Moralo Eval, identified as a male Phindian, was a notorious criminal mastermind and a prolific serial killer during the closing years of the Republic Era. Possessing a detestable and sociopathic nature from his early years, Eval embarked on a life of crime as a young boy when he murdered his own mother, subsequently perpetrating multiple additional killings. His remarkable ability to elude capture by law enforcement quickly established his image as a depraved genius. During the Clone Wars, a widespread galaxy-spanning conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Confederate Head of State Dooku engaged Eval's services. Eval's contribution to Dooku's cause included the invention of the "Box", a vast, cube-shaped structure with an ever-changing interior designed to rigorously assess the capabilities of bounty hunters, and he also conceived a high-stakes strategy to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine of the Republic.
As Eval was in the process of preparing to execute the plan he and Dooku had devised, he was apprehended by authorities on Denon and subsequently transferred to a maximum-security prison located on Coruscant. Along with fellow prisoners Cad Bane and Rako Hardeen, Eval escaped from his confinement. Following their escape, they barely managed to avoid being recaptured by Republic forces on Nal Hutta and Orondia. The three fugitives then proceeded to Serenno to convene with Dooku, who had gathered a larger group of bounty hunters for the Box challenge. Eval tested the assembled hunters within the Box, but he grew increasingly frustrated with Dooku's dissatisfaction with the final product and with Hardeen's knack for outsmarting his simulations. Eval attempted to assassinate Hardeen, but he was instead compelled to engage in combat with the hunter in an arena after Dooku assumed control of the Box. Hardeen emerged victorious over Eval, whose failures led to Dooku relegating him to the role of the getaway driver.
Under the leadership of Bane, the team of bounty hunters journeyed to Naboo and successfully infiltrated the city of Theed, where Chancellor Palpatine was presiding over the Festival of Light. Despite the plan encountering difficulties due to the Republic's prior knowledge of the scheme, Bane was successful in capturing the Chancellor and delivering him to Eval. However, upon arriving at their designated meeting point to rendezvous with Dooku, Eval and Bane discovered that the Count was not present. Realizing that they had been abandoned, Eval and Bane made the decision to hold Palpatine for ransom themselves. They were soon tracked down, at which point it was revealed that Hardeen was actually Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise, having reported the plan to Republic authorities. Having been abandoned by Dooku and surrounded by Republic forces, Eval and Bane were taken back into custody, with Eval being placed in maximum-security solitary confinement at a military facility.

On the planet of Phindar, which is the homeworld of the Phindian species located in the Outer Rim Territories, Moralo Eval was born. Some narratives suggest that Eval exhibited sociopathic tendencies from the moment of his birth, and even as a young child, he displayed these inclinations along with violent behavior, which was atypical for a Phindian. Despite the Phindian culture's emphasis on the importance of familial bonds, Eval callously killed his own mother in cold blood. Upon his apprehension, Eval confessed to the authorities that he had murdered her simply because he was bored. As a consequence of his matricide, Eval was sentenced to life imprisonment. Due to the absence of a proper system for addressing such transgressions within the Phindian society, the justice system opted to engage in a delicate psychoanalysis of Eval instead of administering punishment. Their compassionate attempts to comprehend the underlying causes of Eval's behavior, rather than penalizing him for his crimes, resulted in relaxed security measures that Eval strategically planned to exploit. Shortly after his incarceration, he devised an escape plan and successfully broke out of prison, thus commencing his life as a fugitive.
Even with his newfound freedom from confinement, Eval reverted to his violent tendencies and proceeded to commit several more murders, each characterized by increasingly elaborate planning. Initially, Eval's ego and arrogance led to multiple re-arrests. However, due to the meticulous nature of his murder plots, no investigative judicial or police force was able to definitively prove his involvement in any crime. Consequently, his original offense, the murder of his mother, was used as a substitute to justify his re-incarceration. Each arrest only temporarily impeded Eval's criminal trajectory, and he consistently managed to escape from jail. Eventually, the serial killer made the decision to evade law enforcement altogether, and his cunning brilliance in doing so earned him a reputation as a criminal mastermind. His time as a fugitive honed his survival instincts and equipped him with technical and engineering skills, but it also left him mentally unstable, leading to the development of numerous peculiar mannerisms.

