Jedi in disguise, who had infiltrated Yarrum Tower to pursue Taborr and recover the stolen fruit. As a masked Brightstar approached the jellyfruit stand, he convinced Taborr to toss him a sample. Although Taborr did not recognize his enemy in disguise, Brightstar's clumsy catch caused him to fall and lose his helmet. Now exposed, Durango demanded Taborr return the stolen fruit. Defiantly, Taborr ordered Pord and EB-3 to push the hover-cart of fruit back to the Iron Talon. As Taborr and his gang fled through the marketplace, they did everything they could to hinder the pursuing Jedi. In their haste, EB-3 accidentally bumped into a couple of canisters, causing the cart to spin out of control before sliding down a ramp towards a docking ring. Val Dorn and Pord managed to jump off the cart before it toppled over, sending the crate of jellyfruit down the docking ring. The young Jedi used the Force to catch the crate and save the jellyfruit.

Val Dorn was furious that the Jedi had foiled another one of his schemes. To make matters worse, Solay informed the older pirates that Taborr had stolen the fruit from an old farmer and her grandkid, which led to the young pirate being mocked by the others. He insisted that he was still an impressive pirate before storming off with his gang. Taking pity, Durango invited Val Dorn and his gang to share the jellyfruit with her and her friends. He accepted the offer, but Taborr did not share the jellyfruit with his friends.

Following their multiple encounters, Kai Brightstar began to obsess over Taborr in his Jedi training, even dressing up a training droid as Val Dorn. This prompted Jedi Master Zia Zaldorr Zanna to share her complicated relationship with Ace Kallisto, a thief who played a similar role in her life to the role Taborr played in Kai's. As a result of this lesson, Brightstar shifted his focus from defeating Taborr to hoping that Taborr could do good in the future.

The Princess's Present

When Princess Inaya's ship broke down on Tenoo, she hired Durango Shuttle Service to deliver a gift to her father for his royal celebration. Secretly observing, Taborr and his gang followed the Crimson Firehawk in the Iron Talon, intercepting the ship before it could jump to hyperspace. The pirate announced his intention to seize the princess's gift and pursued the Crimson Firehawk. He successfully damaged the Firehawk's shields and lateral controls.

While Durango and the young Jedi, who were escorting the princess, focused on repairs, Val Dorn sent EB-3 and Pord to breach the Firehawk and steal the gift. Although they succeeded in stealing the gift, Inaya overheard the pirates and snuck aboard the Iron Talon before the ship took off, trapping herself inside. Inaya managed to override the Iron Talon's controls, causing Val Dorn to lose control of his ship and crash near the Firehawk. She then opened the gangplank, allowing the young Jedi to board the Iron Talon. The younglings breached the cockpit, and Brightstar used the Force to retrieve the gift.

Taborr and his crew caught the young Jedi in the act and quickly fought to repel the Jedi incursion. As Taborr dueled with Brightstar, EB-3 and Pord fought to recover the gift. Eventually, Inaya recovered her present and activated the controls to close the gangplank. The Jedi and Inaya escaped the ship with the gift, but Taborr and his crew remained trapped inside their ship.

Train Robbery

A later scheme to impress the Yarrum pirates involved stealing a shipment of wood from Tenoo tree roots from a train. As the train traveled towards a forest village where the wood was to be used as construction material, Taborr and his gang landed a speeder on top of the automated vehicle. To his dismay, Val Dorn soon discovered that the young Jedi had been alerted to his presence. The pirate sent EB-3 into the engineering car to take control of the automated train, while he and Pord fought off the Jedi.

Taborr managed to push Brightstar into the back car of the train, separating him from his allies. During their intense fight, Brightstar's lightsaber damaged Taborr’s vambrace and comms unit. As they fought in the front of the car, Taborr seized an opportunity to strike Brightstar with his electrostaff. When the Jedi initiate dodged the attack, Taborr accidentally struck the coupling connecting the cars, severing it. Despite the efforts of Pord, Solay, and Nubs, Val Dorn's car came to a stop as the rest of the train continued towards its destination.

With his comms down and trapped with his enemy, Val Dorn scoffed at Brightstar's decision to meditate. He resented the fact that the Jedi earned respect due to their status, while he had to earn it through his piracy skills. Before long, Brightstar discovered a floor panel that provided access to a lever. By pumping the lever, the two could manually move the train car. Despite their rivalry, the boys decided to work together to manually operate the car.

