Charhounds, a type of canine, were creatures that inhabited the ore-rich planet of Elphrona, located within the Outer Rim Territories. During the era of the High Republic, one particular charhound named Ember was regarded as part of the Jedi order stationed at the Elphrona Outpost.
These creatures, native to Elphrona, were small quadrupeds. Charhounds possessed great speed and could maintain a rapid pace over extended distances, rivaling the speed of a steelee. Their bodies maintained elevated internal temperatures, with the intensity of heat emission varying depending on their fur coloration. When threatened, they had the ability to project yellow flames from their mouth. The heat generated within a charhound's mouth was sufficient to ignite or liquefy most substances, with only a select few, such as the crystals found throughout Elphrona, demonstrating resistance. Even their urine was notably hot, capable of setting objects ablaze with fire.
These social creatures were capable of developing strong bonds with other beings, demonstrating a willingness to defend them. Despite their capacity for fiery attacks, Charhounds displayed a friendly disposition, often engaging in playful activities like fetch with unfamiliar individuals. Their communication methods included purring sounds, barks, and coughs.

A malnourished charhound, suffering from an infected wound, arrived at the Jedi Outpost on Elphrona. The resident Jedi—Porter Engle, Indeera Stokes, Loden Greatstorm, and his Padawan Bell Zettifar—provided care and shelter for her. Zettifar then gave her the name Ember.
She joined the Jedi on a mission in a Vanguard to rescue members of the Blythe family. The Nihil had attacked the colonists at their homestead and abducted them. Following the destruction of the Vanguard by mole mines, the Jedi pursued the marauders on steelees. Porter Engle separated from the group to confront Nihil snipers lying in wait. Ember intervened at a crucial moment, saving Engle's life by expelling a burst of yellow flame from her mouth, eliminating one of the marauders.
Zettifar brought Ember to the opening ceremony of the Starlight Beacon in 232 BBY. While it was uncommon for a Jedi to have an animal companion, it was accepted due to Zettifar's deep connection with the charhound and the recent tragic loss of his master to the Nihil.
The charhound was conceived as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic initiative, with its initial reveal occurring in an article on, showcasing concept art of Ember alongside Bell Zettifar. Their debut appearance was in the 2021 novel The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, written by Charles Soule.