Imperial shock troopers, previously known as clone guards under the banner of the Galactic Republic, evolved into elite stormtroopers within the Coruscant Guard of the Galactic Empire. During the Clone Wars, these shock troopers functioned as specialized clone troopers, acting as a security police force on the planet of Coruscant, the Republic's capital. Recognized by their distinct red and white clone trooper armor, they augmented the Senate Guard, serving as bodyguards for galactic senators, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, and other high-ranking officials like Governor Wilhuff Tarkin. Beyond safeguarding government facilities and personnel of the Galactic Senate, these shock troopers specialized in prison security, maintaining public order as anti-riot police officers, and escorting diplomats on missions beyond the planet.
Throughout the the galaxy-spanning Clone War between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Coruscant shock troopers operated under the command of Clone Commander Fox, the commanding officer of the Coruscant Guard. Other clone trooper officers who led shock trooper units included Clone Lieutenant Thire, Clone Commander Stone, and Clone Commander Thorn. These shock troopers participated in various key events during the war, both on Coruscant and in other locations. Their missions ranged from the raid targeting Ziro's Palace and the hunt for Ahsoka Tano, as well as the pursuit of the rogue clone trooper Fives, to the ambush that occurred on Rugosa, the mission to Florrum, and the invasion of Scipio. Despite the presence of these clone shock troops, the capital's security was compromised twice: Separatist infiltration droids bombed Coruscant's central power distribution grid, and Ziro Desilijic Tiure was freed from Republic custody during the Senate hostage crisis, where a group of politicians were taken captive by bounty hunter Cad Bane.
As the conflict continued, clone shock troopers found themselves stationed within the Republic Center for Military Operations, which featured a detention area designated for suspected terrorists and those accused of treason. In addition, shock troopers took on the responsibility of maintaining order at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, a facility that housed prisoners such as Bane, Moralo Eval, Aurra Sing, and Ziro Desilijic Tiure. Although Bane and Eval escaped from the Republic prison, they were later recaptured on Naboo by the shock troopers who were escorting Chancellor Palpatine to the 847th Festival of Light.
Following Order 66, a detachment of shock troopers was sent to Kamino, the clone army's homeworld. When the Clone Wars ended and Palpatine ascended to become the Galactic Emperor, the Imperial clone shock troopers transitioned into the elite forces of the new Galactic Empire. Initially, they kept their Phase II clone trooper armor during the early days of the Imperial Era, but over time they transitioned to a modified version of the stormtrooper armor. By this point, the Empire had decided to replace clones with birth-born human soldiers.

The clone shock troopers began as security police for the administrative centers on Coruscant, and also served as bodyguards for government officials during the Clone Wars. They were secretly bred on Coruscant, the capital planet of the Galactic Republic, during the final years of the Republic Era, even though they were born on the planet of Kamino; the other clone troopers were trained far away on Kamino. Both groups were cloned from the same genetic source, the human bounty hunter Jango Fett. The clone shock troopers were organized as the Coruscant Guard under Clone Commander Fox with the introduction of the Grand Army of the Republic followed by the first battle of the Clone Wars.
A contingent of shock troopers, led by Fox, raided Ziro's Palace during the early days of the war. The clones stormed the building, destroying the Hutt crime lord's B1-series battle droids and IG-86 sentinel droids to save Senator Padmé Amidala. Ziro Desilijic Tiure attempted to flee but was surrounded by the shock troopers and taken into custody at the senator's command. Ziro's subsequent admission to the abduction of his nephew Rotta, the son of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, resulted in a formal treaty between the Hutt Clan and the Galactic Republic.

