The Clone Conspiracy

title: The Clone Conspiracy

In the animated television program Star Wars: The Bad Batch, "The Clone Conspiracy" marks the seventh installment of its second season. This episode, along with episode eight, "Truth and Consequences," debuted on February 8, 2023 via the Disney+ streaming service.

Official description

A tangled web of deceit begins to unravel, revealing a sinister plot.

Plot summary

The assassination

Inside a cantina located on Coruscant, a clone trooper by the name of Cade confides in his fellow soldier about his growing unease regarding the falsehoods propagated by Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart and their involvement in the destruction of Kamino. Slip, his comrade, retorts that they were simply adhering to directives. The Clone trooper reveals to Slip that he has dispatched a message to Rampart, urging him to disclose the truth to the Imperial Senate before he is compelled to do so himself. As Cade exits the cantina, Slip shadows him, cautioning him about the considerable danger posed by Rampart. Cade responds that they are not inherently wicked individuals but that he requires his assistance. A sniper then fatally wounds Cade with a shot.

Slip endeavors to return fire, only to have his blaster dislodged from his grasp by gunfire. Evading the incoming blaster bolts, Slip assesses Cade's condition, confirming his demise. Employing Cade's blaster, Slip retaliates with gunfire before making his escape aboard a green speeder bike through the Coruscant skyline. Simultaneously, other clone troopers establish a secure perimeter while the assassin withdraws.

Senate proceedings

During a session of the Imperial Senate, Gani Riduli representing the InterGalactic Banking Clan, addresses the assembly concerning the recent catastrophic storm that struck Kamino, emphasizing their vulnerability in the absence of continued Clone trooper production. He advocates for Rampart's Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill. A senator from the Gossam Commerce Guild senator supports the motion, asserting that the galaxy requires a newly drafted military force that accurately represents its populace. In contrast, Senator Tynnra Pamlo contends that there exist more pressing concerns and that the galaxy does not necessitate a new military apparatus. The Arcona senator counters, highlighting the necessity of military forces to suppress insurgencies within the Mid Rim and Outer Rim Territories.

Senator Bail Organa argues that the deployment of the Grand Army of the Republic was a consequence of the Emergency Powers Act and that establishing a military founded on loyalty oaths contravenes the fundamental principles of the Imperial Senate. The Commerce Guild senator dissents, prompting Organa to inquire of Grand Vizier Mas Amedda regarding the stance of Emperor Palpatine on the Defense Recruitment Bill, given his absence from Senate proceedings. Amedda responds that he entrusts this delegation to safeguard the interests of the galaxy.

Riyo Chuchi raises the question of why Clone troopers are excluded from the Defense Recruitment Bill. The Commerce Guild senator explains that the Clone army is undergoing gradual decommissioning due to their inability to withstand accelerated aging. Chuchi counters that Clone troopers are not merely droids that can be deactivated but rather soldiers who have defended them. The Commerce Guild senator challenges Chuchi's concern for the Clone's well-being. Chuchi criticizes the Empire's eagerness to discard the clones despite their sacrifices. She questions the rationale behind commissioning a new army while neglecting the welfare of the existing one.

Admiral Rampart responds that provisions are in place to care for the Clone troopers as they are being phased out. Chuchi inquires whether the Clones have a voice in determining their future. Rampart proposes discussing the Clone's welfare provisions if she collaborates with him. Organa introduces a motion to postpone the vote on the Defense Recruitment Bill, which Senator Pamlo seconds.

Subsequently, Grand Vizier Amedda expresses apprehension regarding Rampart's inability to secure the passage of the Defense Recruitment Bill into law. While Rampart remains optimistic about overcoming the opposition, Amedda worries that the senators will uncover the true events that transpired on Kamino, thereby jeopardizing the legislation. Rampart asserts that he has measures in place to address these challenges and mentions appeasing Chuchi sufficiently to ensure the Bill's passage before any provisions concerning the Clones take effect. Amedda cautions Rampart against any further unforeseen developments, emphasizing the potential consequences.

A constituency meeting

Senator Chuchi engages with several Clone troopers who express their discontent regarding their impending phase-out. She affirms her understanding of their needs. Slip insists on continuing his service as a soldier. Chuchi notes that Clone troopers are typically phased out upon completion of their full rotation. Chuchi suggests formulating a pension plan, but Slip expresses his preference for combating insurgents. Chuchi prompts the clones to consider the implications of becoming too old to fight.

Upon encountering indifference from a Clone trooper, she emphasizes the necessity of accepting the eventual conclusion of their military service. Chuchi assures them that they will have the autonomy to shape their own lives. She seeks their input on how she can ensure that Rampart's bill adequately addresses their needs. Chuchi's words resonate with the clones, prompting them to engage in dialogue with her.

Later, Slip questions Chuchi's genuine concern for the clones' welfare. Chuchi elucidates that the clones lack representation in the Senate and that she can advocate on their behalf. Slip cautions against trusting Admiral Rampart, revealing that Kamino was not destroyed by a storm but rather subjected to an attack under Rampart's command. Initially, Chuchi is skeptical of Slip's claims, but he counters that he was stationed aboard Rampart's Venator-class Star Destroyer. He further alleges that Rampart ordered the bombardment of Kamino's cities.