By the time the Clone Wars erupted, a galactic-wide conflict between the Galactic Republic and its breakaway state, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Eval remained a fugitive from justice. His reputation as a criminal mastermind had earned him notoriety and infamy throughout the galaxy, even though his overt sadism made him unpopular among many of his peers in the criminal underworld. Around 20 BBY, Confederate Head of State Dooku, acting on the instructions of his master, Darth Sidious, who had tasked him with orchestrating the kidnapping of the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, Sheev Palpatine, recruited Eval to assist in devising a plan for such a monumental undertaking. While Dooku ostensibly hired Eval for his experience, he also turned to the Phindian due to his loathsome reputation among the Republic's law enforcement circles, who would take rumors of a potential kidnapping seriously because of his involvement. However, Eval was unaware that he was merely a pawn in a much larger scheme orchestrated by Sidious, whose public persona was Chancellor Palpatine.
Entrusted with the task of creating a plan to kidnap Palpatine, Eval decided to target the Chancellor during his officiating of the 847th Festival of Light on the planet Naboo. With the Separatist resources at his disposal, Eval designed and engineered the "Box," a massive cubical structure intended to test candidates for the mission to the limits of their abilities. To assess the suitability of potential bounty hunters, Eval created a dynamic series of simulations that he would arrange and assign in real-time from a central command center. The giant machine was constructed deep within Count Dooku's palace on his homeworld, Serenno, where it remained hidden until the moment arrived for Eval to initiate his tests. As part of his and Sidious' grander plan, Dooku intentionally leaked information about Eval's kidnapping plot to the authorities. Eval was tracked down and arrested by a police detachment on Denon, who then handed him over to authorities on the Republic capital of Coruscant, where he was imprisoned at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center for processing.

While Eval was in custody, rumors of a plot to kidnap the Chancellor circulated throughout the Republic. An inexplicable processing error allowed Eval to have contact with other prisoners, rather than confining him to solitary confinement as had been ordered. To facilitate Eval's escape, Dooku hired bounty hunter Cad Bane, who arranged his own arrest and imprisonment. Inside the detention center, Eval struck a deal with Bane, who would assist him in breaking out in exchange for payment and inclusion in the lucrative kidnapping plot. Through his influence over the guards, Eval and Bane soon shared a cell. Eval's imprisonment coincided with that of another notorious criminal, Rako Hardeen, who was under arrest for the murder of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Hardeen's reputation preceded him, causing a stir among the other prisoners. Unbeknownst to anyone outside the Jedi High Council, "Hardeen" was, in fact, Kenobi, who was undercover to investigate Eval's plan. Eval was intrigued by Hardeen and soon had the opportunity to meet the bounty hunter.
One day, during a shared lunch period, Eval sat at the opposite end of a table from Hardeen, who created a commotion by arguing with a Karkarodon prisoner. When Hardeen stabbed the Karkarodon with a fork, Eval was delighted by the display and moved to sit across from him. Eval commented on Hardeen's reputation and then inquired whether he had killed Kenobi for money or revenge. "Hardeen," having been briefed on Eval's past, replied that he had killed Kenobi out of boredom, which made Eval chuckle. As a gesture of openness to future meetings, Eval handed Hardeen a bottle of sauce that he claimed would make the prison food taste "almost tolerable" before leaving the table. Later that day, Eval used his influence with the guards to have Hardeen brought to his cell, where he awaited Hardeen while Bane slept. After properly introducing himself, Eval propositioned Hardeen, briefly explaining that he was leading a big job that involved the Chancellor. Overhearing them, Bane interrupted and told Eval that it would cost him double if he had to break Hardeen out as well.

Eval introduced Hardeen to Bane, who mocked the hunter for killing a Jedi with a sniper rifle and not in a face-to-face confrontation. When Hardeen retorted, Bane warned Eval that breaking Hardeen out would now cost triple. Deciding not to involve Hardeen, Eval summoned the guards to take Hardeen away, but not before threatening to kill the man if he did not forget everything he had learned. The next day, Eval and Bane prepared for their escape. Bane hired the bounty hunters Boba Fett and Bossk to incite a riot by provoking Hardeen. While Eval and Bane sat for lunch, Fett and Bossk engaged in a fistfight with Hardeen, forcing the guards to intervene. When Bossk retaliated, the other prisoners in the dining hall joined in. Bane ushered Eval to a doorway that had been breached by the rioters amidst the chaos. Hardeen caught up to them as the two stealthily evaded guards while walking down the prison halls. Despite Bane's protests, Eval allowed Hardeen to join them. Bane led the trio to a morgue facility that led to the crematorium, but his attempts to break the locked door failed.
Hardeen volunteered to rewire the lock and asked Eval and Bane to keep a lookout, which they obliged. After a few moments, Hardeen unlocked the door, and the three went inside the morgue. Bane told them to climb inside the body shutes, which would bring them straight to the crematorium. Once the containers arrived, the clone workers stationed there noticed vital signs and prepared to investigate, but the three criminals jumped from the containers and attacked. As Eval savagely beat one of the men with his fists, Hardeen hesitated to shoot the last of the clones, allowing him to set off an alarm before being executed by Bane. Bane led Eval and Hardeen to an unloading zone outside the prison, where they stole a police vehicle and flew off to a landing platform elsewhere. The trio swapped the airspeeder for a starship, where Eval began preparing for takeoff. Once they entered the atmosphere, Eval turned to Hardeen, commended his work in the escape, and told him that there could be a role in his plans for him after all.