Although they were assigned to Coruscant, shock troopers were sent throughout the galaxy as needed. A detachment of the Coruscant Guard—diplomatic service shock troopers "Jek," "Rys," and Clone Lieutenant Thire—accompanied Jedi General Yoda to Rugosa to meet with the Toydarian king Katuunko during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Count Dooku sent Asajj Ventress with an army to ambush and destroy the Republic envoy to stop an alliance between Toydaria and the Republic. The shock troopers fought back, destroying several battle droids before retreating on Yoda's orders because there were so many droids. The lieutenant was wounded, and the clones were almost out of ammunition. Yoda faced the remaining enemy battalion alone, telling his bodyguards to wait for the right moment to help him. The opportunity came when a group of droidekas tried to ambush Yoda; Thire used the squad's last missile to create a rockslide that crushed the destroyer droids. After saving Katuunko from Ventress, the shock troopers and their general boarded a Low Altitude Assault Transport, having succeeded in their mission to gain Toydaria's support for the Republic.
In 21 BBY, still early in the war, Senate Commando Faro Argyus, a captain of the Senate Guard, revealed his betrayal of the Republic and his assistance in the rescue of Nute Gunray, the Viceroy of the Trade Federation. Although Ventress killed him out of annoyance, his betrayal undermined the Senate Guard's authority, as the organization's loyalty was questioned. Clone shock troopers increasingly replaced the Senate Guard, reflecting the growing executive power of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.

Clone Commander Stone and other Coruscant Guard members were assigned to protect Senator Kharrus and Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks during their mission to Florrum. However, the senator died as a result of an attack on their Nu-class transport by rogue members of the Ohnaka Gang. Binks' status as a government official gave him authority over the clone shock troopers who were, therefore, required to follow the Gungan politician's orders, even though Stone was a clone trooper officer. The group had to deal with Weequay pirates as they traveled to the base of Captain Hondo Ohnaka, trying to deliver a payment in spice for the ransom of Count Dooku. Binks and the shock troopers rescued Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, who had been captured by the pirates, even though they did not succeed in taking custody of the Separatist Head of State.

Boba Fett, an unmodified clone and the son of Jango Fett, the Grand Army of the Republic's clone template, was arrested after attempting to assassinate Jedi General Mace Windu. The young clone was brought to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, a Coruscant prison guarded by clone shock troopers. Following a brief confrontation between Windu and Fett, the shock troops escorted the prisoner into the facility at the general's command.

During the plot to kill Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, the Coruscant Guard patrolled the streets of the capital, stopping civilians to ask them about the location of the Mandalorian noblewoman. Kryze, who was framed for the death of Davu Golec, hid from the clone shock troopers, police droids, and police probes that were searching the city for her. Two shock troopers, armed as clone riot troopers, were questioning an Ithorian even though the alien could not communicate in Galactic Basic Standard. The same troopers almost captured Kryze, but the duchess escaped by running through a crowded street. The clones who chased her reported that Kryze was traveling in a speeder to Section IG-44, unaware that she had deceived them.
Aurra Sing was brought to Coruscant after she tried to kill Senator Amidala at the refugee conference on Alderaan. Clone shock troopers supplemented the Royal Naboo Security Forces that brought Sing to the Jedi Temple while guarding the captured assassin. Shortly afterward, General Skywalker and his Padawan, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, went to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, where Ziro was imprisoned under the watchful eye of the clone shock troopers. The Jedi duo used a repulsorcraft piloted by a shock trooper to confront the Hutt prisoner in his cell, tricking him into admitting his involvement in the plot to kill the Naboo people's representative.

A crisis happened on Coruscant when bounty hunter Cad Bane and his hired mercenaries took members of the Galactic Senate hostage. Bane quickly defeated any Senate Commandos in his path, and he used the captive politicians to pressure Chancellor Palpatine to release Ziro Desilijic Tiure from prison. The Coruscant Guard tried to outmaneuver Bane, initially complying with his demands while sending clone shock troopers to the Senate Office Building. One of the troopers contacted Senator Orn Free Taa to confirm that they had secured the chancellor's office. With the chancellor safe, Commander Fox and his men confronted Bane's group as they tried to leave the Senate headquarters. However, the bounty hunter threatened to kill his hostages with bombs placed inside the Senate Building. The Clone Commander ordered his troops to stand down because the chancellor had agreed to let the mercenaries leave with Ziro in exchange for the hostages.
Because Senate Commandos had failed to stop Bane, the hostage crisis made a case for the open use of clone troopers on Coruscant as secruity forces. The hostage crisis, like Argyus's betrayal, hurt trust in the Blue Guard, even though the Coruscant Guard had already begun to be openly deployed on the capital at that point anyway. As such, it helped usher in the new, clone-dominated era. For example, Senate Commandos had been used as additional secruity and as a quickly-deployed military force to meet the new secruity requirements faced by Coruscant for the first year or so of the Clone Wars. However, clone troopers came to replace the Senate Commandos in those roles.
Clone shock troopers continued to work as guards in the Detention Center on Coruscant while the Clone Wars continued; Archduke Poggle the Lesser, a Geonosian leader whom the Republic captured during the second invasion of Geonosis, was one of their prisoners. Two clone guards escorted Lieutenant Commander Orson Callan Krennic, an officer of the Republic Corps of Engineers, to Poggle's cell, where the surveillance system was turned off for the duration of Krennic's visit. The troopers also deactivated the ray shield because Krennic wanted to speak directly with Poggle about his involvement in the development of a secret battle station.

