Darth Vader #10 marks the tenth installment in the canon comic book series titled Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017). The narrative was penned by Charles Soule, with illustrations crafted by Giuseppe Camuncoli. Marvel Comics released it on January 10, 2018.
At the site of the former Jedi Temple, Darth Vader commands Jedi Master Jocasta Nu to relinquish her lightsaber rifle, sensing her reluctance to meet her end. Master Nu, overwhelmed by the dark side energy emanating from Vader, distrusts him and opens fire. Recognizing Lord Vader as the former Anakin Skywalker, she berates him for becoming a pawn of Emperor Palpatine. Nu boldly declares to Skywalker that the Sith cannot extinguish the light side, asserting that the Force is eternal and unstoppable as long as life persists. She proclaims that the Force will continuously discover new hosts and that the Jedi will inevitably rise again.
Before Master Nu can unleash another barrage, she discovers that the lightsaber rifle has caused her lightsaber to overheat. Darth Vader demands her surrender, promising her safety. Instead, she throws the rifle at Vader, who deflects it using the Force. The lightsaber rifle collides with a bookcase, triggering an explosion that breaches the wall. After acquiring a green lightsaber, Master Nu descends into the Temple, entering a zone of intense gunfire.
Clone Commander Fox instructs the squads in Quadrant Four to maintain their position until reinforcements arrive. Wielding the lightsaber and her Force abilities, Master Nu assaults the Clone troopers, casting them off a platform. Lord Vader pursues her but is caught in friendly fire from the Clone troopers, who mistake him for another Jedi. Commander Fox arrives in an LAAT/le patrol gunship and observes Nu and Vader under attack. He orders the Clone troopers to cease firing on Vader, identifying him as an ally. However, Lord Vader, enraged that Commander Fox failed to inform the Clone troopers of his presence, uses the Force to snap his neck, resulting in his death.
Following a short skirmish, the Clones trap Master Nu near the edge of a platform. After Master Nu loses her lightsaber, the Clone troopers and Lord Vader attempt to capture her alive. In response, she leaps over the edge, attempting suicide to prevent the Sith from obtaining the information they seek. However, Lord Vader employs the Force to levitate her back onto the platform. He then commands the Clone troopers to transport her onto the patrol gunship.
Onboard the patrol gunship, a Clone trooper presents Master Nu's memory crystal to Lord Vader. After inserting it into his belt, Lord Vader discerns that it contains a database of numerous Force-sensitive individuals throughout the galaxy, including Darien Whit, Scape Loewig, Devin Hvitur, Alaytia Taverre, Kris Elioup, Annali Bissa, Nik Lowe and Jacque Porte, whom he concludes the Jedi intended to recruit into the Jedi Order.
When Darth Vader interrogates Master Nu about the list, she mocks him, implying that he is unaware of his Sith master's true intentions in ordering her capture. Nu informs Lord Vader that the Emperor plans to use her database to enlist more Sith. Attempting to sow discord between Vader and the Emperor, she questions him about his desires. When a Clone trooper suggests stunning the Jedi prisoner, Master Nu reveals that Darth Vader is a Jedi Knight named Anakin Skywalker. Before the Clones can react, Lord Vader uses the Force to eject them from the gunship.
Darth Vader holds Master Nu responsible for the demise of the Clone troopers, but she retorts that they chose their own destiny. With the pilotless patrol ship hurtling toward a crash, Master Nu accepts her fate. The patrol ship crashes, resulting in Master Nu's death, but Lord Vader survives. Lord Vader informs the Emperor that Master Nu perished during an escape attempt. When the Sith Lord inquires if he gleaned any information from Master Nu before her death, Lord Vader claims he learned nothing but secretly destroys the memory crystal to prevent the Emperor from recruiting Sith rivals.
On Master Nu's hidden sanctuary world, her elderly companion Gar learns of her death. Following her instructions, he triggers an explosion that buries her secret Jedi academy. The comic concludes with Master Nu's assertion that the Force will always discover new hosts and that the Jedi will return when the time is opportune. Years later, Luke Skywalker uncovers Master Nu's secret academy and the holocrons within.
In one instance, Commander Fox is mistakenly referred to as a lieutenant.
The translated Aurebesh list displayed in Darth Vader's helmet reads: "Darien Whit - Alderaan, Scape Loewig - Cathar, Devin Hvitur - Bespin, Alaytia Taverre - Kessel, Kris Elioup - Eadu, Annali Bissa - Corellia, Nik Lowe - Mustafar, Jacque Porte - D'Qar."
- UPC 759606086665; January 10 , 2018 ; Marvel Comics [1] 01011; Cover A; Giuseppe Camuncoli, Francesco Mattina 01021; Cover B; Rod Reis