
Sinrich was a male Snivvian bounty hunter active during the era of the Clone Wars. Notably, he was the inventor of the holographic disguise matrix. His inventive skills eventually drew the eye of both the Sith Lord known as Count Dooku and the Phindian criminal mastermind Moralo Eval, leading to an invitation to participate in a series of trials within the Box located on the planet Serenno.


Sinrich wielded dual blasters in combat.

Sinrich, at some point in his life, embarked on a career as a bounty hunter, achieving considerable recognition across the galaxy. His creation of the holographic disguise matrix further enhanced his reputation. During the year 20 BBY, amidst the ongoing Clone Wars, both the Sith Lord Count Dooku and the Phindian criminal genius Moralo Eval extended an invitation to Sinrich, along with other bounty hunters, to partake in a series of demanding challenges held within the Box on the planet Serenno. His inventions, most notably the holographic disguise matrix, were the primary reason Dooku took notice of him and caught his eye.

In these potentially deadly trials against other bounty hunters, the successful competitors were to be granted the privilege of abducting Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine of the Galactic Republic. Sinrich, like the others, performed well in the initial challenge, progressing to the second. Upon entering this second challenge, the bounty hunters discovered a room filled with columns of electrified laser blade. Following the deaths of Onca and Kiera Swan, Sinrich, along with the remaining bounty hunters, opted to follow the strategies employed by Rako Hardeen and Cad Bane to survive the room. Regrettably, Embo choked Sinrich during the escape, causing him to lose his way, forcing him to climb after a setback to his fate. Ultimately, Sinrich met his demise, impaled by the obstacles, preventing his advancement to the third challenge. Later, the Sinrich optical dephaser, a small-scale cloaking device used by the Noghri assassin Rukh, was named after the Snivvian.

Personality and traits

Although his snaggletoothed grin gave off a friendly vibe, Sinrich was a master of deception. He was highly intelligent, evidenced by his creation of the holographic disguise matrix, an advanced holographic projection that cloaked its user in a realistic recreation of another person's appearance, which he used for his personal and criminal ventures. However, he lacked the agility and skill required within the Box, leading to his death inside its walls. In combat, he carried both a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol and a Pandorian Guard blaster.

Behind the scenes

Sinrich was conceived for the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, debuting in the episode titled "The Box." The character model used for Sinrich was a modified and repainted version of a model previously used for another Snivvian character in the earlier episode "Padawan Lost."