Several shock troopers were at the Temple where members of the Jedi High Council welcomed the survivors from the Battle of Lola Sayu when they returned to Coruscant. Two clone guards escorted Captain Wilhuff Tarkin, one of the survivors, as he left the Temple on a Util-313 repulsorcraft, taking his half of the coordinates to the Nexus Route directly to Chancellor Palpatine.
Dooku sent an infiltration team to Coruscant because of Senator Amidala's peace initiative. Several infiltrator demolition droids, disguised as sweeper units, approached the checkpoint to a restricted area that was guarded by clone shock troopers. Commander Fox allowed the droids to pass, unaware of their true programming, and even directed them to Coruscant's central power distribution grid. The demolition droids self-detonated when they reached their destination, causing a widespread blackout across Galactic City's Senate District, which undermined the peace process.

After Kenobi's staged death, Skywalker and Tano arrested his "killer," Rako Hardeen, and turned him over to the Coruscant Guard. The prisoner that the clone shock troopers escorted into the Detention Center was Kenobi disguised as Hardeen, unknown to all except the High Council of the Jedi Order. While Kenobi was undercover, trying to gather information on a plot to abduct the Supreme Chancellor, Cad Bane and Moralo Eval started a prison riot to escape from the Detention Center. Clone shock troopers tried to contain the riot using non-lethal weapons such as electrostaffs and the stun setting on their blaster rifles. The shock troopers were authorized to use deadly force against the inmates as the riot spread from the cafeteria to the prison's corridors. Although the shock troops eventually restored order, Bane and Eval escaped with Kenobi, believing him to be Hardeen.

With Chancellor Palpatine determined to be present at the 847th anniversary celebration of the Festival of Light, General Windu assembled a security detail. This group was composed of both Senate Guards and clone shock troopers. The clone shock troopers remained in close guard of the Supreme Chancellor and his party, which included Skywalker, Amidala, and Vice Chair Mas Amedda. During the celebrations in Theed, Bane and Eval managed to capture the Chancellor. However, Kenobi, still undercover as Hardeen, kept them from escaping Naboo with Palpatine. This intervention allowed the Jedi time to catch up to the mercenaries and secure the Chancellor's freedom. Eval surrendered, and both he and Bane were taken into custody by the shock troopers. As Bane was being restrained by one of the clones, he discovered Kenobi's true identity and shouted threats. The Jedi, thinking the incident was resolved, allowed the security force to depart Naboo at Palpatine's insistence. He assured them that Skywalker was enough to protect him.
The bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar resulted in a public demonstration against the Clone Wars. Clone shock troopers, equipped with riot control equipment, were positioned as guards at the end of the Temple's Processional Way. There, they prevented the protestors from reaching the Temple's main entrance. The Jedi Temple Guard, under the leadership of Jedi Master Cin Drallig, reinforced the shock troopers during the demonstration.

Clone shock troopers detained Tano at the Republic Center for Military Operations. She had been falsely accused of murdering Letta Turmond, a prisoner involved in the terrorist attack on the Temple. Commander Fox arrested her under suspicion of murder. Skywalker demanded to see his Padawan, but the shock troopers, following orders from Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin, refused to allow him access to the prison. Tano attempted to escape from the Republic military base after being wrongly accused of attacking and killing several shock troopers. A search was initiated, with shock trooper patrols deployed throughout the facility to recapture the Jedi apprentice. Tano avoided Fox's shock troopers and fled to the lower levels of Coruscant, dodging and deflecting a barrage of stun bolts.

