Orto Plutonia

Orto Plutonia, a planet of frigid temperatures, existed within the Sujimis sector of the Outer Rim Territories, specifically in the Pantora system. Pantora, a moon orbiting it, was long thought to be the only world with inhabitants in the system. It served as the original homeworld for the Talz species, but was under the protectorate of Pantora until the Talz's existence was revealed during the Clone Wars. Following a brief war between the Pantorans and the Talz, the Pantoran Assembly formally acknowledged the Talz's dominion over Orto Plutonia. The Rebel Alliance concealed its fleet in the planet's orbit not long after the Battle of Yavin.


Located in the Pantora system of the Sujimis sector, near Wild Space at the edge of the Outer Rim Territories, Orto Plutonia was a desolate planet characterized by icy wastelands, tors, and snow-filled canyons. This planet possessed a breathable atmosphere alongside its extremely cold climate and orbited a single star. Seldom visited due to its distance from major trade routes, Orto Plutonia was overshadowed by its moon, Pantora, which acted as the political hub of the sector.


In the year 21 BBY, a Republic force comprised of clone troopers, led by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Captain Rex, arrived on Orto Plutonia to investigate the disappearance of a local clone trooper unit. Accompanying them were C-3PO, R2-D2, and a group of Pantoran officials, including Senator Riyo Chuchi and Chairman Chi Cho. Based on the belief that Orto Plutonia lacked sentient life, Chi Cho stated to the Republic leaders that Plutonia was technically Pantoran territory, as it fell within the boundaries of the Pantora system. Kenobi responded to Chairman Cho that the Galactic Senate would be the body to make that determination.

An investigation of the area uncovered destroyed Republic and Separatist forces, suggesting the involvement of a third party. The Jedi's continued investigation resulted in an encounter with the Talz, a sentient species native to the planet, who had eliminated the forces from both sides in an act of self-defense. Despite the challenges in communication, Obi-Wan and Anakin successfully conveyed their peaceful intentions and organized a meeting between the Pantorans and the Talz. Thi-Sen, the chieftain of the Talz, requested that the Galactic Republic respect their peace and remove all presence from Orto Plutonia. However, Chi Cho rejected the Talz's sentience and declared Plutonia as Pantoran property, triggering a war. He declared it an internal matter of Pantora to justify his actions.

Later, a Talz war party ambushed Chi Cho and his security detail, leading to a battle. Although reluctant to participate in the conflict, the Republic forces commanded by Rex defended Cho against the attackers. After a prolonged fight, Chairman Cho was critically wounded by a spear to the back. Skywalker, Kenobi, and Senator Chuchi arrived just in time to prevent Cho, Rex, and the remaining security from being overwhelmed, but even with his dying breath, Cho demanded that the Talz be killed for the "good" of his people, issuing it as his final order. Chuchi, having understood the situation, informed him of the Assembly's decision to seek peace with the Talz. Following brief negotiations, Orto Plutonia was ceded to the Talz.

