Wookiee Hunt

"Wookiee Hunt" marks the twenty-second and concluding episode of the third season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television program. It was broadcast on March 26, 2011 in the United Kingdom and on April 1 in the United States, serving as the season's concluding installment.

Official description

"When Ahsoka and the young Jedi allies are struggling to get away from the Trandoshan hunters, their situation improves unexpectedly with the arrival of a new prisoner: Chewbacca the Wookiee. Chewbacca finds pieces from a destroyed Trandoshan slave transport and uses them to build a communicator to send a distress signal. Help comes in the imposing, furry shape of Wookiee warriors led by General Tarfful. After being freed, Ahsoka goes back to the Jedi Temple and is reunited with Anakin Skywalker."

Plot summary

Ahsoka barely escapes her Trandoshan hunter, Lagon, in the dense jungles of Island Four, by hiding under a large branch. She then overhears Dar's father, Garnac, vowing revenge for his son's death. Upon returning to their hideout, she informs her companions Jinx and O-Mer about Kalifa's passing, which makes them very sad. Ahsoka, still resolved to fight, suggests attacking the dropship when it delivers more prisoners, which encourages her friends a bit.

The following morning, using the forest and fog as cover, Ahsoka and the younglings leap onto the ship as it hovers over the beach, forcing one of the pilots to chase her. While Jinx and O-Mer subdue him, Ahsoka goes into the ship to defeat the other pilot. Their fight at the controls causes the ship to drift and damages important systems, forcing the young Jedi to give up. Just before the ship falls apart, Ahsoka releases the other prisoners, but the only one on board is a Wookiee called Chewbacca, who joins the Jedi. Although their escape failed, Chewbacca says he can contact his home planet, Kashyyyk, if they can find the ship's wreckage to build a transmitter.

Under the cover of darkness, the Jedi and Chewbacca sneak back to the ship, which is now guarded by a sniper post because the Trandoshans know the younglings are becoming bolder. While O-Mer and Jinx deal with the sniper, Ahsoka and Chewbacca enter the ship to get the parts they need. With the Wookiee's help, they even capture the sniper alive and bring him to their hideout. However, the transmitter doesn't work properly, and Jinx, who is angry and impatient, suggests using their prisoner to lure and hijack a hunting pod to take the base ship. O-Mer agrees with Jinx, and Ahsoka, not wanting her friends to go alone, convinces Chewbacca to join them.

The next morning, Jinx uses his ability to make their prisoner call for a pick-up. They manage to capture the pod and board the base ship, but they can't stop the guard from warning the others. They are overpowered after a short but intense fight. However, Chewbacca's transmitter has contacted his people, and a Wookiee rescue force, led by Wookiee General Tarfful and supported by bounty hunters Sugi and Seripas, arrives just in time to save them. While a battle breaks out on the lower deck, killing all the Trandoshan crew, Ahsoka chases Garnac into the depths of the ship and defeats him in hand-to-hand combat. When he tries to kill her to avenge his son, Ahsoka uses the Force to push him out of the hatch and onto the lower deck, killing him instead.

Back at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Anakin Skywalker is happy to see his Padawan, but also blames himself for not protecting her and leaving her behind. However, Ahsoka thanks her master and tells him that his teachings helped her and the others survive. They bow to each other with newfound respect, watched by Master Yoda.


