Bilbousa City, also known as Bilbousa, served as the primary spaceport and capital city located on Nal Hutta, a world characterized by its swamp environment. The urban sprawl presented a disarray of short, unimpressive structures, all entangled by extensive root systems originating from massive, bulbous plant structures. The streets teemed with mercenaries, bounty hunters, and minor offenders, each aspiring to ascend within the local hierarchy of power. Despite the persistent swampy rain and the pervasive, unpleasant fog blanketing Nal Hutta, Bilbousa surprisingly featured numerous open-air cafes and dining establishments.
Visible from the city was the Palace of crime lord Gardulla Besadii the Elder, one of Nal Hutta's largest buildings and an occasional meeting place for the Grand Hutt Council, the governing body of the Hutt Clan that held dominion over the planet. The settlement's nearness to the palace resulted in the market shops offering a remarkable selection of rare and peculiar items, while the spaceport thrived on the trade of used starships, yet both locations were known for their subtle intrigues and sudden outbreaks of violence. A significant portion of the merchandise available in the city consisted of possessions taken from those who had displeased the Hutts or were careless around Bilbousa's residents. Despite its substantial size and well-stocked marketplaces, Bilbousa was not considered a prime location for conducting business, as most dealings between Nal Hutta and off-worlders occurred on the moon of Nar Shaddaa.
During the High Republic Era, the Drengir overrun the city.
Sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the Crimson Dawn flagship known as the Vermillion made its way to Bilbousa, touching down at the Bilbousa Spaceport for a clandestine meeting with its operatives. Concurrently, the bounty hunter T'onga and her crew arrived with the intention to raid the Vermillion and liberate the child named Cadeliah who was being held captive aboard the vessel. Dengar, a bounty hunter who had recently joined the crew but was secretly working as a double agent for Crimson Dawn, facilitated their access to the ship before excusing himself, stating that he would not participate in the mission itself. Unbeknownst to T'onga and her crew, Dengar, after his departure, waited elsewhere in the city while orchestrating their entry into a carefully laid trap.