The Pantoran guard consisted of Pantoran bodyguards responsible for the safety of prominent Pantoran politicians. Those politicians included the Supreme Chairman of the Pantoran Assembly along with Pantora's senator who represented the system within the Senate of the Galactic Republic. They demonstrated skill with both the DC-15A blaster carbine and blaster pistols, weapons which discharged blaster bolts of a high frequency.
During the Clone Wars, Chairman Chi Cho was accompanied by a pair of Pantoran Guards on his mission to Orto Plutonia. These two guards fought bravely during the One-Day War, but due to their disadvantageous position, they were both killed.
The normal duties of the Pantoran Guard, such as protecting Pantoran figures like Riyo Chuchi, were disrupted when her vocal support for clone rights and investigations into the destruction of Kamino conspiracy attracted Imperial Admiral Edmon Rampart's attention. Two of her guards lost their lives in an attempt to protect her and clone trooper informant Slip from Clone X.
After helping to expose the truth regarding Kamino, and Emperor Palpatine's subsequent disavowal of the attack, the guard began secretly assisting Rex and his Clone Underground. They provided refuge for clone defectors Howzer and Fireball on Coruscant, and collaborated with the underground to arrange a meeting between Senator Chuchi and former seperatist senator Avi Singh.