After departing Coruscant, Eval, Bane, and Hardeen traveled to Nal Hutta, the homeworld of the Hutt Clans, to exchange their starship for a new one. Upon entering Nal Hutta's atmosphere, Hardeen set the ship on a path to plummet into the swamps below. Despite Bane's incredulity, Hardeen stated that they could not dock in a spaceport since law enforcement would be searching for the trio. Eval agreed with Hardeen's plan and braced for impact as Hardeen pulled the ship parallel to the planet's surface. The starship crashed into several giant roots and skidded into a pond, after which Eval and the bounty hunters evacuated the sinking transport. Outside the wreckage, Hardeen explained that the swamp would swallow the ship whole, which Eval understood meant there would be no trace of the crash. Eval complimented Hardeen's plan, and the three fugitives started the hike to Bilbousa Bazaar, where they would ditch their prison outfits and could ship. However, Hardeen insisted that legitimately paying for one would keep the authorities off their tail.
Once the trio arrived at Bilbousa, Bane led them to Pablo's pawnshop while carefully avoiding the Hutt's local security. At the pawn shop, each of the fugitives purchased new clothing and armor, but Bane was disappointed in Pablo's selection of blasters. Pablo told him that he should not be picky since he was on the run, a comment that made Bane assault the Rodian and threaten him to keep quiet. Outside the shop, Hardeen chastised Bane for threatening Pablo, who he believed would inform the Hutts. Unnerved, Eval watched a group of Gamorrean guards, but Bane told him to relax, reasoning that they would escape notice since Nal Hutta was populated by fellow outlaws. Bane proposed the group split up, tasking Hardeen with purchasing a new ship while he and Eval bought weapons. Despite Hardeen's initial protests, he gave in to Bane and left for a shipyard. Once Hardeen was gone, Bane told Eval they would throw him to the Hutts once they acquired the ship. Eval asked if his decision was business or personal, to which Bane said it was both.

After buying a set of new weapons, Eval and Bane went to the local starship dealer to meet with Hardeen, who had just finished negotiating for a ship and told Eval they could leave once he paid for it. As Eval paid the Bith salesperson, Bane bluntly told Hardeen that he would not be joining them. Eval explained to Hardeen that Bane did not want to split his fee for breaking Eval out of prison, then gleefully added that Bane also simply despised Hardeen. Hardeen demanded his reward for helping with the prison break, but Eval replied that the matter was between the two bounty hunters and boarded the ship. As Eval boarded, Pablo and a group of Hutt enforcers arrived to arrest the three fugitives. Eval quickly prepared the ship for takeoff, and Bane kicked Hardeen off the loading ramp. While the Hutt's henchmen arrested Hardeen, Eval and Bane flew away from the compound, after which Eval contacted Dooku to apologize for his delay. Despite Eval's assurances that he would reach Serenno soon, Dooku warned that he would not accept any more excuses.
After ending his transmission with Dooku, Eval returned to the cockpit, where Bane echoed Dooku's words and told Eval that he had no more excuses not to pay him. Eval countered that he had spent most of his remaining credits in Bilbousa but added that Bane would receive his payment once on Serenno. Suddenly, a trio of Hutt ships arrived and opened fire, causing heavy damage in a short amount of time. Eval questioned how the Hutts had found them so quickly, and Bane realized that Hardeen must have snitched to the Hutts to even the score. With the engines malfunctioning, Bane turned the ship around and managed to crash near Bilbousa. Eval and Bane returned to the city, where they spotted Hardeen sitting outside a saloon. When Bane assaulted Hardeen, Eval angrily shoved him aside and warned that he was running out of time and patience. Eval let Hardeen explain himself, and the bounty hunter stated that he had a ship ready for them on the condition Eval make him a partner in his scheme, which Eval begrudgingly agreed to.

Bane demanded to know how Hardeen acquired the credits to buy a new ship, and Hardeen responded that the Hutts owed him a favor. Bane expressed his outrage that Hardeen told the Hutts to shoot down their ship, but Hardeen countered that he and Bane were now even. Impatient with their bickering, Eval mocked the two for finally becoming "friends" and demanded they get him off Nal Hutta. The trio boarded the new ship and left the planet, but Hardeen was unaware that the Bith dealer had scammed him, only giving them enough fuel to reach the nearest refueling station on Orondia, owned by his brother. At the refueling station, Eval hurriedly paid the attendant and ignored Bane's snide comments about his paying everyone except him. As they departed, a Jedi T-6 shuttle that had tracked them from Nal Hutta arrived and rammed into the top of the fugitives' ship. Recognizing the Jedi starship, Bane tried evading the shuttle, but the Jedi stayed close on their tail and chased them.
One of the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, jumped from the T-6 shuttle onto Hardeen's ship. Seeing his chance to kill a Jedi, Bane left to fight Skywalker, leaving Eval and Hardeen to pilot the transport. While Bane and Skywalker fought, the two ships raced along Orondia's pipelines. In an attempt to shake Skywalker off, Hardeen swerved upwards, crashing into the Jedi shuttle and sending both hurtling towards the planet's surface. While Bane and Skywalker were thrown to the ground, Eval and Hardeen tumbled around the cabin. As Eval got his bearings, Hardeen exited the ship to deal with the Jedi, joining Bane in his fight with Skywalker. Eval, meanwhile, repaired some of the critical damage from the crash. Once he managed to fire the ship's engines, Eval walked outside to retrieve Bane and Hardeen, who were locked in a standoff with the second Jedi, Ahsoka Tano. Eval yelled that he had gotten the ship operational again and urged them to hurry inside. Leaving the Jedi behind, the trio regrouped onboard and set off for Serenno.