The Coruscant Guard and the Coruscant Security Force looked for Tano in the undercity. A detachment of clone shock troopers, led by Clone Commander Wolffe of the 104th Battalion, located her with Asajj Ventress on Level 1315. The clones were overpowered by the two Force-sensitives, who disarmed them of their blasters. Wolffe and his shock troops resumed their search for Tano, eventually finding her in a warehouse filled with evidence linking her to the attack on the Jedi Temple. The shock troopers recaptured Tano by incapacitating her with a stun bolt and transported her back to the Republic base.
Clone shock troopers escorted Tano to her trial at the Republic Center for Military Operations, which was presided over by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Before the trial concluded, Anakin Skywalker entered the courtroom with the Jedi Temple Guards and Barriss Offee, who confessed to the crimes Tano had been accused of. Clone shock troopers and Temple Guards escorted Offee out of the chamber.

Fives, an Advanced Recon Commando from the 501st Legion, was brought to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant as part of an investigation into the behavioral modification biochips implanted in all clone troopers. Upon Fives' arrival, clone shock troopers were stationed in the facility, supplementing the Red Guards who were already part of Chancellor Palpatine's security force. A fight broke out between Fives and the Chancellor's guards, with Palpatine accusing the ARC trooper of attacking him. Fives fled from the facility after discovering that his fellow clones were programmed to betray and kill their Jedi officers. The Coruscant Guard deployed shock troops to find the fugitive clone. They searched 79's, a cantina often visited by off-duty clones. Fives left when they arrived, but not before an observation droid identified him. Commander Fox and his troops confronted Fives at Hangar 18 on Level 1325, ordering him to surrender. Fives raised a blaster pistol at Fox, who shot first, killing the ARC trooper before he could prove his claim about a plot against the Jedi.

Senator Amidala traveled to the InterGalactic Banking Clan headquarters on Scipio with an escort of clone shock troopers under the command of Clone Commander "Thorn." While Amidala was allowed to enter the city, her guards and Separatist Congress Leader Bec Lawise's BX-series droid commandos were required to stay at their respective landing platforms due to the city's neutral status. Thorn and his men complied, but assured Amidala that they were ready to assist her if needed. However, the Confederacy military launched an invasion of Scipio which began with a preemptive strike against Thorn's garrison. Separatist starfighters destroyed the Coruscant Guard's Consular-class Armed Cruiser and their Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships, while HMP droid gunships deployed battle droids to kill the remaining shock troopers. Unable to retreat into the city, Thorn and his men made a final stand. After all of his troops had fallen, the commander continued to fight until the droids killed him.

Following the Republic victory on Mandalore, the Coruscant Guard sent a clone shock trooper escort to assist the 332nd Division in transporting the former Sith Maul to Coruscant. However, along the way, the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious—Sheev Palpatine's secret identity—issued Order 66 to the clone troopers. They were all programmed to obey this order without question. While the members of the 332nd spread throughout the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tribunal hunting their former ally, Ahsoka Tano, Clone Commander Rex instructed the shock troopers to execute Maul. Tano arrived at Maul's cell in time to disarm and incapacitate the shock troops before they could carry out Rex's orders.
Meanwhile, Commander Fox and his clone shock troopers targeted the Jedi on Coruscant. The Jedi Temple was besieged by the 501st Legion, then under the command of the newly named Sith Lord Darth Vader. Like all clones, Fox and his troops obeyed Order 66, believing it was their duty to suppress the Jedi, whom they now considered "agitators." The shock troopers focused on containing the Jedi Temple and eliminating any Jedi remaining around Coruscant. Notably, they led efforts to eliminate Jedi Master Kelleran Beq who escaped the Jedi temple along with Grogu. They were stopped by a group of Royal Naboo Security Officers. Beq was able to escape with Grogu on a Naboo yacht despite the shock troopers efforts.