Frustrated by the tedious and slow progress of pumping the lever, Val Dorn quickly grew tired and annoyed. He began searching for a way to provide external power to the vehicle. He soon found a small power station that had the potential to charge the car. Brightstar condemned Taborr for attempting to steal logs that were intended to build homes for needy villagers. Surprised by their true purpose, Taborr helped secure the logs with a cable as a sudden surge of power destabilized the hovering car. One log, however, fell to the forest floor. Despite his indifference to one log, Taborr was convinced by Brightstar's altruism to rappel to the forest floor and retrieve the fallen log.

After restoring an appropriate level of power to the disconnected train car, Val Dorn increased its speed to quickly catch up with the rest of the train. Although they approached too fast, the other Jedi were able to slow the train as EB-3 and Pord reconnected the train cars. The pirates quickly resumed fighting the Jedi, but Brightstar persuaded Taborr to do the right thing and allow the logs to help the villagers in need. Making up an excuse that the logs were too cumbersome, Taborr and his gang abandoned the logs and fled the scene.

Apprehended by Ganguls

While burglarizing an unoccupied farm on Tenoo, Val Dorn and his crew became distracted. Their lack of focus created an opportunity for the Ganguls, another group of troublemakers based on Tenoo, to throw a smoke bomb, capture EB-3 and Pord in an energy net, and board the Iron Talon while Taborr was occupied gathering more items to steal. Emerging from within the compound as the Iron Talon took off, Taborr quickly freed his crewmates, ignoring their offers to help him, and grappled up to the rear hanger, sliding inside before the rear hatch closed.

A stowaway on his own ship, Taborr used his holoprojector to contact EB-3 and Pord back on the ground as he advanced towards the cockpit of the Talon. As he approached the thieves, he overheard that they were taking the ship to Dedoon to raid an abandoned outpost for rare droid parts to sell. Taborr relayed the information to his gang before being caught by Gangul members Sellaccc Orryak, Jooro Jarrot and Toda-Joh. Although he tried to fight off the thieves, the Ganguls confiscated Taborr's electrostaff and holoprojector before throwing him into the brig. When EB-3 and Pord reestablished the holo call, the Ganguls threatened to capture them as well if they pursued.

With their leader captured, EB-3 and Pord ventured to Kublop Springs in search of assistance. After being turned down by locals previously wronged by the gang, the duo stumbled upon the young Jedi. Desperate for help and aware of the younglings' reputation for doing good, they asked Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs if they would provide a ship to rescue Taborr. Despite their suspicions of a potential trap, the Jedi agreed to help EB-3 and Pord and prepared the Firehawk. Meanwhile, Taborr attempted to break out of his brig, but to no avail. Orryak soon approached, and Taborr was eager to learn her plans for his ship. The Trandoshan informed Val Dorn that their plans to expand beyond Tenoo required a ship like the Talon to become the greatest pirates in the sector.

On the surface of Dedoon, the young Jedi, EB-3, and Pord devised a plan to rescue Taborr and the Talon. While the Jedi distracted Jarrot and Toda-Joh, EB-3 and Pord snuck onto the Talon. Taborr was shocked to see his friends, but more upset that his crew had brought the Jedi along, believing they would only make things worse. Unfortunately, Orryak overheard their conversation and confronted the gang, wielding Taborr's electrostaff. As the Trandoshan hunted EB-3 and Pord, they used their Jedi allies and various droids to confuse and distract Orryak. Pord then pulled the lever to seal the rear hatch, causing the many crates of cargo to fall on Orryak, trapping her under the rubble. The plan didn't hold for long, as Orryak escaped. Approaching Taborr to gloat, she tripped over a small droid, giving EB-3 and Pord an opening to release Taborr from the brig. Working together, the gang fought off the Trandoshan pirate and recovered their ship. Prompted by the Jedi, Taborr gave a rare thank you to his friends and to the Jedi.

The Opal Cave

On Ootoo Prime, Val Dorn devised a plan to clear portions of the Ootoo gem mines of workers by exploiting a folktale about a huge shadow monster that supposedly haunted the Opal Cave. He installed a speaker system, fog machines, and shadow puppets deep within the Opal Cave to scare off the miners. Soon, he, EB-3, and Pord began harvesting the valuable Ootooan Opal gems without interference from the local population.

Taborr and his gang in the Opal Cave on Ootoo Prime

Eventually, a visit from the young Jedi to the mine led to local Ayva Ackler and the Jedi uncovering Taborr's deception. After dismantling the fake shadow monster apparatus, they heard voices deeper in the cave and found Taborr's gang stealing the valuable opals. The Jedi soon overheard Taborr and EB-3 arguing over who came up with the plan, but decided to call for local reinforcements. Solay and Brightstar stayed behind to spy on the pirates as Nubs traveled back to the occupied portions of the mine.