Having arrived at Serenno without any further incidents, Eval, Bane, and Hardeen touched down in close proximity to Count Dooku's palace, where vessels belonging to a number of bounty hunters enlisted by Dooku for participation in the Box were situated. Eval promptly disembarked from the transport to extend greetings to Dooku, who was awaiting his arrival accompanied by a contingent of IG-100 MagnaGuards on the landing platform. Despite Eval's apologies for the delays encountered, Dooku reprimanded him and instructed his MagnaGuards to aim their electrostaffs at the Phindian. Upon observing Bane and Hardeen exiting the ship, Dooku inquired about Hardeen's identity, to which Eval explained that Hardeen had been instrumental in his escape from prison and would also be participating in the tournament. An impatient Bane interrupted, demanding his payment, followed by Hardeen moments later. Dooku assured them that they would be compensated for their services but added that they could potentially earn significantly more by participating in the Box tournament. Despite neither of the bounty hunters being particularly impressed by the Box, Dooku expressed his confidence that Eval's machine would ensure that only the most capable participants would be selected for his mission.
Eval interjected, stating that he had designed the Box to identify and eliminate any weak links, and that a dozen of the most skilled bounty hunters, including Bane and Hardeen, had been assembled on Serenno to take part. The other ten hunters were Kiera Swan, Derrown, Sixtat, Jakoli, Embo, Twazzi, Bulduga, Onca, Sinrich, and Mantu. While Dooku and Eval departed to finalize preparations, the twelve contestants awaited outside the Box, during which Bane killed Bulduga for his hat, leaving his partner, Onca, alone. When Dooku and Eval returned, they introduced the group to each other and provided instructions for the tournament, which would result in only the five most skilled hunters surviving. Any other survivors would be killed to preserve the secrecy of the mission, which Dooku hinted would pay enough for the final five to retire in comfort. Eval spoke up and explained that the hunters would solve a series of simulations similar to possible scenarios they would face on the job. With sinister pleasure, Eval taunted the group and gestured them onto an elevator to bring them inside the Box.

Once the hunters entered the confines of the Box, Eval, alongside Dooku, proceeded to the machine's control hub to monitor the unfolding challenge. Eval, projecting his image onto the square-paneled walls, now transformed into screens, announced to the contestants that the sole principle within the Box was the absence of any principles. In response to Embo's query about the objective, Eval clarified that their mission was to swiftly navigate each simulation to find an escape, concluding his transmission and initiating the first trial. A cloud of dioxis gas was unleashed by Eval, prompting the hunters to ascend the columns rising from the floor to evade it. As these columns continued their ascent, limiting the duration participants could remain atop them, Hardeen deduced that the escape lay not upwards but downwards, discovering a route beneath the gas line, which the hunters collectively followed into the subsequent chamber. Although impressed by the absence of fatalities, Eval, appearing on a screen in the subsequent chamber, ominously forewarned that the second challenge would not share this characteristic.
Following the termination of Eval's broadcast, numerous panels retracted, unveiling electrified blades that rhythmically extended and retracted from the walls, claiming Onca and Sinrich as casualties of the Box. From the control room, Dooku lauded the bounty hunters' resilience, singling out Hardeen for his distinct qualities. Dooku inquired with Eval about his knowledge of the marksman, to which Eval disclosed that Hardeen was responsible for the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Despite downplaying the accomplishment by noting the use of a sniper rifle, Dooku remained impressed. Within the arena, the walls began to converge, prompting Hardeen to discern a pattern within the blades that formed a path up the walls, leading to an exit in the ceiling. Communicating his discovery to the other hunters, the group commenced their ascent. Despite Swan's demise, the remaining members successfully escaped. Observing Eval's frustration at Hardeen's success, Dooku suggested that Hardeen might be better positioned to spearhead the operation on Naboo, much to Eval's displeasure.

