
Elphrona, situated in the Outer Rim Territories, was a rocky planet. This world served as the location of a long-standing High Republic Era Jedi outpost, essentially a repository for various artifacts. While on a mission to re-establish the Jedi Order, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, accompanied by explorer Lor San Tekka and his apprentice, Ben Solo, journeyed to this outpost. Following the destruction of Skywalker's Jedi temple, Solo, with intentions of aligning himself with the dark side group known as the Knights of Ren, was pursued to Elphrona by three surviving students of Skywalker: Hennix, Tai, and Voe. The ensuing duel resulted in the death of Hennix, while Solo managed to escape, leaving Tai and Voe stranded within the ruined Jedi outpost.


Elphrona, a terrestrial planet characterized by its rocky landscape, was positioned near the Unknown Regions on the edge of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. The terrain of Elphrona, an [ore](/article/ore]-rich world, was composed of [iron](/article/iron] hills, cliffs, and mountains. It possessed a breathable [atmosphere](/article/atmosphere] for numerous species, including [humans](/article/human], but the conditions were harsh. Certain regions exhibited magnetic properties that rendered air travel impossible, with the intense magnetic field lines significantly shaping the planet's unique topography. Rust storms were a common meteorological occurrence. Local inhabitants considered natural rainfall to be exceptionally rare, sometimes experiencing decade-long intervals between rain events. Nevertheless, Elphrona contained some natural water sources located in underground reservoirs and lakes deep beneath its mineral-abundant surface.

The native wildlife included chromants, steelees, and canine [creatures](/article/species] referred to as charhounds.


Jedi activity

Elphrona was visited by the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era, a time when Jedi influence expanded throughout the galaxy. They erected an outpost into the side of a cliff. The Jedi utilized this outpost to safeguard a variety of artifacts. By 382 BBY, the outpost was operational and under the marshalship of Jedi Master Rinn. After learning of the deaths of Jedi Master Zallah Macri and her Padawan Kevmo Zink on the planet Dalna caused by an unknown weapon, Jedi Knight Azlin Rell journeyed to Elphrona with their remains to meet with Rinn—whom Rell had known since he was a Padawan—and share his discovery. In response, Rinn took Rell with him to the Core Worlds planet Coruscant, where they shared the news with the Jedi High Council themselves. Unnerved by the entire ordeal, Rell himself had wanted Rinn to fully take over the investigation, yet he remained involved as matters spun out of control into the Battle of Dalna two months after his discovery.

Later, during the High Republic Era, Loden Greatstorm, a Jedi Master, was stationed at the outpost alongside his Padawan, Bell Zettifar, maintaining peace. While on Elphrona, Zettifar had a pet charhound named Ember and often enjoyed exploring the planet's hills with it. Master Porter Engle and Jedi Knight Indeera Stokes were also stationed at the outpost. Marchion Ro, the Eye of the Nihil, knowing about the outpost and anticipating the Nihil's potential success in capturing a Jedi, authorized a raid on Elphrona in 232 BBY.

New Republic Era

Luke Skywalker confronts the Knights of Ren in the outpost on Elphrona.

In 19 ABY, many years after the fall of the Jedi Order and during Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's efforts to rebuild it, he, along with his student, Ben Solo, and the explorer Lor San Tekka, who had become aware of the planet and its outpost, visited Elphrona. Simultaneously, the Knights of Ren, a dark side group led by the enigmatic "Ren," infiltrated the Jedi outpost, seeking to steal the artifacts for their own purposes. Skywalker, aiming to secure the artifacts for his new Jedi Order, encountered the Knights within the outpost. Skywalker confronted the Knights, refusing to allow them to take the artifacts. The Jedi Master defeated the Knights of Ren, whose leader agreed to leave, but not before attempting to tempt Solo to turn to the dark side and join them.

Ben Solo destroys the Elphrona Outpost.

In 28 ABY, after witnessing the destruction of Skywalker's Jedi temple and believing he had killed Skywalker, Solo, seeking out the Knights of Ren, went back to the Jedi outpost on Elphrona. He donned Ren's mask, which had been left in the outpost for Solo to eventually discover. Communicating with Ren through the mask, Solo received instructions to travel to Varnak, a world in the Mid Rim. However, before his departure, he was confronted by Hennix, Tai, and Voe, three former students of Skywalker who had survived the temple's destruction.

Defending himself from his attackers, who held him responsible for the temple's destruction, Solo engaged his former comrades in a duel. Solo leapt to the summit of a cliff, where Voe pursued him. Consumed by anger, Solo attempted to use the Force push to knock Voe off the cliff, but was attacked by Hennix, who hurled his [lightsaber](/article/lightsaber] at Solo. While attempting to deflect the lightsaber, Solo killed Hennix, and subsequently chose to spare the other two students, trapping them inside the Jedi outpost and collapsing it on top of them. Solo left Elphrona, making his way to Varnak, where he reunited with Ren and the Knights of Ren.

A research mission

In 34 ABY, the Safari droid SF-R3 from the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts traveled to Elphrona to investigate whether charhounds played fetch. Aree journeyed to a cave on the planet and located a charhound. However, when he attempted to play fetch with the charhound, the rod was burned by the charhound's intense heat. Aree then tried a reinforced rod, which also burned. Aree kept trying different rods, provided by CAM who took them from his ship. The rods all burned. About to give up, Aree noticed some heat resistant [crystals](/article/crystal]. Trying to play fetch one last time, the heat-resistant crystals worked, and Aree played fetch with the charhound.


Elphrona was the site of an ancient Jedi outpost, established during the High Republic era. This outpost suffered partial destruction when Ben Solo collapsed the ruins, intending to trap Tai and Voe within.

Behind the scenes

Elphrona made its debut appearance in The Rise of Kylo Ren 2, a comic book penned by Charles Soule, illustrated by Will Sliney, and released by Marvel Comics on January 8, 2020. In issue 13 of Soule's comic book series Star Wars, the astronomical object Tempes is mistakenly referred to as Elphrona.