By the end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, a contingent of the Coruscant Guard was stationed in Tipoca City, which was under lockdown. Shock troopers patrolled the landing platforms and corridors. Sergeant "Hunter," a genetically enhanced clone commando and the commanding officer of Clone Force 99 "the Bad Batch," was surprised to see shock troopers on Kamino. They had returned after their mission on Kaller and were unaware of recent events. A shock trooper quartermaster informed them that the Battle of Utapau resulted in General Grievous' death, along with Skywalker’s killing of the Separatist leadership on Mustafar, ending the Clone Wars.

While speaking with the quartermaster, the members of Clone Force 99 saw two clone troopers carrying the body of a dead Jedi on a stretcher. The quartermaster informed the commandos of a mandatory general assembly scheduled at fifteen hundred hours, giving the Bad Batch time to return to their barracks before the Supreme Chancellor's address on the state of the Republic.
The clone shock troopers were stationed in the staging area of Tipoca City and watched Chancellor Palpatine's speech, which was broadcast from Coruscant to Kamino. In addition to the Coruscant Guard troops behind an assembly of clone troopers, shock troopers were positioned near several Kaminoan government officials, including Prime Minister Lama Su, his aide Taun We, and Doctor Nala Se.
With the extermination of most Jedi across the galaxy, the New Order rose to power, replacing the Republic with the Galactic Empire. The Grand Army of the Republic was reorganized as the Imperial Army, the clone troopers were renamed stormtroopers, and the Coruscant Guard's elite clone units continued to serve as Imperial clone shock troopers.

After Yoda's duel with Sidious, the self-proclaimed Galactic Emperor, the Coruscant Guard searched the Senate Building but could not find the Grand Master, who evaded the clone guards and escaped into exile. Their focus then shifted to helping the Emperor recover his injured Sith apprentice on Mustafar. Commander Thire assembled a squad of the best Imperial shock troopers to accompany their lord. They returned to Coruscant with Vader in a medical capsule, bringing him to the Grand Republic Medical Facility, which also had a security force of shock troopers when the Emperor arrived.

The Coruscant Guard contingent on Kamino was also there to escort Admiral and Governor Tarkin. The Imperial officer intended to assess the Imperial Army's needs and decide if the Empire still needed clone troopers. Tarkin ordered the shock troopers to arrest the Bad Batch after deciding they were not loyal to the Empire. The shock troopers delivered Crosshair to Tarkin and Nala Se for reprogramming, while the rest of Clone Force 99 was held in a prison cell in Tipoca City. With the help of a genetically modified clone named Omega, the commandos incapacitated the clone guards and tried to escape from Kamino. They were confronted by a squad of shock troopers led by Crosshair, but the Imperial clones failed to stop their renegade brethren from escaping into the galaxy. During Senator Amidala's funeral, shock troopers provided security for the ceremony. Two troopers noticed Senator Bail Organa in a restricted area and informed him of this. He apologized, citing the recent events as the reason for his confusion. Unbeknownst to the troopers, Organa secretly passed coded messages to Ahsoka Tano, who secretly attend Amidala's funeral.

During the early years of the Imperial Era, shock troopers served as personal guards to Emperor Palpatine and his own. They were also tasked with hunt for Jedi Master Jocasta Nu, the former Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives and a high-value target for the Empire. Nu used the Force to influence Commander Fox and his men, allowing her to enter the fallen Jedi Temple. The Coruscant Guard and supplemental units from the Coruscant Security Force locked down the Temple by the time Lord Vader arrived. The commander assured the Emperor's lieutenant that his soldiers had secured the area and that the fugitive Jedi would not escape.
However, Fox did not provide the other clones with Vader's description. As a result, they opened fire on him, mistaking the Sith Lord for a Jedi during his pursuit of Nu. Vader took direct control of the shock troopers after executing Fox, and he eventually captured Nu with the help of the Coruscant Guard. Several guardsmen were with Vader when he interrogated Nu, and they learned from the Jedi that they were actually taking orders from another Jedi. The revelation of his former identity as Anakin Skywalker caused Vader to kill all of the shock troopers around him, an act he blamed on Nu. However, Nu was unconcerned, as she felt that the clones had chosen their fate.
Several months after the Empire's formation, squads of shock troopers attended the voting on the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill in the Imperial Senate Building, providing security for the event. Around this time, most of the clone shocktroopers were replaced by stormtroopers. After being exposed for the bombardment and destruction of Kamino before the Senate, Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart was arrested by a squad of shock troopers on orders from Grand Vizier Mas Amedda before Emperor Palpatine condemned Rampart's actions. Later, a squad of shock troopers was part of the security detail attached to Governor Tarkin, Commander Orson Callan Krennic, General Hurst Romodi, Admiral Barton Coburn, and Doctor Royce Hemlock at the summit at Raven's Peak on Eriadu. Several months later, the same squad of shock troopers accompanied Governor Tarkin and his fleet to Doctor Hemlock’s secret base to help deal with Clone Force 99’s attack but arrived too late because the base was severely damaged by a Zillo Beast and Hemlock and several troopers of the Advanced Science Division were dead.