Eval's face contorted in dismay as Dooku voiced his dissatisfaction with the Box's performance.
Assuming a sardonic smile, Eval conceded Hardeen's cunning but adjusted the subsequent simulation to assess his effectiveness when not pivotal to the group's survival. Addressing the hunters via a screen once more, Eval declared that survival in the upcoming challenge hinged on one contestant traversing a ray shield encompassing the room to activate a deactivation switch. The chosen contestant would need to inject a highly electromagnetic serum, temporarily granting immunity to the shields. Eval cautioned that the serum was lethal to all but one of the hunters, leaving them to resolve the predicament. During the ensuing debate, Jakoli fell victim to the ray shields, leading Hardeen to deduce that Derrown, a Parwan, possessed the necessary resistance to the injection. Derrown administered the serum and successfully deactivated the ray shields, though not before Mantu plummeted from the platform and was electrocuted. With the shields disabled, an opening appeared, guiding the hunters to the final simulation.
Dooku, expressing his dissatisfaction with the ease with which the hunters had overcome Eval's challenges, reiterated the possibility of placing Hardeen in command of the mission, further provoking Eval. Eval asserted his entitlement to the lead role, citing his creation of the kidnapping plot as justification. Granting him one final opportunity to prove his worth, Dooku permitted Eval to personally initiate the final challenge. Within the final arena, the hunters found themselves on a platform suspended high above the floor, which opened to reveal a multitude of flamethrowers. Eval emerged from behind a series of panels on the far wall, controlling the simulations via an arm gauntlet and revealing a sniper rifle near the hunters. A moving target traversed the wall opposite the hunters, and Eval stipulated that the target must be struck three times. Sixtat seized the rifle and attempted the challenge, missing the third shot and plunging into the flames below. As Hardeen retrieved the next rifle from the dispenser, Eval emitted a chilling laugh.

Eval's designs and leadership were deemed insufficient by Dooku, leading to Cad Bane's appointment as the mission's commander.
Hardeen succeeded in striking the target three times, causing Eval's composure to erode. Manipulating his controller, Eval elevated the remaining contestants, then informed Hardeen that five more hits were required to demonstrate his prowess. Hardeen accurately struck the targets four times before exhausting the charges, prompting a cruel laugh from Eval, who emphasized the importance of luck for a bounty hunter. Eval triggered the collapse of Hardeen's platforms, but before Hardeen could fall into the flames, he was rescued by a cable from Bane's wrist gauntlet. Enraged, Eval demanded an explanation for Bane's defiance, to which Bane simply replied that if he were to eliminate Hardeen, it would be done honorably. Dooku, appearing via the screen transmission, concurred with Bane. Seizing control of the Box's command terminal, Dooku deactivated the flamethrowers in the room's center to create a dueling arena, then sealed the wall behind Eval, forcing him into the pit. Bane released Hardeen onto the floor, and the confrontation commenced.
Employing the Box's technology through his controller, Eval deployed four Ringneck probe droids to engage Hardeen, who swiftly neutralized them. Subsequently, Eval generated a labyrinth of moving platforms. Successfully evading Hardeen, Eval nearly eliminated him with flamethrowers, but Hardeen gained the advantage by tackling him and disabling the gauntlet, leveling the playing field. Despite Eval's brutal assault, Hardeen managed to tackle Eval once more, beating him to the verge of death. Dooku instructed Hardeen to execute Eval, but Hardeen refused, drawing criticism for his inadequate leadership. Dooku congratulated the final five hunters for enduring the Box, with the team consisting of Eval, Bane, Hardeen, Twazzi, Embo, and Derrown. Announcing their mission to abduct Supreme Chancellor Palpatine during the Festival of Light on Naboo, Dooku informed the team that Eval would brief them on his plan en route to Naboo but declared Bane as the operation's leader, much to Eval's dismay.

Despite his discontent, Eval yielded to Count Dooku's directives and relinquished command of the kidnapping scheme to Cad Bane.
With the competition concluded, the kidnapping team, accompanied by Dooku, prepared to embark for Naboo. Once the vessel entered lightspeed, Dooku directed Eval to impart his plan to Bane, ensuring the new leader was fully informed. When Eval protested, citing his creation of the plan, Dooku sternly insisted on Bane's complete understanding for payment to be rendered. Dooku granted the remainder of the team respite, allowing Eval to brief Bane. Eval activated a hologram depicting the Theed Royal Palace and the surrounding city, but Bane promptly deactivated it upon Hardeen's entry. Dismissing Hardeen, Bane instructed him to rest, which the bounty hunter complied with. With Hardeen gone, Eval reactivated the hologram and meticulously detailed his plan, outlining the Festival of Light, the Royal Palace's layout, and the team's utilization of holographic disguise matrixes to infiltrate the Republic's Senate Guard. After an hour of explaining his intricate scheme, Bane dismissed it as "bantha dung."
Bane argued that the plan was susceptible to numerous failures, beginning with the disguise matrixes, but Eval defended his plan, asserting that success was guaranteed unless Bane interfered. Upon the ship's discreet arrival at Naboo, Eval had selected an abandoned docking bay for landing. However, the team discovered the bay was not abandoned but staffed by technicians working a late shift. Eval, Derrown, and Embo entered the warehouse and eliminated the workers. Dooku, escorted by Bane, Twazzi, and Hardeen, joined them once the area was secured. With the group assembled, Dooku expressed confidence in the plan's execution, instructing them to adhere to their roles closely. He added that, in addition to historical recognition, each participant would receive enough credits to retire, then ceded control to Bane. Bane distributed datapads to each member, outlining their position and specific tasks. Eval, formerly the mastermind, was now relegated to the role of getaway driver.