Chuchi challenges Slip's account, asserting that the Senate would be aware and that someone would have come forward. Slip responds that Rampart reassigned clones or orchestrated the disappearances and deaths of dissenters. Chuchi observes that Slip appears unwell. Slip instructs her to verify his service record, CT-0409, before returning to the cantina. He expresses his belief that Chuchi is one of the "good ones" and advises her to exercise caution. Subsequently, one of Chuchi's staffers informs her that Admiral Rampart has arrived to meet with her. Chuchi requests CT-0409's file, but the staff member indicates that he is still searching for it.

The plot thickens

Later that evening, Slip seeks refuge in a back alley and contacts an unidentified individual via comlink, requesting assistance in escaping offworld. The following day, Chuchi meets with Admiral Rampart and proposes a comprehensive pension plan for the Clones. Rampart initially expresses skepticism due to the substantial cost and escalating insurgencies but relents when Chuchi threatens to withdraw support for his Defense Recruitment Bill. Rampart acquiesces and agrees to endorse her proposal to provide for the welfare of Clone troopers in recognition of their service during the Clone Wars.

Rampart discerns that Chuchi appears troubled. When Chuchi inquires about his survival during the storms that devastated Kamino, Rampart asserts that he was participating in offworld training exercises and feigns regret at being unable to intervene to save more lives. As Rampart characterizes the events on Kamino as a tragedy, Chuchi reminds him that the majority of the Kaminoan population perished. Rampart expresses a desire to move forward, prompting Chuchi to remark that it is easier for some than others before departing. Rampart reflects in silence.

Subsequently, one of Chuchi's staffers informs her that she has received a secure communication. Later that night, Chuchi, accompanied by a bodyguard, travels to a backstreet where they encounter a blue R2-series astromech droid identified as R2-C4. The droid guides them to Senator Organa, who observes that she has stirred up considerable debate in the Senate. Chuchi responds that acting in accordance with what is right is preferable to inaction, apathy, and ignorance. When Organa inquires about her meeting with Rampart, Chuchi reports that Rampart conceded to many of her requests on behalf of the clones. Organa cautions her that Rampart is adept at using persuasive rhetoric to dissuade people from investigating further.

Chuchi concurs. Organa draws a connection between the issue of Clone rights and the escalating number of insurgencies, which alarms the Emperor. Organa voices suspicion regarding the timing of the Kaminoan storm and the Defense Recruitment Bill. Organa also points out that Tipoca City was submersible and had withstood countless storms, questioning why it sank. Chuchi informs him that a clone who served aboard Rampart's vessel witnessed the Admiral ordering the attack on Kaminoan cities. Organa inquires about the clone's current whereabouts. Chuchi reveals that he is in hiding and that her guards are searching for him. Organa cautions that others may also be seeking him.

Hide and seek

In the meantime, Rampart assigns a masked assassin the task of locating Slip and eliminating Chuchi if she interferes. He instructs the assassin to ensure that the killings cannot be traced back to him. Slip navigates the streets of Coruscant, proceeding toward the rendezvous point. He contacts his contact, who informs him that he is en route. Soon after, Chuchi and one of her guards locate Slip.

Slip asks what she wants. Chuchi seeks his assistance in exposing the truth about Admiral Rampart. Slip tells Chuchi that he intends to depart with someone who can facilitate his escape. He asks Chuchi how she found him and whether she was being followed. Chuchi assures him that she can protect him and desires him to testify before the Senate. Slip warns that both their lives are in jeopardy and that Rampart has already murdered Cade. Chuchi informs Slip that Rampart's attack not only destroyed Tipoca City but also entire Kaminoan cities and that he can bring justice to the fallen.

Concurrently, the assassin positions Chuchi in the crosshairs of his blaster. Chuchi implores him to testify before the Senate. Her guard advises her to leave. Slip prepares to depart but reveals to Chuchi that the evidence she requires is contained within Rampart's ship's command log. He explains that he saved a backup to the central system before being struck by a blaster bolt. As the guards rush to protect Chuchi, a second guard is struck by a blaster bolt. The remaining guard instructs Chuchi that they must flee.

Upon his signal, the two flee, evading the assassin's attacks. They escape through a door, but the guard sustains a torso wound. The assassin employs a grappling cable to pursue them inside the building, which turns out to be a factory. The guard diverts the assassin long enough for Chuchi to escape before being shot. Chuchi flees further into the factory, but the assassin overtakes her.

The rescuer and prisoner

Before he can harm Chuchi, he is stunned by a hooded figure who identifies himself as Captain Rex, whom she recognizes. Chuchi inquires about the situation. Rex reciprocates the question before explaining that he had arrived to retrieve Slip. Chuchi informs him that Slip and her guards have been killed. She elaborates that Slip possessed knowledge of the true events that transpired on Kamino and that she intended for him to testify. The two examine the assassin, who is revealed to be a Clone trooper. Chuchi questions why a Clone trooper would commit such an act. Rex responds that he is not a Clone trooper but intends to interrogate him at a secure location.

Rex interrogates the assassin at Trace Martez's repair shop, but the assassin remains silent. He offers to release him, but the Clone replies that he knows that Rex will not allow him to leave alive. The clone identifies himself as a believer before taking his own life using a suicide shocker concealed in his mouth. Chuchi watches in shock and horror.


