Tynnra Pamlo

Tynnra Pamlo, a human female from Taris, was a politician and a revolutionary leader. She held a position in the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Civil Government. In the era when the Galactic Empire – which had replaced the Galactic Republic – held sway, Tynnra served as Taris' representative within the Imperial Senate. Despite being a figure within the fascist Empire's structure, she secretly aided the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service. Although she strongly opposed Emperor Sheev Palpatine, she was wary of potentially endangering her planet and its people by provoking the Empire.

While serving as an Imperial Senator, Pamlo joined forces with like-minded senators, including Bail Organa from Alderaan and the Pantoran Riyo Chuchi, to challenge the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill. However, their opposition was met with resistance when Palpatine himself addressed the Senate to express his support for the bill. In the following years, Pamlo became a valuable asset to the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Services, becoming part of their growing network. In this capacity, she received numerous reports detailing the Empire's many cruel actions.

The Alliance High Command eventually became aware of the Death Star, a planet-destroying superweapon, due to the efforts of a rebel team led by Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor. Erso advocated for an attack to steal the Death Star plans from the Citadel Tower on Scarif, but Pamlo and other High Command members initially resisted the idea. Erso's viewpoint ultimately prevailed when the plans were successfully acquired during the Battle of Scarif.


Defense Recruitment Bill

Pamlo argues against the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill in the senate.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, which followed the Galactic Republic's collapse, Tynnra Pamlo, a human female, represented her homeworld of Taris in the Imperial Senate. Soon after the Empire rose to power, the question of what would become of the clone armies – which had been established under the Emergency Powers Act – was raised, especially after the sudden destruction of Kamino's cloning facilities in what official reports attributed to a "cataclysmic storm." Further fueling the debate about the army's future were the insurgencies erupting across the Mid and Outer Rims. The Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill, championed by Imperial Navy Admiral Rampart, proposed phasing out the existing Grand Army of the Republic in favor of conscripted soldiers. Senators like Gani Riduli from the InterGalactic Banking Clan and a representative from the Commerce Guild supported the bill, while Pamlo and Bail Organa of Alderaan opposed it. The bill faced repeated introductions, debates, and tabling due to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the clone troopers, preventing any consensus from being reached.

During one debate on the Defense Recruitment Bill, Pamlo argued that the bill was continually tabled for a reason: there were more pressing issues in the galaxy than creating a new, expensive military. She declared that the Clone Wars were over, but Riduli countered that while that might be true for Pamlo's home, everyone needed protection from insurgents. With negotiations stalled, Organa requested that Grand Vizier Mas Amedda clarify Emperor Palpatine's stance on the bill, as he had been largely absent from Senate proceedings. Amedda gave a vague response, prompting Senator Riyo Chuchi to question why the clone armies had no input on the legislation. Chuchi rhetorically asked how the Senate could defend a bill to commission a new army without a plan to care for their standing one. Rampart interjected, defending the bill by stating that provisions would be made for the soldiers as their service ended, leading to an exchange between him and Chuchi about clone representation. With the debate again at an impasse, Organa and Pamlo requested that Amedda table the vote until the provisions were clearly defined, which the Grand Vizier reluctantly agreed to do.

Following the senatorial session, Chuchi met with Slip, who claimed to have been aboard Rampart's Venator when the admiral ordered the destruction of Kamino's cities. Although the Pantoran wanted Slip to testify before the Senate, he was assassinated by a clone assassin before he could do so. Despite this, with the assistance of The Bad Batch, a group of mercenary clones, and former Kaminoan senator Halle Burtoni, Chuchi brought her accusations before the Senate, claiming that Rampart had ordered the destruction of the Kaminoan cities. Chuchi then presented holographic footage of Rampart's involvement in the destruction of Tipoca City, shocking Pamlo. As the Senate erupted in chaos, an alarm sounded and the Emperor's podium rose from his office below the Senate floor, with Emperor Palpatine and Amedda appearing. The Grand Vizier told the Senate that Rampart's attack was "unprovoked" and ordered the Coruscant Guard to arrest him, then used his staff to call for order. Palpatine then rose and announced that Rampart would face full consequences, but added that the fact that the clones under his command had followed orders to destroy Tipoca City proved that the existing armies needed replacement. Palpatine then officially endorsed the Defense Recruitment Bill, stating that it would usher in a new era of Imperial stormtroopers.

Rebel sympathizer

Though she held a seat in the Senate, she was also a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and held the position of Minister of Education within its Civil Government. In this role, she collaborated closely with the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service and received numerous reports detailing the Empire's cruel actions, including the Siege of Lasan, the sterilization of Geonosis, and the events of the Ghorman Massacre on Ghorman. She worked alongside Airen Cracken to disseminate counterpropaganda, hoping to garner support from resistance groups.

In 3 BBY, she was present at Leia Organa's Day of Demand. After the Day of Demand ceremony concluded, Queen [Breha Organa](/article/breha_organa] took Tynnra's hands, expressing her gratitude for her presence instead of congratulating her daughter. Pamlo also attended several dinner parties hosted by Bail and Breha at the Royal Palace of Alderaan, which served as strategy meetings to discuss matters such as the assassination of Quarsh Panaka. During one of these dinners, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin unexpectedly arrived, prompting Breha to feign drunkenness and accuse her husband of having an affair with Mon Mothma of Chandrila to conceal the meeting's true purpose. Pamlo raised her hand as if to shield herself from the couple due to sitting right next to them.