Assigned as the getaway driver, Moralo Eval piloted a seized flash speeder to flee Theed.
Hardeen inquired about the plan's coherence, and Bane briefly outlined each member's role: he, Twazzi, Embo, and Derrown would infiltrate the festival disguised as Senate Guards, while Hardeen would independently infiltrate the city and assume a sniper position overlooking the palace, and Eval would serve as the getaway driver. Each datapad also contained details on the rendezvous point, where Dooku would extract them and escape the planet. Utilizing a holographic disguise matrix, Bane provided the bounty hunters, excluding himself and Eval, with shadow hologram disguises of Senate Guards. Once the team was disguised, Bane informed them that further communication was prohibited until the mission's completion. As the team departed to assume their positions, Eval boarded a seized flash speeder and awaited his cue. Meanwhile, the rest of the team entered the Festival of Light, where Chancellor Palpatine commenced the ceremonies.
Unbeknownst to Eval or Bane, the Jedi Order possessed prior knowledge of the kidnapping plot, thanks to intelligence provided by Obi-Wan Kenobi, and had established robust security measures, placing the Chancellor and Naboo leadership under the protection of several Jedi, including Skywalker, Tano, and Master Mace Windu. Kenobi, concealed in the sniper position designated for Hardeen, aided the Jedi by monitoring the kidnapping team. Despite Kenobi's attempts to alert the Jedi, Derrown, employing the same electromagnetic serum from the Box, bypassed a protective ray shield and destroyed the shield generator safeguarding the Chancellor's platform, resulting in a blast that rendered several individuals, including Palpatine, unconscious. As the Jedi addressed Derrown, Twazzi and Embo seized an unconscious Senate Guard and, using a disguise matrix, disguised them as the Chancellor. Bane, disguised as a Neimoidian, employed another matrix to disguise Palpatine. As the Jedi pursued Embo and Twazzi, Eval arrived to retrieve Bane.

Betrayed by Dooku and unable to flee Naboo, Eval and Bane are apprehended by the Jedi.
Upon spotting Bane and the unconscious Palpatine, Eval demanded that Bane deposit the Chancellor onboard, but Bane responded by aiming a blaster at him, preventing Eval from abandoning him. Eval hastily sped away from Theed towards the rendezvous point, a nearby plasma refinery. Once there, Eval assured Bane that Dooku would arrive shortly, as planned. As they waited, Eval boasted about the plan's flawless execution, triggering an argument with Bane, who downplayed Eval's contribution to their success. Moments later, Kenobi arrived in a speeder. Still unaware of his true identity, Bane reprimanded Hardeen for arriving prematurely, to which Hardeen retorted that he refused to be double-crossed again. Realizing that they had been betrayed by Dooku, Eval inquired about their course of action with the Chancellor, and Bane proposed ransoming him themselves. Suddenly, Kenobi abandoned the "Hardeen" persona and aimed his blaster at Bane, declaring that the Chancellor would remain with him.
Eval lunged at Kenobi's arm, providing Bane with an opportunity to attack. Following a brief skirmish, Kenobi incapacitated Bane, but before Eval could escape, another speeder carrying Republic forces arrived at the refinery. Skywalker and Windu swiftly cornered Eval, aiming their lightsabers at him, prompting Eval to feign injury and beg for mercy. While Eval surrendered, the Jedi apprehended Bane, and both were handcuffed and placed in a speeder. As the Jedi conversed, revealing that "Hardeen" was Kenobi, Eval incredulously exclaimed Kenobi's name. Bane, having previously fought Kenobi, rebuked the Jedi for his deception before he and Eval were taken away. With their plan culminating in failure, Eval and Bane were transported back to Coruscant by the Republic and remanded to the Republic Judiciary. While Bane was returned to the Central Detention Center, Eval was sentenced to life imprisonment and confined to a maximum-security Republic Military installation, ensuring his absolute isolation and preventing any possibility of escape.

Unbeknownst to Moralo Eval, he was simply a tool to Darth Sidious, who was secretly Chancellor Palpatine.
While Eval was subjected to solitary confinement, Bane was granted contact with fellow inmates at the Judiciary Detention Center. In prison, he encountered Boba Fett and Bossk during a shared lunch period, where they demanded their payment for orchestrating the riot several days prior. Bane informed them that no reward would be forthcoming, adding that "Hardeen" was, in reality, Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise. Recounting his escape from Coruscant and the kidnapping attempt, Bane portrayed Eval negatively, discrediting Eval's reputation as a mastermind and asserting that Eval's plan was not as brilliant as he believed. Bane attributed the plan's failure to Eval, suggesting that Eval's supposed brilliance was merely a facade. Upon concluding his story, Fett extended a job offer he and Bossk were planning, promising it would surpass anything Eval could have envisioned.
The complete details surrounding Eval's initial Republic imprisonment and subsequent rearrest remained enigmatic to outsiders, a judicial mystery compounded by the apparent disappearance of the real Rako Hardeen after being taken into Jedi custody to facilitate Kenobi's impersonation. Much to the chagrin of Coruscant Security Force Inspector Tan Divo, who maintained files on Eval, Bane, and Hardeen, the Jedi kept much of its reports on Kenobi's undercover mission classified. In conversation with Divo, Chancellor Palpatine expressed disdain for the Jedi's elaborate plot to apprehend Eval, deeming it needlessly risky. In reality, Darth Sidious and Count Dooku had orchestrated much of the preceding events, including Eval and Bane's initial arrests, the procedural errors that allowed their prison meeting, and Dooku's abandonment of both on Naboo as part of a larger scheme to sow discord between prospective Sith Anakin Skywalker and the Jedi Order.

