VZ-114, also recognized as Rampart's Star Destroyer, functioned as a Venator-class Star Destroyer within the Galactic Empire's naval forces, operating under the command of Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart. During 19 BBY, this Venator-class Star Destroyer played a role in the Empire's operations aimed at gaining control of the Kaminoan species' technological prowess on the planet Kamino. After successfully securing the cloning technology and the Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se, Rampart instructed the Star Destroyer, along with two additional Venators, to initiate an aerial bombardment of the planetary capital, Tipoca City, as directed by Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin. Following the destruction of the city and its subsequent submersion into Kamino's oceans, the Vice Admiral then gave the order for his ship, along with the other two Star Destroyers, to link up with the rest of the Imperial fleet at a different location.
Being a Venator-class Star Destroyer, the Star Destroyer was built with a pair of command bridges, each housing hyperwave comm scanners, and was propelled through space using eight ion drive thrusters situated at the vessel's rear. One of the ship's bridges gave the command crew a 180-degree view of the surrounding area by way of viewports, and also included two separate pits for crewmembers. Furthermore, the bridge held databanks that contained information, including the command log.
The Star Destroyer also featured a ventral hangar bay capable of housing a single Rho-class transport shuttle. Positioned along the warship's external hull, the Venator had four DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets on each side, as well as two medium dual turbolaser cannons, with one on the port side and the other on the starboard side.
In the year 19 BBY, after the Galactic Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire, the Imperial government began to reduce its cloning contracts with the ruling government of Kamino and its Prime Minister, the Kaminoan Lama Su. This was due to the high costs of producing clone troopers for the newly formed Imperial Army, with resources instead being prioritized for the training of conscripted soldiers. Later that year, the Empire launched operations on Kamino to seize control of the Kaminoan species' cloning technology and key medical staff. They also reassigned the remaining clone troopers stationed in the capital of Tipoca City away from the planet. During these operations on Kamino, led by Imperial Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart, the Empire placed three Venator-class Star Destroyers in the planet's orbit, while the rest of the fleet remained elsewhere.

Shortly after, following the removal of all remaining essential personnel from the city and the successful acquisition of the cloning technology and the Kaminoan Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se, Rampart informed Imperial Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin about their successful operations on Kamino. In response, Tarkin instructed Rampart to initiate an aerial bombardment of Tipoca City once the Star Destroyers were ready. This prompted the Vice Admiral to order his fleet to move into firing position.
In the months after the attack, which the Empire concealed by claiming it was the result of a massive storm, the Venator returned to the Coruscant shipyard located on the capital planet of Coruscant for repairs and maintenance. During the trip back, clone officer Slip copied the ship's command log for future use, storing it in the ship's backup databanks. Later, Slip and his fellow trooper Cade visited 79's, a cantina that catered to clones on leave, where Cade revealed that he had secretly messaged Rampart about his intention to reveal the destruction of Tipoca City to the Imperial Senate. As the two were leaving the bar, Clone X, a Clone X trooper sent by Rampart, shot and killed Cade, but Slip managed to escape.
Terrified and angered by the incident, Slip decided to make the information public, as Cade had intended. To that end, he contacted Senator Riyo Chuchi, who had taken over as the clones' representative in the Senate during the voting on the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill. Chuchi discussed Slip's claims with Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan and agreed to help Slip testify. However, before her guards could extract him, he was also killed by X, who had caught up with them. Chuchi managed to escape, thanks to Slip's contact, Clone Captain Rex. After hearing her story, Rex decided that the only way to prove Rampart's actions was to recover the copy of the command log that Slip had made, and he called in the renegade Clone Force 99 for assistance.

Hunter, the team leader, along with Rex and Echo, who knew the secret Lower Level passages of Coruscant, developed a plan to infiltrate the shipyards. They entered through one of these passages and climbed to the ship's hull after hijacking a droid-operated repulsor platform. They then made their way to the bridge after eliminating the security detail still on board. However, Tech discovered that they needed to reactivate the power in the bridge to access the databanks. By doing so, they alerted shipyard personnel, who dispatched a unit to investigate the ship. The team was taken out by the Force, but not before one of them could notify shipyard security about the intruders. This led to a firefight both inside and outside the ship, as V-wing starfighters were also launched against the ship, but Wrecker and Echo hijacked the turbolasers and took them down. To escape the shipyards, Echo activated the ship's thrusters, causing it to break through the structural supports holding it in place and fall to the surface of the shipyard trench. The team then escaped using escape pods and left the facility through the lower level passages, leaving VZ-114 severely damaged.
During the time of the Empire's operations on Kamino, the Venator-class Star Destroyer was under the command of Imperial Vice Admiral Rampart. In addition, the Star Destroyer was operated by a number of clone navigation officers, clone stormtroopers, and Imperial officers.
Rampart's Venator-class Star Destroyer made its first appearance in "Return to Kamino," which was the fifteenth episode of the first season of the Star Wars: The Bad Batch television series, and was broadcast on August 6, 2021.