Gardulla the Hutt's Palace

Gardulla the Hutt's Palace, situated on Nal Hutta, the Hutt homeworld, was a palatial estate. Gardulla Besadii the Elder, a member of the Grand Hutt Council, owned this palace. For a time, the palace served as a prison for Ziro, a crime lord of the Hutt species who possessed compromising information about the Hutt Council. Numerous Nikto guards, along with other hired personnel, were responsible for guarding the palace. Later, Pre Vizsla, Maul, Savage Opress, and fellow Death Watch warriors launched an assault on the palace. The palace's inhabitants were either killed or managed to escape during the attack. A significant number of the Nikto guards perished in the resulting conflict.


On the swamp planet Nal Hutta, the palace of Hutt crime lord Gardulla Besadii the Elder stood as one of the most expansive structures. The palace was constructed into the stone and organic support structure of what appeared to be a massive fungal pod, positioned within sight of Bilbousa, the planet's primary spaceport and capital city. Accessible by spacecraft or swamp speeder, the palace and its surrounding complex were heavily defended and fortified. It also occasionally served as a meeting place for the Grand Hutt Council, the governing body of the Hutt Clan that held dominion over Nal Hutta. Consequently, the palace experienced more traffic than other palaces on the planet, which generally saw few visitors due to most off-world business being conducted on the moon Nar Shaddaa.