Eval's Box designs influenced the "Well" at the Imperial Academy on Lothal.
At the culmination of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, Sidious successfully swayed Skywalker from the Jedi, the result of a protracted scheme that involved using Eval as a minor pawn during the Clone Wars. Shortly after instructing Skywalker to eliminate Dooku, Sidious reorganized the Republic into the inaugural Galactic Empire. As part of its rapid military expansion, the Empire established several training academies for recruits, including the Academy for Young Imperials on the Outer Rim planet Lothal. Within the Lothal academy was a testing facility known as "the Well," a remotely configured chamber designed to simulate obstacle courses and challenges. The Well's style and composition were directly inspired by Eval's Box designs, as well as the decommissioned training facilities created for the Republic Military on Kamino. Similar to Eval's Box, the Well featured a grid of shifting panels, and most simulations required participants to escape the chamber as quickly as possible.
Decades after the Clone Wars, Exantor Divo, the police commissioner on Hosnian Prime and the grandson of the late Tan Divo, inherited his grandfather's case files from his tenure with the CSF, which had long been presumed lost since the Clone Wars. Among Divo's files were his dossier and writings on Moralo Eval and the Jedi Order's elaborate plot to prevent his kidnapping of Chancellor Palpatine. Exantor compiled his grandfather's files into a multi-generational catalog detailing the evolution of crime and law enforcement over several decades, titled Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious. Exantor added commentary and context to his grandfather's files, including his dossier on Eval. Exantor wrote about Eval's criminal history before the kidnapping plot and his enduringly infamous reputation at the time of the book's publication in 34 ABY, as well as the circumstances of his time in the Central Detention Center, which remained a mystery even then.

Moralo Eval, a male Phindian characterized by yellow eyes, rough dark skin, and a skull elongated in accordance with his species, stood at a height of 1.75 meters, equivalent to 5 feet and 9 inches.
From an early age, Eval exhibited sadistic and sociopathic tendencies, notably rejecting the traditional Phindian emphasis on familial bonds. His criminal career commenced with the murder of his mother, an act he justified as stemming from boredom. During his subsequent years as a fugitive, he cultivated a disturbed personality and peculiar mannerisms. In addition to various physical tics, Eval developed the habit of referring to himself in the third person, a persistent trait indicative of his inflated self-importance. Despite his psychological disorders, Eval swiftly gained recognition as a criminal mastermind for his unique and ingenious methods of committing crimes and evading capture. As a serial killer, Eval's meticulously planned crimes were intricate and precise, almost always resulting in success.
His reputation as a brilliant murderer fostered a sense of superiority within Eval. Following several brief arrests attributed to his arrogance and inflated ego, Eval resolved to avoid situations that might lead to encounters with law enforcement. Known within underworld circles for his vanity and selfishness, Eval avoided unnecessary risks and exerted minimal effort. His arrogant nature and increasingly erratic behavior made him notoriously difficult to collaborate with. Associates in the galactic underworld found his pompous self-admiration infuriating, and his sociopathy hindered his ability to garner genuine admiration. Eval derived evident pleasure from inflicting pain indiscriminately, even upon supposed allies, rendering him widely unpopular. Despite being despised by fellow criminals and law enforcement alike, Eval maintained his infamous reputation, with even the highest echelons of law enforcement grudgingly acknowledging his ability to outwit them.

Despite his arrogance and conceit, Eval yearned for the approval of his benefactor, Count Dooku.
Eval's sociopathic disregard for others enabled him to readily alter plans and adapt his convictions to suit his desires. During preparations for the kidnapping plot, Eval twice abandoned Rako Hardeen without hesitation, first in prison and then on Nal Hutta. When confronted by Hardeen regarding the Nal Hutta incident, Eval denied any responsibility and gleefully exacerbated the conflict between Hardeen and Cad Bane. While initially amused by their clashes, Eval soon grew irritated when they threatened to delay his scheduled arrival on Serenno. Despite his loyalty to none but himself and his tendency to bully those beneath him, Eval suffered from insecurity and gullibility, fostering an innate respect for his benefactor, Count Dooku, whose approval he actively sought. Unaware of his status as a mere pawn, Eval reveled in the resources and perceived power granted to him by Dooku. Though ostensibly motivated by financial gain, Eval also egotistically craved praise and attention from him.
Eval struggled to accept defiance or disapproval and found it difficult to cope when his ego was challenged. He was quick to defend himself and his creations, firmly believing in their success even in the face of dissent. When belittled and mocked by Dooku during the disappointing tournament in the Box, Eval became irritated and embarrassed, further aggravated by Dooku's praise for Hardeen's success in outsmarting his simulations. Unable to maintain his composure, Eval eventually broke down before Dooku, pleading not to be replaced before resolving to kill Hardeen himself, a fateful decision that ultimately relegated him to the role of getaway driver. Despite initial protests against the demotion, Eval succumbed to Dooku's will and relinquished his plans to Cad Bane, who criticized what he perceived as a convoluted and contrived mess. Despite Bane's doubts, Eval's plan proved successful. The two escaped Theed with Chancellor Palpatine in tow, a minor consolation given the impending life of imprisonment and solitary confinement that awaited him upon his arrest by Republic forces.

