Pantoran Assembly

The Pantoran Assembly, a democratic body, served as the governing authority for Pantora. Pantora is the primary moon within the Pantora system and the original homeworld of the Pantorans. This assembly was led by a Supreme Chairman chosen through elections, a role fulfilled by both Chi Cho and Notluwiski Papanoida throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.

The Assembly possessed the ability to strip the Chairman of their position should they engage in unlawful activities or exceed their designated authority. Furthermore, it could also delegate supplementary powers or jurisdiction to other elected representatives if the situation warranted it. As an example, when Chairman Cho prematurely initiated hostilities with the Talz inhabitants of Orto Plutonia, the Assembly deemed his actions inappropriate, rescinded his authority, and empowered Senator Riyo Chuchi to mediate a peaceful resolution between the Pantoran government and the Talz chieftain.

