Dafne Vuundir

Dafne Vuundir reigned as the queen of the planet called Vuundalla. Alongside her spouse, King Pychor Vuundir, she governed the world. While generally indifferent to the needs of their populace, the royal couple maintained a keen interest in broader galactic affairs, especially those concerning Starlight Beacon. As the parent of Prince Cyrus Vuundir, she remained ignorant of his secret identity as the pirate Taborr Val Dorn, simply thinking of his workshop as a place for recreational activities. After a groundquake struck Vuundalla, Cyrus persuaded her to reallocate resources earmarked for the reconstruction of the family's secondary fathier stable towards the recovery of a village situated close to the palace. Dafne Vuundir attended the dedication of Starlight Beacon.

Behind the scenes

The character of Dafne Vuundir made her debut appearance in the concluding episodes of season one of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, and then again in the season finale. Her voice was provided by Sharon Muthu, who acted in conjunction with her husband, Noshir Dalal, the voice actor for King Pychor.

