The Prince and the Pirate

"The Prince And The Pirate," the twenty-fifth installment of the Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures animated series, premiered on Disney+ on February 14, 2024, and subsequently on Disney Junior on March 15, 2024.

Storyline Summary

Training in the Morning

Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs engage in an early morning training session, striving to surpass their previous record on the course by reaching a platform adorned with the Jedi flag. The platform is surrounded by several wooden logs and guarded by five training droids. Solay draws the droids away while Brightstar and Nubs attempt to reach the flag. When a training droid obstructs their path, Nubs uses the Force to lift Brightstar, enabling him to reach the top of the log. However, he is then surrounded by the training droids.

Nub's friends come to his aid, and the trio employs their Force abilities to repel the droids. Despite the opposition, they successfully reach the beacon and surpass their record. The three Jedi Initiates celebrate their achievement and eagerly anticipate attending the upcoming dedication of the space station known as Starlight Beacon. Shortly after, Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna contacts them, informing the younglings that Nash Durango awaits them.

Upon reaching the landing field, they find both a Jedi shuttle and Durango's Crimson Firehawk parked there. Master Zia is present with several other Jedi younglings, including Djovi Resmia. Durango and RJ-83 appear weary and uninterested. Solay encourages her friend by mentioning the presence of other starships. As they board the Firehawk, Master Zia assures them that she will see them at the station.

Cyrus's Secret Identity

In another location, EB-3 and Pord are in conversation regarding Taborr Val Dorn's impending scheme to pilfer the Starlight Beacon's dedication plague using a holoprojector. Both EB-3 and Pord voice their concerns about Val Dorn's mission due to the significant Jedi presence. Val Dorn assures them that he possesses a method of entering the space station that no other pirate has. He reveals to his associates his intention to steal the dedication plaque to establish himself as the most formidable pirate in Tenoo's sector. Val Dorn instructs them to prepare the Iron Talon as a contingency. He wants them to create a diversion for the Jedi while he steals the plaque.

Within his workshop, Val Dorn removes his helmet, revealing his true identity as Prince Cyrus Vuundir. His mother, Queen Dafne Vuundir, knocks on the door. Upon Cyrus opening the door, Dafne comments on his playing with toys, while King Pychor Vuundir reminds Cyrus of their upcoming trip to Starlight Beacon. The protocol droid CK-38 reminds the royal family that they have to leave. Cyrus muses that stealing from the Jedi will be entertaining.

Exploring Starlight Beacon

Numerous starships orbit Starlight Beacon, which itself orbits the planet Eiram. After the Jedi younglings disembark, Durango and RJ-83 head off to observe the arriving starships. Upon entering the main hall, they notice Prince Cyrus, unaware of his pirate persona. While his parents depart to converse with a senator, the three Jedi greet him. Cyrus worries that the Jedi presence will impede his plan to steal the dedication plaque and conceal it on his parents' starship but puts on a friendly face. When Brightstar invites Cyrus on a tour, he attempts to decline but notices a spot on the stone where the dedication plaque will go.

Shortly after, Master Zia and Master Estala Maru greet the younglings. When Cyrus inquires about the dedication plaque, Maru discloses that it will be stored in a secure storeroom until the dedication ceremony. The two Masters then leave to welcome visitors from Coruscant. Cyrus requests to accompany the Jedi younglings on a tour of Starlight Beacon. They escort Cyrus to an art gallery showcasing art donated by member worlds of the Galactic Republic. Brightstar explains that the station was constructed to connect the worlds of the Outer Rim Territories and mentions that it also houses a hospital.

During the tour, EB-3 attempts to contact Val Dorn via comlink, but he is engrossed in the tour. When EB-3 amplifies the signal, Cyrus asks the Jedi younglings to show him the dedication plaque, which turns out to be a large chamber with numerous shelves and crates. When alone, Cyrus tells EB-3 that he is in the storeroom with plaque but that the Jedi are also present. He asks EB-3 to stage a distraction. When Brightstar approaches, Cyrus claims he was talking with his parents. The two find the dedication plaque, which is store within a secure glass safe.

Creating a Diversion

At that moment, Durango contacts the Jedi via comlink, informing them that Val Dorn's starship, the Iron Talon, is circling their hangar bay. Solay wonders what Val Dorn is up to. Cyrus asks if Taborr is the kid pirate he has been hearing about. Brightstar suspects Val Dorn intends to steal something, while Nubs growls. Brightstar decides they should inform Master Maru and tells Durango to inform them about Taborr's movements. While the three younglings leave to inform Master Maru, Cyrus dons his pirate helmet.

While racing through the corridors of Starlight Beacon, Nubs bumps into Master Maru. Nubs tries to explain in Poobian. Brightstar and Solay explain that Taborr's pirate ship is circling the space station. When two Jedi Vectors approach, EB-3 flies the Iron Talon away in a feint retreat. The Vectors assume that the pirates have gone. The Jedi younglings return to the store room only to find Val Dorn slicing through the safe containing the dedication plaque. When Brightstar asks how he got here, Val Dorn boasts that he can sneak through anywhere.

