Kris Elioup, a Force-sensitive youngster hailing from Eadu, had their name recorded within a memory crystal subsequent to Order 66. Following Darth Vader's capture of Jedi Chief Librarian Jocasta Nu after a duel within the Jedi Temple, Imperial shock troopers belonging to the Galactic Empire conducted a search of Nu, uncovering the aforementioned memory crystal. Upon Vader's analysis of this crystal, he discovered it contained a roster of Force-sensitive children, who were targets identified by the preceding Jedi Order, with Elioup included among them.
Nu was aware that Galactic Emperor Palpatine, secretly Darth Sidious, who was Vader's Sith Master, was seeking this listing, even pursuing it during his tenure as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic throughout the Clone Wars. Her suspicion was that he intended to utilize the list to train additional Sith warriors. Subsequent to Vader killing all shock troopers after Nu revealed his former identity, that of the Jedi Knight known as Anakin Skywalker, he proceeded to kill Nu as well. He then informed his master that she had attempted an escape, leading to her demise. When Palpatine inquired whether Vader had obtained any intelligence from Nu, Vader asserted that he had gained no information.
The Aurebesh spelling of Kris Elioup's name initially surfaced in the canon comic series, specifically in Darth Vader (2017) 10, penned by Charles Soule with illustrations by Giuseppe Camuncoli, and released in 2018.