CT-0409, who went by the name Slip, was a clone trooper fighting for the Galactic Empire. He was stationed on Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart's Venator-class Star Destroyer during the attack of Kamino and the bombardment of Tipoca City. After these events, Slip felt deep remorse for his involvement and shared these feelings with his comrade Cade at 79's, a bar located on the planet Coruscant. When Clone X murdered Cade, Slip ran away and reached out to Rex, the leader of the Clone Underground, seeking an escape route. Ultimately, however, he too was killed by Clone X.
In 19 BBY, the clone known as CT-0409, who chose the name Slip, served on Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart's Venator-class Star Destroyer, VZ-114, and witnessed Rampart's order to bombard Tipoca City from orbit. He participated in the subsequent assault. Later, he knew about Rampart's attempts to conceal the truth in order to get the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill passed.
Months later, Slip was at 79's, a cantina on Coruscant popular with clone troopers, having drinks with fellow clone Cade. Cade, who was also at Kamino, declared his intention to reveal the true nature of the operation, after Rampart had deceived the Imperial Senate by claiming a storm had struck Kamino and killed its inhabitants. He followed Cade out of the bar, trying to caution him about Rampart's unpredictable and cruel nature towards clones, but Cade was suddenly killed by Clone X, a clone assassin dispatched by Rampart. Slip managed to escape on a speeder bike.
Senator Riyo Chuchi later visited 79's to understand the clones' opinions about their future in the Empire if the Senate approved Rampart's bill, the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill. After she finished and the clones dispersed, Slip secretly told her the real story of what happened on Kamino. He gave her his designation, CT-0409, so she could verify his story and confirm his presence at the event.
Slip then contacted Rex, a former Clone Captain who had become the leader of the Clone Underground, to arrange his escape from Coruscant, and they planned to meet at a designated location. However, he was being pursued by both the assassin and Senator Chuchi, who wanted him to testify to the senate that Rampart had ordered the destruction of Kamino and genocide of the Kaminoan population. He revealed to Senator Chuchi that he had saved a copy of Rampart's ship's command log to its central system, which would contain the evidence needed to prove that the destruction of Kamino was deliberate. He was then murdered by Clone X, who had followed the senator.
Slip followed orders and allowed Tipoca City to be destroyed while serving Rampart during the Kamino incident. However, Slip and his friend Cade were uneasy with what had happened.
Slip cared for Cade, warning him to be careful when he attempted to expose Rampart's cover-up of the true events on Kamino. After Cade's death, Slip was determined to complete his friend's mission. Although he trusted Senator Chuchi enough to tell her the truth about Tipoca City and Cade's death, he was primarily afraid of similar retaliation from Rampart. He was cautious and paranoid, deciding to leave Coruscant and contacting Rex for help. Although he was stealthy enough to evade Rampart's agents, he was unable to hide from Chuchi's guards, who discovered him and unintentionally allowed Clone X to discover him as well.
Slip wore the standard gray uniform of a clone officer. He was skilled with a DC-17 hand blaster and also knew how to drive a speeder. He was a fast thinker, escaping from Clone X by using a speeder as cover and eventually as a means of escape.