Taborr and his gang disrupted the Jedi's plan by loading their stolen opals before Nubs could return with any locals. Improvising, Brightstar and Solay revealed themselves to stall Taborr, blocking his exit. In the ensuing fight, Val Dorn accidentally struck a load-bearing column with his electrostaff, triggering a cave-in. As the rubble cleared, Brightstar pleaded with Taborr not to steal the opals, as the gems were the Ootoo's livelihood. Taborr, however, believed that the Ootoo were too fearful, unlike himself. Interrupting his boast, several looming and ominous shadows began encroaching on Taborr's position. As the wails and moans persisted, Taborr confirmed that neither the Jedi nor his friends were creating the paranormal encounter. EB-3 and Taborr concluded that the legends of the shadow monster were actually true, and they fled towards their ship, leaving the Jedi to deal with the horrifying cave. Unbeknownst to Taborr, the scary shadows were illusions created by the Ootoo reinforcements called in by Nubs.

Groundquake on Vuundalla

That same year, a significant groundquake caused damage to Vuundir's home planet, Vuundalla. As part of the relief effort, a contingent of Jedi from the Tenoo Jedi Temple, including Jedi Master Zia Zaldorr Zanna, Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs, were sent to Vuundalla. They learned from villagers that the Vuundir royal family was providing little support, hoarding an abundance of supplies in their palace. As the Jedi arrived at the castle gates, Prince Cyrus Vuundir arrived on a landspeeder. He was surprised to see his sworn enemies, but remained composed as Master Zia explained their need to speak with his parents. The Jedi failed to recognize that the prince was actually their nemesis, Taborr Val Dorn.

In the throne room, King Pychor and Queen Dafne were annoyed by Cyrus interrupting their snacking, and were more concerned about the minor damage to their fathier stable than the needs of the villagers. When Master Zia emphasized the desperation of their people, the king and queen decided to send Cyrus to assist the Jedi, while Master Zia stayed behind to discuss Starlight Beacon with them. Cyrus told the young Jedi that the villagers always took care of themselves and that he had never even met them.

In the devastated village, Cyrus was shocked by the extent of the damage. A young girl, Mina, approached the group and profusely thanked Cyrus for his support, giving him a hug. Moved by the gesture, Cyrus dedicated himself to helping the village, despite the lack of support from his parents. He consulted the Jedi and planned to take supplies from the royal fathier stables for use in the village, claiming that his position as prince entitled him to do whatever he wanted. Brightstar then decided to join Cyrus on his mission.

At the fathier stables, Cyrus demanded that the droids hand over supplies, but they refused, as the orders of the king and queen superseded any orders from the prince. Cyrus defiantly ran to the hovercart and began to fight the droids, shutting them off one by one with a broom as Brightstar watched in horror. The ferocity of his attack, however, caused further damage to the stables. In the aftermath, Cyrus admitted to Brightstar that he was growing tired of everyone telling him what to do, especially the young Jedi, who always seemed to make things worse for him. Brightstar gave the prince a pep talk about how one can help people despite their age, as long as they choose to do so.

The boys rode the speeder, the supplies in tow, towards the village, but were stopped by a royal security droid demanding the return of the supplies and Cyrus to the palace. Cyrus found himself outmatched in combat by the droid, but Brightstar stepped in to support his new friend. Behind the boys, the king and queen announced their presence and demanded an explanation for his behavior. He shared with them the true need the village faced, and his parents admitted their pride in his gumption, committing to sharing some supplies. Their attention was soon diverted once more to political matters of the Outer Rim, leaving Cyrus feeling ignored by his parents once again.

Back in the village, the Jedi finished reconstructing Mina's home, and Cyrus was touched by Mina's appreciation for the difference he made. Cyrus and Brightstar shared a moment of banter before Brightstar realized he had never properly introduced himself to the prince. The Jedi extended his hand, and Cyrus hesitantly shook it, accepting the introduction. The boys, now friends, then continued their work to repair the village.

Confronting the Comet Runners

Returning to Tenoo, Taborr Val Dorn and his gang shot down and raided the Jedi ship Star Seeker, stealing a crate filled with valuable artifacts from across the galaxy. The droid pilot OG-LC requested help from his friends, the young Jedi, who quickly arrived at the scene. The droid showed the younglings the scan of the Iron Talon, and the Jedi immediately recognized it. They also correctly predicted that Taborr would head to Yarrum Tower, hoping to sell the valuable items.

