The Rise of Kylo Ren #2 represents the second installment of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren. Charles Soule served as the writer, Will Sliney provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics initially released it on January 8, 2020.
SNOKE'S INFLUENCE DEEPENS! BEN SOLO CONFRONTS THE KNIGHTS OF REN! The new Jedi academy lies in ruins, and his fellow students, believing him responsible for their master's demise, are hunting him. Ben Solo seeks refuge with his only remaining ally in the galaxy: Snoke. However, Snoke harbors ambitions for Ben and possesses Force-related concepts that are both perilous and captivating to the conflicted young Jedi. If Ben desires true liberation, the dark side might hold the answers, along with the Knights of Ren! But this isn't their first encounter. Previously, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker ventured into the Unknown Regions, accompanied by young Ben on the mission. Can even Luke Skywalker withstand the might of the legendary Knights of Ren?!
Snoke engages in conversation with Ben Solo on the Amaxine Space Station. He points out that the station was constructed by individuals aiming to establish a beacon of light amidst "the great shadow," but their efforts fell short. Solo expresses his belief to Snoke that he could gain knowledge from the Knights of Ren. Snoke concurs but cautions that the Knights might hesitate to enlist a former Jedi, especially one bearing the name Ben Solo. Ben voices his aversion to that name, citing its creation of unrealistic expectations.
A First Order sentry droid informs Snoke about an incoming transmission from General Brendol Hux. Snoke instructs the droid to relay to Hux that he is unavailable for communication at the moment. Solo inquires with Snoke about Hux's identity. Snoke responds that Solo is not his sole acquaintance and then asks Solo for his authentic name, asserting that embracing the dark side of the Force will unlock his truest self. Snoke discerns the name within Solo's thoughts and commends it. Solo counters, stating that it was a name he conceived as a child. Snoke retorts that this is precisely why it is fitting, as children's thoughts are untainted and devoid of deceit.
Snoke posits that associating with the Knights could mark the initial stride in Solo's journey toward self-discovery. Solo presses him for their whereabouts, and Snoke replies that he must locate them independently, beginning at their previous meeting place. Snoke emphasizes the imperative of joining the Knights, warning that failure carries a death sentence.
Years prior, Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Lor San Tekka are traveling aboard a starship en route to a Jedi outpost situated on Elphrona. Skywalker questions Tekka's certainty regarding the existence of a Jedi outpost so distant from the Core Worlds. Tekka affirms that his travels have enabled him to recognize descriptions of Jedi outposts. Simultaneously, Snoke communicates telepathically with Solo, inquiring about his well-being. Solo replies that they are headed to an outpost on the fringe of the Outer Rim to retrieve "junk Master Luke will lock away in his temple and never use." Solo is irritated by Skywalker's perceived obstruction of his potential as a Force-user.
Upon arriving on Elphrona, the trio observes that the outpost's entrance has remained untouched since the High Republic Era. Skywalker cautions Solo to exercise caution, alluding to a past incident involving a booby-trapped lightsaber.

Inside the outpost, they encounter numerous artifacts, prompting Tekka to speculate that the Jedi utilized the outpost for storage purposes. Skywalker uncovers a Jedi holocron, while Solo stumbles upon a lightsaber rifle. Abruptly, both master and Padawan sense a presence and turn to face the assembled Knights of Ren. The Knights' leader, Ren, declares that everything within the outpost belongs to him and his comrades. Skywalker retorts that it is rightfully his, as it is a Jedi outpost and he is the last Jedi. Ren, declaring their intent to seize what they seek, activates his lightsaber. Skywalker instructs Tekka to remain uninvolved in the conflict and commands Solo to safeguard him. Tekka protests that Skywalker cannot prevail against seven Knights alone. Skywalker, igniting his lightsaber, confidently replies that he will manage.
Ren commands the Knights to assail Skywalker. Evading their attacks, Skywalker employs the Force to repel the Knights, hurling them against the outpost's walls. Observing from the sidelines, Tekka expresses astonishment at Skywalker's prowess. Skywalker inquires whether the Knights have had enough. Ren responds that they still possess numerical superiority. Skywalker levitates their weapons and crushes them, leaving only Ren armed. Ren activates a switch on his lightsaber, warning Skywalker that any separation of the weapon from his grasp will trigger an explosion, resulting in their collective demise. He further asserts his ability to sense the dark side within Solo. Skywalker demands Ren's departure. Ren complies, but first removes his mask. He questions Solo's conviction in remaining a Jedi and encourages him to contact the Knights should he wish to further explore his dark side inclinations.
In the present, Solo discovers Ren's discarded helmet on the Jedi outpost floor. Donning it, he receives a transmission from Ren directing him to Varnak, the Knights' current location. Solo removes the mask and is admiring it when he is confronted by Hennix, Tai, and Voe.
In the process of crafting this issue, the writer Charles Soule possessed privileged knowledge of the then-unreleased 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, which unveiled Snoke's status as a pawn of Darth Sidious.
Within The Rise of Kylo Ren #2, Luke Skywalker makes reference to Jocasta Nu's cache. This cache initially surfaced in Soule's 2017 comic book series Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017), specifically discovered by Skywalker in the series' tenth issue.
- UPC 759606097418; January 8 , 2020 ; Marvel Comics ; First printing [1] 00211; Cover A; Clayton Crain 00221; Cover B; Jodie Muir
- UPC 759606097418; February 12 , 2020; Marvel Comics; Second printing [6] 00212; Cover C; Will Sliney
- UPC 759606097418; March 18 , 2020; Marvel Comics; Third printing [7] 00213; Cover D; Clayton Crain