During or before 18 BBY, a team of shock troopers was sent to guard an Imperial effort to clear a city for a new relay station. When the citizens objected, one of the shock troopers repeated the explanation for what was happening and said that the citizens would be compensated for what they called an "inconvenience." When a man complained that they had nowhere else to go, the shock troopers raised their DC-15A blaster carbines against the crowd, ordering the citizens, including a man named Orvek, to leave. Ultimately, the Emperor ruled the galaxy for decades, from the end of the Clone Wars to the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Imperial shock troopers remained in service during this time, serving as specialized units in the Stormtrooper Corps. Following the Emperor's death in the Battle of Endor, the shock troopers fought in the Battle of Jakku, where the New Republic defeated the Empire.

Commander Fox recalled the shock troopers' role in the initial Great Jedi Purge shortly before his death. He told Lord Vader that the shock troopers carried out their duty like all clone troopers by "coldly" executing Order 66 against the "Jedi agitators." After serving as a Coruscant police force during the Clone Wars, shock troopers became the Empire's elite forces.
Orvek's experience with the Empire and its shock troopers instilled a hatred for the regime in him. Padawan Ferren Barr exploited these emotions with a mind trick, turning him into one of his disciples. Like the Grand Army of the Republic and the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps, the Alliance Military had specialized units trained for rapid deployment, classifying them as shock troopers. Known as "droppers," Rebel shock troopers like Carasynthia Dune possessed skills focused on stealth and speed. During the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance used dropships to deploy the shock troopers into battle. They worked in teams and did not rely on support from other Rebel units.
The Alliance's successor, the New Republic, inherited the shock troopers who helped secure the victory of the Rebellion over the Empire. However, without the Empire to fight, the shock troopers were repurposed to suppress riots, protect political dignitaries, and maintain peace in the New Republic Era. Dune therefore left the New Republic Defense Force, retiring to the Outer Rim Territories and later resuming her service to the nascent government as a Marshal.

The Coruscant shock troopers, an elite division within the Grand Army of the Republic, underwent specialized training for rapid strike missions. Furthermore, they were specifically prepared for deployment in urban environments, functioning as a security force in such settings. Their training emphasized close quarters combat proficiency, a skill they specialized in alongside crowd control. Serving as a symbol of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine's authority, their primary function was to provide security for the Republic Senate, its facilities, and to act as prison guards, maintaining order within large detention centers like the Central Detention Center. They also served as bodyguards for Republic officials and as urban peacekeepers, with some troopers receiving specific training in riot control.
Similar to the Senate Guard, which lost its authority over high-profile prisoner transfers following Captain Faro Argyus's betrayal, shock troopers were dispatched as supplementary guards during prisoner transfers to Coruscant. Notably, they escorted figures like Ziro the Hutt and Maul. While the Senate Guard was initially responsible for protecting Republic officials and buildings, the Coruscant Guard gradually augmented and eventually replaced it over the course of the war.

Another crucial role of the shock troopers involved capturing or eliminating high-value targets. This included pursuing fugitives on Coruscant, such as Ahsoka Tano or Fives. Their commanding officer, Commander Fox, was renowned for his strong sense of honor, dedication to his duty as a soldier, and unwavering loyalty to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. These characteristics were typical of all clone troopers serving in the Coruscant Guard. Fox was considered a model soldier, and his willingness to lead his shock troops in highly dangerous situations earned him recognition as one of the most decorated troopers in the clone army. Similarly, Commander Thorn and his troops demonstrated unwavering loyalty to the Republic, ultimately sacrificing their lives in defense against its enemies.