The Death Star plans

As the Rebel Alliance continued to consolidate its forces at their hidden base on the jungle-covered moon Yavin 4, rumors reached the Alliance High Command that the militant rebel leader Saw Gerrera and his Partisans, a rebel group which the Rebel Alliance had cut ties with, had identified a secret Imperial project known as the Tarkin Initiative, which was developing an "ultimate weapon." Despite her skepticism, Mon Mothma, the Alliance's civilian leader, instructed Rebel Intelligence to investigate the Tarkin Initiative. The investigation revealed that the project fell under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Security Bureau and was led by Director Orson Krennic of Imperial Advanced Weapons Research. The rumors of the "ultimate weapon" gained credibility when Intelligence reported that Gerrera was holding an Imperial defector, Ensign Bodhi Rook, at the Partisans' base on Jedha. Rook claimed to possess knowledge of a "planet killer" and stated that he had been sent to Jedha by scientist Galen Erso.

Using the information gleaned from Rook's intel, High Command authorized a raid on Vulpter to gather more information about Erso. The raid proved successful, and Intelligence reported that Galen was a crystallographer working for Director Krennic's project, Celestial Power. They also discovered that he was the father of Jyn Erso. By piecing together the various investigations, High Command realized that Project Celestial Power involved the use of weaponized kyber crystals. A fact-finding mission to the Ring of Kafrene by Rebel spy Captain Cassian Andor confirmed that the Empire had been trafficking kyber from Jedha. Furthermore, Intelligence incorporated information gathered by the Spectres from Geonosis years earlier, hypothesizing that the production of the "ultimate weapon" might be connected to the sterilization of the Geonosian species.

As the Alliance's scientists began to speculate on the form a kyber superweapon would take, High Command decided that they needed to extract Galen from the Empire to secure the details of his research concerning the planet killer. If the extraction, dubbed Operation Fracture, proved successful, Organa and Pamlo would bring him before the Senate so that he could testify about the Empire's crimes. However, General Davits Draven objected, advocating for Erso's elimination if he proved uncooperative. To facilitate Erso's testimony, Draven devised a plan to recover Jyn Erso, who Intelligence located at an Imperial detention center on Wobani. Because Jyn had previously been associated with the Partisans, they believed that she could help the Alliance gain access to Rook from Gerrera's camp on Jedha, which would then lead them to Galen.

Pamlo and members of High Command deliberate the future of the Rebel Alliance after hearing testimony from Jyn Erso.

The recovery of Jyn from Wobani was successful, and shortly after, she, Andor, and Andor's reprogrammed Imperial droid, K-2SO, departed for Jedha. Soon, the Alliance received a brief report from Captain Andor that the Empire's ultimate weapon, the Death Star, had been used to destroy the Holy City on Jedha. Jyn had also discovered a recording Galen sent to Gerrera through Rook, but the destruction of the Holy City resulted in the loss of a hard copy of the recording and the death of Gerrera.

Using the information Jyn had gleaned from Galen's message, Andor's team, now including Rook and two Guardians of the Whills, Baze Malbus and Chirrut Îmwe, traveled to the Imperial research facility on Eadu. While the official orders were to extract Galen unharmed, General Draven defied those orders and instructed Andor to assassinate Erso. The mission went awry when Draven lost communication with Andor and sent Blue Squadron to target the base. Jyn discovered Andor's plan to kill her father and set out to find him, placing herself in Blue Squadron's line of fire. Andor re-established communication with Base One, but Draven was unable to stop Blue Squadron before their attack on the base, which resulted in Galen's death and nearly killed Jyn and Director Krennic. After securing Jyn, Andor and his team left Eadu and returned to Yavin 4, where Jyn and Rook met with High Command.

Jyn's testimony to the Alliance leaders and Andor's confirmation of the Death Star's existence caused division among the council. Erso argued that the Alliance needed to steal the Death Star's technical readouts from the Citadel Tower on Scarif, which would reveal how to destroy the weapon through a flaw Galen had deliberately included in its design. Pamlo, however, advocated for disbanding the Alliance and dispersing their forces. While individuals like Senator Organa and Admiral Raddus supported Jyn's resolve, Senators Pamlo, Jebel, and Vaspar continued to press the issue. During this, Pamlo questioned what chance the Alliance had against the Empire if it possessed the means of mass destruction. Prompted by the comment, Jyn spoke up and called for the Alliance to stand up to the Empire. She told the council that they would condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission if they failed to act and asked that they send their best troops to Scarif to steal the Death Star plans and destroy the superweapon. However, Pamlo told Jyn that she was asking them to strike the Citadel Tower based on nothing but hope. Jyn, however, responded that rebellions were built on hope. The council then began bickering again, and Mothma disappointedly told Jyn that the Alliance could not take action without High Command's full support.

The Alliance was soon thrust into open war with the Empire when Erso and Andor disobeyed the Alliance's orders and set out to steal the Death Star plans themselves. Forming the Rogue One squad, they departed for Scarif. Upon learning of this, Admiral Raddus returned to his ship, the Profundity, and began mobilizing the rebel fleet to join the fight. The Battle of Scarif marked the beginning of the Galactic Civil War, though it resulted in the deaths of the entire Rogue One team and Admiral Raddus. Around this time, Pamlo traveled back to Coruscant to publicly denounce the Imperial battle station before resigning her office.

Personality and traits

Tynnra Pamlo was a human female of Tarisian descent, characterized by dark skin, dark hair, and brown eyes. She wore a Tarisian Amulet of the Robb.

Behind the scenes

Tynnra Pamlo's first appearance was in the 2016 Anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, where she was played by Sharon Duncan-Brewster. Duncan-Brewster later reprised her role in "The Clone Conspiracy," the seventh episode of the second season of the Disney+ animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch, which aired on February 8, 2023.