The Comet Runners preparing to face off against Taborr's gang and the young Jedi.

In the bustling Yarrum Tower marketplace, Corr Taldaan and his notorious Comet Runners crew, a group of pirates that Taborr greatly admired, noticed him. The seasoned pirates, without a second thought, seized the crate, intending to sell its contents on Crescent Island. As the Comet Runners walked away, taunting Taborr, the young pirate was overcome with rage, and he impulsively attacked them with his electrostaff. Taldaan, unfazed by the attack, used ropes to easily subdue Taborr's entire gang before departing with the stolen Jedi artifacts.

Taborr and his crew were soon discovered by a young Jedi, who proposed a deal: he would free the pirates if they provided information about the artifacts' location. Reluctantly, Taborr recounted his encounter with the Comet Runners. The Jedi and the young pirates forged an alliance, with the Jedi seeking to recover the artifacts and Taborr aiming to prove his worth by defeating the Comet Runners. Together, they boarded the Iron Talon and set course for Crescent Island.

Upon arriving at the small, sandy island, Taborr and his companions infiltrated the Comet Runners' vessel, only to find it deserted. However, their search led them into a trap, as Taldaan imprisoned them behind an energy gate. The Comet Runners, once again, mocked Taborr's incompetence before leaving to meet with a potential buyer. Overwhelmed by a sense of failure, Taborr despaired that his youth would forever prevent him from achieving his dream of becoming a great pirate. Encouraged by the Jedi, he began to devise a plan, aiming to use their perceived insignificance as an advantage.

The next time the Comet Runners' droid approached their cell, Nubs feigned an urgent need for a refresher. The group skillfully played on the droid's perception of them as harmless children, and it relented, deactivating the shield. Seizing the opportunity, the Jedi used the Force to hurl the droid against crates across the ship's cargo bay, before the entire group raced to intercept the Comet Runners. A fierce battle ensued, with Taborr's gang supporting the Jedi and vice versa, ultimately leading to the Comet Runners' defeat. Impressed by Taborr's leadership, Taldaan inquired about the young pirate's name, which he proudly revealed. The kids successfully retrieved the stolen artifacts, returning them to OG-LC. Taborr even relinquished the goods willingly, as he had achieved his true goal: establishing a reputation for himself within the pirate community.

The Dedication of Starlight Beacon

As the Dedication of the Starlight Beacon neared, Taborr saw a chance to make a name for himself by stealing the dedication plaque from the massive space station. He reasoned that such a daring act against a location so important to the Jedi would solidify his reputation as the greatest pirate in the sector. He instructed EB-3 and Pord to remain aboard the Iron Talon, ready to create a diversion if needed.

Arriving on Vuundalla, Taborr removed his helmet and pirate attire, transforming back into Prince Cyrus Vuundir just as his parents surprised him at his workshop, believing he was simply playing with toys. Cyrus and his parents then traveled to Starlight Beacon. After the royal family entered a large atrium within the station, the king and queen left Cyrus to explore on his own. Before he could set his plan in motion, Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs approached, delighted to see their friend. Maintaining his composure, he noted the location where the dedication plaque was to be displayed, on a collection of tall rocks nestled between two curved staircases. Jedi Master Estala Maru, the head of Jedi operations on Starlight, confirmed that the plaque would be securely stored until the dedication ceremonies began.

Seeing an opportunity to execute his heist, Cyrus persuaded the young Jedi to give him a tour of the space station. While touring an art museum filled with pieces donated by Republic member worlds, Cyrus's disguise was nearly compromised by persistent comms messages from EB-3 aboard the Talon. Fortunately, he managed to pass off the comms chatter as being from his parents. Deciding to expedite his plan, he asked the Jedi if he could see the dedication plaque up close. The trusting Jedi younglings readily agreed to take him to the storage room.

The sprawling, crowded storage room made it difficult for the younglings to immediately locate the plaque, so Cyrus seized the opportunity to convince the group to split up. This allowed him to contact the Iron Talon, instructing his gang to create a distraction. He was nearly discovered by Brightstar, but the two searched together and finally found the plaque sealed within a glass container. Before they could approach, the Jedi received an urgent comm from Nash Durango, alerting them to Taborr's chaotic flying near the station. Cyrus couldn't resist suggesting that even he had heard of Taborr Val Dorn, implying the pirate was skilled and daring. The young Jedi departed to meet with Master Maru, leaving Cyrus alone with the dedication plaque.

The dedication plaque for Starlight Beacon nearly stolen by Vuundir.