In contrast to Cad Bane or Obi-Wan Kenobi, posing as Rako Hardeen, Moralo Eval was a brutal and unrefined combatant.
Despite several physical anomalies, including a shorter stature compared to other Phindians and a limp, Moralo Eval was a formidable combatant and fighter. Unlike the more disciplined Cad Bane or Obi-Wan Kenobi, Eval exhibited an animalistic and savage fighting style, mercilessly pummeling his victims. During his escape from the Central Detention Center on Coruscant, Eval tackled a clone worker to the ground, repeatedly slamming his fists into the trooper even after he had lost consciousness. Similarly, Eval employed his crude hand-to-hand combat skills when fighting Kenobi, disguised as Rako Hardeen, in the Box, combining his swift and powerful movements with the technology at his disposal. In addition to his unarmed combat abilities, Eval was also proficient in armed combat.
Despite his lack of martial refinement, Eval possessed a keen intellect despite his disturbed personality. He was widely recognized as a brilliant mastermind and strategist, and his ingenuity led to his partnership with Count Dooku and the construction of the Box. Adept at various technical skills, many of which he acquired during his years as a fugitive, Eval was a skilled mechanic and engineer, capable of performing tasks ranging from repairing his ship after it crashed on Orondia to designing complex and unique technology such as the Box. Like many in the criminal profession, Eval was also proficient in piloting a variety of vehicles, including speeders and starships.

The YV-666 light freighter belonging to Moralo Eval, which he possessed briefly before its destruction.
After shedding his prison garb on Nal Hutta, Eval made purchases at Pablo's pawnshop in Bilbousa Bazaar, acquiring second-hand equipment and multiple weapons. A rusting gray pistol and a sniper rifle were among Eval's acquisitions. He also picked up a weathered brown holster for his blaster. His armor consisted of a two-tone chest plate accompanied by matching shoulder pieces. Beneath the armor, Eval wore simple brown trousers and a long-sleeved shirt, both in earth tones.
Later, while still on Bilbousa, Eval obtained a YV-666 light freighter, a vessel from the YV-series line produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, from a Bith starship merchant selected by Rako Hardeen. During their attempt to depart Nal Hutta, Eval's ship suffered an attack by Hutt Clan forces and was destroyed. Subsequently, they met up with Hardeen and invested in a Luxury 3000 space yacht, a SoroSuub Corporation-manufactured transport vessel.
Moralo Eval's character was developed for a four-part story arc within the fourth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, an animated television show. Kyle Dunlevy directed the first episode of this set, titled "Deception," which was written by Brent Friedman and originally broadcast on Cartoon Network on January 20, 2012. The episodes "Friends and Enemies," "The Box," and "Crisis on Naboo" followed "Deception," and Eval played a significant role in each. Polina Hristova and Andre Kirk created concept designs for Eval in "Friends and Enemies" and "The Box" as early as November 2, 2010. Stephen Stanton, a seasoned voice actor, voiced Eval in The Clone Wars. Stanton had previously voiced Mas Amedda and Admiral Tarkin earlier in the series and would continue to voice several more characters in later seasons of The Clone Wars and the broader Star Wars universe. Stanton relished voicing Eval, regarding the unstable and psychotic character as one of his most enjoyable Star Wars performances. Stanton found it amusing that Eval was written as a lifelong criminal, and he noted that an early draft of the "Deception" script indicated Eval was seven years old when he murdered his mother. He and Corey Burton, the voice of Cad Bane in The Clone Wars, likened their characters' villainous storyline to gangster films from Warner Bros. featuring actors like Humphrey Bogart or James Cagney, where many protagonists were criminals. Stanton collaborated with supervising director Dave Filoni to carefully modulate Eval's barely suppressed psychosis, preventing it from becoming excessive. Stanton employed physical contortions during recording sessions as a method to embody Eval's character.
Throughout 2012, Stanton frequently appeared on The ForceCast as a guest, where he performed Eval in a recurring segment known as "Bedtime Stories with Moralo Eval" or "Uncle Moralo's Bedtime Stories." In these humorous segments, Stanton would recite children's tales and nursery rhymes in Eval's voice, often adding darkly humorous commentary or alterations.