Although the Coruscant Guard primarily remained stationed on the Republic capital throughout the Clone Wars, shock troopers like Commander Stone possessed valuable combat skills for diplomatic missions. Despite their extensive training, neither Stone nor his troops were adequately prepared for serving under Jar Jar Binks. The three shock troopers assigned to Yoda on Rugosa were highly motivated to earn the Jedi General's approval, fearing that failing their mission would diminish their value as soldiers. Lieutenant Thire even volunteered to sacrifice himself and his shock troopers to delay the Separatist droids for as long as possible. Conversely, Yoda was troubled by the submissive nature he sensed within the shock troops, leading him to try and teach them about their individuality.
The initial purpose of the clone shock troopers was to provide security for Coruscant's administrative buildings and serve as bodyguards for Republic officials. After the Galactic Empire was established, the shock troopers transitioned into elite units within the Empire's forces. Imperial shock troopers were superior stormtroopers chosen from the ranks of the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps. This new generation of shock troopers became specialists in heavy weapons on the battlefield, forming the Empire's elite frontline forces. They also continued to serve as high-level security forces on Coruscant and as bodyguards for Emperor Palpatine.

Clone shock troopers were equipped with the same clone trooper armor utilized by other clones in the Grand Army of the Republic. However, owing to the shock troopers' function as specialized units within the Grand Army, their clone armor and equipment were specifically designed for "rapid strikes against high-value targets." Consisting of plastoid armor plates worn over a body glove, the shock troopers' Phase I clone trooper armor featured red markings that distinguished them from other military units. The Phase II clone trooper armor, its successor, was adopted by shock troopers following its introduction to the Grand Army's ranks. With their updated armor, the shock troopers adopted new unit markings associated with the Coruscant Guard. Like other clone armor suits, they had a comlink on their right forearm, which also housed the bodysuit's environmental controls.

Higher-ranking shock troopers enhanced their armor with extra equipment, including command pauldrons, helmet visors, and shoulder antennas. The Phase II clone trooper armor remained in service with Imperial clone shock troopers, who also kept the distinctive red markings of the Coruscant Guard, during the early years of the Imperial Era. Although shock troopers continued to utilize the Clone War-era armor well into the Galactic Civil War, eventually a customized version of the stormtrooper armor was introduced to their ranks, displaying the familiar color patterns of the Coruscant Guard. This new armor featured prominent red markings on the helmet, spaulders, shin guards, and utility belts, offering exceptional resistance to small-arms blaster fire.

Shock troopers were equipped with weapons commonly used by soldiers of the Republic Military, such as DC-15A blaster rifles, DC-15A blaster carbines, and DC-17 hand blasters. These weapons included a stun setting, which shock troopers utilized to capture or incapacitate targets instead of killing them. However, they were authorized to use lethal force in more dangerous situations. Trained to maintain order among large groups of civilians or inmates, shock troopers possessed various melee weapons and equipment, including electrostaffs, TZ-97 "Zapper" Shock Batons, and riot shields. They were also provided with heavy weapons and equipment for diplomatic missions, including the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, the RPS-6 rocket launcher, and grenades. The Coruscant Guard Gunship was the designation for a red LAAT/i variant utilized by shock troopers, regardless of whether they were stationed on Coruscant.
Often deployed in pairs, the stormtrooper variant primarily functioned as a support unit—occupying strategic vantage points, occasionally operating tanks, and suppressing enemies with their heavy arsenal, which included a DC-15A blaster carbine, a DC-15A blaster rifle, a DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle, or an E-60R rocket launcher. They also used the standard issue E-11 medium blaster rifle, which was typical of every stormtrooper within the Empire.
Clone shock troopers made their debut appearance in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Shock troopers were also featured on the cover of Kanan 1, although they do not appear within the issue itself. While Star Wars: Card Trader's card for clone shock troopers stated they were created on Coruscant, more recent sources have confirmed that they, like all other clones, originated from Kamino.