Once the Jedi were gone, Cyrus retrieved his pirate helmet from his bag, transforming into Taborr Val Dorn once again. EB-3 and Pord managed to hold out only briefly before two Jedi vectors forced the Iron Talon to retreat. As the young Jedi hurried back to the storage room to reunite with Prince Cyrus, they discovered Taborr Val Dorn cutting a hole into the plaque's case. Realizing Cyrus was missing and Taborr had his bag, they assumed Taborr had harmed Cyrus, accusing the pirate of finally going too far by stealing the dedication plaque. They ignited their lightsabers, and Taborr used his vambrace to knock a stack of crates onto the Jedi. Spotting a grate in the ceiling, he used an ascension cable to reach it.

The Jedi pursued Taborr as he sprinted towards his parents' ship. However, the Jedi caught up, and used the Force to try to steal his bag, but they lost their grip on it, sending it launching into a trash shoot. Taborr wasted no time in leaping after it, with Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs following close behind. The four landed in a smelly trash compactor, but Taborr couldn’t find the bag containing the plaque. The Jedi demanded to know where Cyrus was. Taborr was surprised they seemed to care more about the prince than the plaque. They told him they of course cared more about their friend than an object. After considering that they might actually accept him for who he is, Cyrus prepared to take his helmet off and reveal his identity to the Jedi when the trash compactor began to close in.

As the walls closed in, Taborr desperately searched for the plaque while Solay looked for a way out. She spotted a platform high above the compactor walls, and used Force jumps to ascend before lowering a rope for the others. Taborr finally located the plaque in the murky waters, but his ankle became entangled in scrap. He pleaded for the Jedi's help, and Brightstar came to his rescue, extending his hand. After thanking the Jedi, Taborr grappled up to the platform alone and resumed running while the Jedi were still working to escape the trash compactor.

In the hallways, they followed the mechanical buzzing of busted door controls to find Taborr in a large reactor room on the station. Brightstar intercepted the pirate on a bridge, questioning why he would go to such lengths for a simple plaque. Knowing the Jedi would not give up, Taborr charged at Brightstar with his electrostaff, the two dueling atop the bridge. He asked Brightstar why they cared about the weak little Prince Cyrus, and Brightstar shared that Cyrus had a good heart and was strong. Taborr bested the Jedi youngling in combat, and grumbled that Cyrus was not strong; his parents ruled over the planet caring for no one but themselves, so Cyrus was weak because he could not do anything to help others. Without revealing his identity, he admitted that he did things like steal the plaque because it was something he actually could do, which was real power.

Distracted by his monologue, Solay and Nubs were able to sneak up behind Taborr and Force pull the plaque from him, reclaiming it. Surrounded by lightsabers, Taborr promised to tell them where Cyrus was on the condition that they let him leave. As a show of good faith, he called the Iron Talon and asked them to release Prince Cyrus immediately, even though he was never actually captured. EB-3 and Pord played along, ameliorating the Jedi. He ensured they did not follow by threatening that they would never see Cyrus again.

At the dedication plaque ceremony, the young Jedi were reunited with Prince Cyrus, and he lied to them that he was in the pirates' captivity and was only set free because of his friends, friends the likes of which he had never had before. Cyrus watched as Grand Master Yoda gave a dedication speech for the plaque and the station it represented. As the room cleared, the others making their way to a speech from Chancellor Lina Soh, Cyrus contemplated the plaque. He was approached by Yoda, who sensed much conflict in the prince, but also greatness if he would make the right choices going forwards, as the future was up to him. Considering that, Cyrus joined the young Jedi in an assembly room for another dedication ceremony.

Behind the scenes

India Boeckh was responsible for designing Cyrus Vuundir

Cyrus Vuundir's first appearance, in his pirate disguise, was in the short "Nash's Firehawk Frenzy," which premiered on April 17, 2023, as the fifth short released leading up to the debut of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. Trey Murphy provides his voice. India Boeckh is credited with his design.

The character was initially mentioned—as Taborr—in a article that announced the television series' publishing program, published on February 9 of that year, and was first identified as Taborr Val Dorn in a article published on April 10. Cyrus Vuundir was first introduced in the Young Jedi Adventures episode "Aftershock," but his connection to Taborr Val-Dorn wasn't revealed until the first season finale, "The Prince and the Pirate". Both of these episodes were released on February 14, 2024. In "The Prince and the Pirate," his last name was spelled Val-Dorn, differing from the previous spelling of Val Dorn used by The 2024 Dorling Kindersley reference book, Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy, mistakenly identifies Vuundir as human.

