The Bilbousa saloon, a drinking establishment, could be found on the planet of Nal Hutta. During the period known as the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, journeyed to this saloon in their pursuit of intelligence regarding a group of bounty hunters. This group included individuals such as Cad Bane, Moralo Eval, and Rako Hardeen, who, without the Jedi's knowledge, was actually Obi-Wan Kenobi operating undercover. Skywalker gained entry by overpowering the Gamorrean security at the entrance. He then proceeded to question the Ithorian bartender, resorting to a Force choke when the bartender attempted to exploit the situation for personal gain. Upon discovering that their targets had recently acquired a ship and departed, the two Jedi promptly exited the saloon. The interior and exterior spaces of the saloon were teeming with numerous beings from diverse alien species. The saloon's interior, despite its dim lighting and refuse-strewn floors, was a vibrant scene, complete with Twi'lek entertainers providing amusement for the clientele, in addition to the availability of outdoor seating.