Narglatches were a species of mammalian cats that were carnivorous and native to both Naboo and the icy world of Orto Plutonia. The native Talz held these felines as sacred, utilizing them as both a food source and as mounts.

The pelt of narglatches was sometimes a target for hunters, as some cultures, including the Trandoshans, considered it valuable, even though it was susceptible to blaster fire.
Narglatch cubs were seen as adorable and frequently became pets; however, their increased aggression as they grew older meant that those escaping captivity posed a danger on Coruscant.
Preigo, a Dug, had a narglatch as one of the performers in Preigo's Traveling World of Wonder, his traveling circus located on Florrum. The youngling Wookiee named Gungi was dressed up to look like a narglatch during his time at the circus.
A Republic gunship displaying a narglatch painted on its nose was present during the Battles of Umbara, Scipio, and Anaxes.
The first canon appearance of Narglatches was in "Trespass," which is the fifteenth episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' Season One.