When Solay asks what Val Dorn is doing with Cyrus' bag, Val Dorn replies "wouldn't you like to know." Brightstar asks what he has done with Prince Cyrus and condemns Val Dorn for stealing the dedication plaque. When the Jedi draw their training lightsabers, Val Dorn releases a sonic emitter that topples several crates, separating the Jedi from him. He uses the sonic emitter to blast open the ceiling hatch and uses a grappling cable to flee into the ventilation shafts. The Jedi younglings use crates to follow him into the shafts.

Chasing Taborr

Later, Val Dorn races through the corridors towards his parent's ship. Before he can climb into the trash chute, Brightstar and his friends catch up with him. Following a struggle, he jumps into the trash chute. Brightstar and a reluctant Nubs and Solay jump after them into the watery garbage compactor. Val Dorn panics after losing the dedication plaque. When the Jedi demand to know what he has done to Prince Cyrus, Val Dorn asks why aren't they concerned with the dedication plague first. Brightstar responds that they do care for the plaque but are more concerned with living beings like Cyrus. Brightstar describes Cyrus as their friend while Solay pleads with him.

Before Val Dorn can remove his helmet, the garbage compactor begins shaking. With the walls closing, the Jedi decide they should escape. Solay spots a walkway above and tells Nubs to use the Force to give her a boost. Once at the top, Solay releases a grappling cable for her comrades to climb. Val Dorn is stuck and Brightstar helps free him from the debris. Once free, Val Dorn uses his grappling cable to flee up the walkway. Solay pulls Nubs up. Together, the two Jedi pull Brightstar up before the walls of the trash compactor close.

Confrontation with Taborr

Upon reaching the corridors, Brightstar is determined to locate Val Dorn in order to find Prince Cyrus. Hearing mechanical whizzing, they find a malfunctioning door. Val Dorn flees into Starlight Beacon's reactor shaft and uses his grappling cable to ascend to the top of the generator. The Jedi follow him. Brightstar tells his friends that he will keep Val Dorn distracted while the two of them get into position behind him. Brightstar Force jumps and blocks Val Dorn's path on a walkway. When Brightstar asks why is obsessed with the dedication plaque, Val Dorn derides his opponent as ignorant and attacks him with his double-bladed electrostaff.

Brightstar fights back with his lightsaber, slicing through a few handles. Val Dorn demands why Brightstar cares about Prince Cyrus. Brightstar responds that he has seen Cyrus help his people and that he has a good heart and is strong. Val Dorn continues the attack but Brightstar manages to disarm him, knocking the staff out of his hand. Val Dorn fires his energy emitter, which burns a hole through the walkway. Val Dorn says that Cyrus' parents are indulgent rulers who don't care about their people and derides Cyrus as weak and impotent. Val Dorn claims that he has real power by being free to do what he wants.

As Solay and Nubs approach Val Dorn from behind, Brightstar counters that real power comes from people working together. Brightstar dismisses Val Dorn as selfish and says that is why he will lose. At Brightstar's signal, Solay and Nubs use their Force powers to retrieve the dedication plaque. With Val Dorn surrounded, Brightstar reiterates his demand that he reveal where Cyrus is. Val Dorn demands that they let him leave in return. When Solay asks why they should believe him, Val Dorn contacts EB-3 and Pord, telling them to release Prince Cyrus immediately. The two reaction with confusion but EB-3 decides they should play along. EB-3 says they will release Prince Cyrus soon.

Val Dorn claims that the Prince will soon return to Starlight Beacon and demands that the Jedi let him leave. Brightstar doesn't trust him but Val Dorn promises to return Cyrus to his friend. The Jedi reluctantly uphold their promise. As he leaves, Val Dorn warns them not to follow him or they will never see Cyrus again.

The Dedication Event

The Jedi return to the dedication ceremony, which proceeds without incident. The Jedi younglings share their adventure with Val Dorn to Durango and RJ-83, who are surprised that Val Dorn managed to infiltrate Starlight Beacon. Shortly later, a tired Prince Cyrus resurfaces. He claims that the pirates let him go and tells the three younglings that he never had friends like them. Master Zia introduces Master Yoda, who says the plaque will remind them of Starlight Beacon's mission to unite the galaxy with hope. The crowd cheers and clap their hands. The group heads to the Assembly room where Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh is going to give an address. Yoda speaks to the Jedi younglings about their adventure finding the dedication plaque. He praises them for caring for others and tells them that he senses they are destined for greatness.

The dedication of the Starlight Beacon

Following the Jedi's departure, Yoda engages in conversation with Prince Cyrus. He conveys that he senses significant conflict within him but that he still possesses the potential for greatness if he makes the right choices. Yoda informs Cyrus that the future rests in his hands. Cyrus rejoins his Jedi companions, Durango, and RJ-83 in the assembly room, where they are joined by Padawan Bell Zettifar and his charhound Ember. Brightstar speaks with Ember and gets permission to stay with Zettifar for the ceremony. Chancellor Soh delivers a speech outlining Starlight Beacon's mission to promote friendships and connections. The Jedi attendees shout for "light and life" while raising their lightsabers. Brightstar smiles at Cyrus, who smiles back.


