Clone X, also referred to as Sniper X, was a clone trooper who underwent conditioning and served the Galactic Empire as a clone X operative. With his identifying number erased, Imperial officers utilized him for top-secret, high-stakes missions during the Empire's formative years. In 18 BBY, the Empire started the process of replacing its clone trooper army with a military composed of drafted individuals. To finalize this shift, Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart put forward a recruitment bill before the Imperial Senate. However, he also dispatched Clone X to eliminate anyone who possessed information about his clandestine attack on Kamino cities, an event that could jeopardize the bill's passage.
After he assassinated the trooper Cade, another trooper, Slip, managed to escape with details of the assault. Commencing a search for Slip across the planet of Coruscant, Slip spoke with Pantoran Riyo Chuchi, after she revealed her opposition to Rampart's bill to him and other troopers, disclosing Rampart's devastation of the Kaminoan settlements. Clone X relentlessly pursued Slip, but Rampart issued new orders to also eliminate Chuchi, as he discovered her guards were also seeking the trooper. Locating both targets, the assassin killed Slip and then pursued Chuchi until Clone Captain Rex, presumed dead, stunned him. However, while being interrogated, Clone X killed himself using a suicide shocker.
In 18 BBY, Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart deployed Clone X to conceal the truth about the attack on Kamino and the resultant genocide of the population, all in an effort to ensure the passage of the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill. This mission included hunting down clone trooper Cade, who threatened to expose the truth about the fall of Tipoca City to the Imperial Senate if Rampart didn't confess himself. Clone X assassinated Cade outside 79's cantina on Coruscant, but failed to eliminate Slip, who fled on a speeder bike.

Rampart then contacted Clone X, inquiring about Slip's whereabouts. While Clone X hadn't found Slip, he noticed Pantoran guards were also searching for him. Rampart instructed him to tail Senator Riyo Chuchi, hoping she would lead him to Slip. Rampart also ordered the elimination of anyone with potential knowledge of the conspiracy, including the senator herself.

The assassin successfully tracked Chuchi to a meeting point where Slip was supposed to meet with Rex. He fatally shot Slip and one of the senator's bodyguards. A standoff occurred, and the remaining guard managed to delay the assassin while the senator attempted to escape. The assassin pursued her into a smoke-filled warehouse, where he killed the last guard, only to be stunned by Rex. Rex had arrived too late for the initial meeting but followed the sounds of blaster fire, managing to rescue Chuchi.
Clone X regained consciousness to find Rex had taken him to Trace Martez's repair shop in level 1313 of the Coruscant Underworld. During Rex's interrogation, Clone X proved uncooperative, surprising Rex by knowing his name and claiming he was fighting the wrong battle. Identifying himself as "a believer," he committed suicide using a suicide shocker, resulting in instant death.
His body was subsequently placed on a hoversled and shown to Clone Force 99, with Rex noting the erasure of his identifying number.

Being a clone of bounty hunter Jango Fett, Clone X possessed the physical characteristics of a human male, including tan skin, black hair, and brown eyes. As a clone trooper, his height was 1.83 [meters](/article/meter]. He displayed a cold and detached personality, evident in his ability to execute fellow clones, such as Cade and Slip, without hesitation or remorse. Clone X held strong beliefs in the Galactic Empire, which strengthened his resolve and motivation to eliminate traitors and those sympathetic to treason.
Clone X demonstrated proficiency as a sniper, capable of using a sniper rifle to shoot Cade from a distant building and disarm Slip by shooting his blaster out of his hand. He also possessed skills in hand-to-hand combat and stealth tactics.
Clone X wore specialized black armor. His helmet was pressurized and featured a mechanized visor that could extend and retract as needed. He carried a 773 Firepuncher rifle equipped with a scope and wooden stock for engaging long-range targets. This rifle also had a grappling line integrated into the bottom barrel. Additionally, Clone X carried a suicide shocker concealed in his mouth for use in situations of capture or interrogation by enemies seeking Imperial secrets.
Clone X made his debut in "The Clone Conspiracy," the seventh episode of the second season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch television series, which aired on February 8, 2023. The character remained unnamed in the episode itself, but was later identified as "Clone X" in his Databank entry. Promotional images released by The Walt Disney Company on Getty Images also referred to him as Sniper X. The online story gallery for "The Clone Conspiracy" initially described Clone X as a bounty hunter and mercenary, but subsequent Bad Batch episodes established the Clone X trooper division as a mysterious element within the Empire's hierarchy. Therefore, this article assumes any references to Clone X as a mercenary or bounty hunter are inaccurate. His Databank page was eventually replaced with a page dedicated to the Clone X trooper division.