Padawan Lost

"Padawan Lost" represents the twenty-first installment within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television program's third season. It was originally broadcast on March 19, 2011 within the United Kingdom, then on March 25, 2011 within Canada. In the United States, it was presented on April 1, 2011 as the concluding part of the season.

Official description

"Ahsoka, along with a collection of kidnapped younglings, discovers they are stranded on a Trandoshan moon. They are now the quarry in a sophisticated and brutal hunting game. Despite the valiant efforts of their enthusiastic leader, Kalifa, the disheartened younglings have surrendered all hope. Ahsoka motivates them to defend themselves and retaliate against the Trandoshans, an action that carries grave consequences."

Plot summary

The arrival of battle droid reinforcements on Felucia occurs without their knowledge that Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by Ahsoka, are observing their movements. A decision is made to attack prior to the droids establishing a secure position. Anakin is designated to spearhead a frontal assault, while Koon will approach from the flank. Ahsoka receives the assignment to scale the base's rear wall alongside a clone trooper unit, a task she accepts with her characteristic playful banter with Anakin.

The droids, alerted to the approaching Republic AT-TEs and Juggernaut turbo tanks, hastily evacuate the base, only to encounter Anakin's prepared ambush. Master Koon, Commander Wolffe, and their team utilize jetpacks to infiltrate the compound, while Ahsoka's squad prepares to ascend the wall. However, while nearing the base, Ahsoka detects a peculiar presence in the vicinity. Just before she is about to climb, she is ambushed, struck by a stun net, rendered unconscious by the shock, and subsequently abducted. She awakens imprisoned within a cage aboard a Trandoshan transport vessel. There, she learns from a fellow captive that she and the others are intended as prospective hunting trophies for a group of malevolent Trandoshans. Adding to the predicament, the leader of the capture party decides to present Ahsoka to his son Dar as a means for him to prove his worth.

Ahsoka and her fellow captives are transported to the Trandoshan moon Wasskah and abandoned on the briar-covered Island Four. Under the initial assault from the villains, several prisoners are immediately shot down. However, Ahsoka manages to find refuge within the nearby briar forest. She is discovered and joined by three Jedi younglings, Kalifa, O-Mer, and Jinx. They were previously captured during a training exercise and brought to this location to be hunted. Despite this, they have managed to evade their potential murderers thus far, although they must constantly relocate to prevent attracting the hunters to their hiding place. Ahsoka encounters the three younglings, who have been compelled to fend for themselves for an extended period, resulting in their despondency and grim outlook. They are merely fighting for survival and no longer anticipate any assistance.

The following morning, the Trandoshans initiate the hunt, and Ahsoka discovers that their difficult experiences have hardened her comrades to the suffering of others, as the hunters eliminate two of the prisoners who arrived with Ahsoka. Resolved to alter this, Ahsoka takes action and ambushes a solitary Trandoshan, briefly grabbing his neck with the Force to slam him down. However, he regains the advantage and nearly shoots her, prompting Kalifa to nearly choke him to death. After Ahsoka prevents Kalifa from killing out of hatred, the hunter calls for help, forcing them to retreat. Having survived the day, Kalifa unexpectedly expresses hope that Ahsoka, as an advanced learner in the use of the Force, can assist them in recovering what they have lost. Drawing upon her military background, Ahsoka begins to devise a strategy to strike at the Trandoshans' base.

The subsequent morning, they discover that the base is a ship hovering among the clouds, but the hunt resumes, compelling them to separate. Kalifa, who accompanies Ahsoka, is shot off a briar branch and lands, wounded and injured, on the ground, with Dar in close pursuit. Before he can shoot her, Ahsoka intervenes and engages him in close combat, which concludes with Dar falling onto a large thorn on the ground, resulting in his death. Enraged, Garnac, Dar's father, opens fire on the two young Jedi, fatally wounding Kalifa. Just before Kalifa passes away, Ahsoka promises her that she will care for the others before being forced to retreat.

Meanwhile, after noticing Ahsoka's disappearance, Anakin orders repeated searches of the area surrounding the droid base, but without success. Although compelled to call off the search, he remains determined to find Ahsoka until, upon returning to the Jedi Temple, Plo Koon advises him that he should trust Ahsoka's inherent abilities and strengths to guide her through and enable her to find her way back to him.


