
"War-Mantle" marks the fourteenth installment in the animated web-TV series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Audiences first experienced this episode on July 30, 2021.

Official description

The Batch picks up a cryptic distress signal, leading them on a path toward a clandestine installation.

Plot summary

Distress call

On the planet named Daro, a clone trooper finds himself pursued through the forest by a group of massiffs under the command of other troopers. The pursued clone, identified as Gregor, is forced to change direction as he approaches the edge of a cliff. Reaching a clearing, he is surrounded by a pair of massiffs. Before fleeing once more, he activates a glowing beacon on a fallen tree, drawing his pursuers away from the device. As he runs through a field of ferns, he is stunned twice and collapses. His captors then seize him and drag him away.

Aboard the Marauder while in hyperspace, Omega attempts to repair Gonky using a screwdriver. Observing Hunter handling a knife, she emulates the action with her screwdriver. Echo then informs them that Rex is attempting to contact them. When the Bad Batch assemble on the bridge, Rex explains his need for their assistance, revealing that he has received a distress signal from a clone trooper he is unable to reach. Hunter inquires if he wants them to rescue another "reg," and Rex clarifies that the clone is a friend in danger and requires their extraction. Before Rex can elaborate, a signal alerts him, and he warns them of his departure. Instead, Rex transmits the signal to the Bad Batch before disconnecting.

When Wrecker questions the situation, Tech explains that the distress signal originated from CC-5576 and was sent from Daro, a terrestrial planet located in the Outer Rim Territories with no known settlements or facilities. Hunter questions his presence there. Echo questions the relevance of that. Hunter argues that previous missions lacked sufficient intelligence, but this situation is even more extreme. Echo counters that Rex would not request assistance unless it was critical. Wrecker concurs, but Tech reminds them of their current assignment for Ciddarin Scaleback. He points out that deviation would result in a loss of compensation, which they require for sustenance.

Wrecker agrees with Tech, but Omega emphasizes that Rex's friend's predicament is more important than monetary gain. Wrecker acknowledges Omega's perspective. After a stern look from Echo, Hunter reluctantly agrees to investigate, while expressing his reservations.

A looming storm

At Tipoca City on Kamino, Crosshair informs Vice Admiral Rampart that the operation is ahead of schedule. Rampart, pleased, requests the mobilization of all available clones. As Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships begin their ascent, a Kaminoan observes. When Crosshair inquires about the Kaminoans, Rampart instructs him to monitor them until the opportune moment.

In another part of the facility, a group of young clones prepares to depart. One of them asks Nala Se whether leaving the facility violates protocol. She assures them that their training will continue elsewhere. The young clone then asks if they will remain soldiers. She confirms that this is their purpose. She urges the clones to hurry as she speaks with Prime Minister Lama Su.

Lama Su leads Nala Se to a private chamber where he reveals that the Galactic Empire has terminated all their contracts. Nala Se states that their success with the Grand Army of the Republic is widely recognized and expresses hope that they will find other clients who value their scientific contributions. Lama Su responds that the Empire differs from the Galactic Republic and has empowered them to their detriment. He fears that the Empire will eliminate them rather than permit their cloning operations to continue. Lama Su states that they must leave to ensure their survival. He instructs her to gather essential personnel while he arranges their departure. Nala Se agrees.

Planet fall

The Marauder descends through Daro's atmosphere. Tech pilots the ship at a low altitude to avoid scanner detection. Hunter expresses skepticism about relying heavily on a clone they do not know. Echo emphasizes his trust in Rex, who in turn trusts the clone. The Marauder lands in a forest clearing, and the clones disembark. Tech employs a device to locate the beacon's signal. Omega discovers the beacon beneath a fern.

Wrecker inquires about the whereabouts of the "reg." Examining the forest floor, Hunter determines that the clone was hunted and dragged. The Bad Batch and Omega follow the trail, which leads towards a mountain. Hunter infers that something is located inside the mountain. Tech concurs, stating that something is interfering with his scanner. When Wrecker reminds Tech that he had stated there was nothing on the planet, Tech admits that the data appears to be inaccurate.

Despite Omega's objections, Hunter instructs her and Wrecker to remain aboard the Marauder. Hunter leads the remaining clones towards the mountain. While examining the trail, Hunter discovers evidence of a shuttle landing at the mountain's base. When Echo asks about the mountain's contents, Hunter states that there is only one way to find out. The clones ascend the forested mountain and reach the summit, which overlooks a subterranean secret military base. The clones take cover as a shuttle flies overhead and lands inside the base.

Descending the hill, the clones navigate through the base facilities. Using macrobinoculars, Echo spots a pair of clone commandos and stormtroopers standing at attention. He notices that the "clones" are wearing updated armor. As Hunter uses the macrobinoculars, Tech explains that the mountain's natural composition makes the base well-fortified and nearly impenetrable. As more stormtroopers disembark from the shuttle, Hunter concludes that this is no longer a simple extraction and suggests returning to the Marauder to inform Rex.

Into the base

When Echo reminds them of the mission, Tech responds that they cannot be certain that CC-5576 is inside or even alive. Hunter adds that they would be entering blindly without reinforcements. Echo reminds them that the Bad Batch did that when they rescued him on Skako Minor and that he would still be trapped there if they hadn't. Echo argues that if there is a chance that the clone trooper is being held against his will, they must attempt to rescue him.

Aboard the Marauder, Omega and Wrecker are engaged in a game when they receive Hunter's transmission. Hunter informs them that they have not yet found the "reg" but have discovered an Imperial base inside the mountain. He tells them that they are going inside. Omega expresses a desire to help, but Hunter reminds them of their orders to remain aboard the ship to provide back-up. He adds that communications will be disrupted once they are inside and instructs Omega and Wrecker to remain on alert.

Tech states that he will need to access the central database to pinpoint CC-5576's location. Echo suggests entering the base through entry points in the lift shaft. The three clones jump on top of a turbolift and enter the base through an elevator shaft. Inside the base, Echo uses his cybernetic arm to access a network terminal. He discovers that the encryption is new. The clones conceal themselves as a squad of troopers wearing the new armor walks past and enters a lift.

While reviewing the muster report, Echo finds that it lists 50 clone commandos and 1,000 TK troopers. Tech is unfamiliar with the new designation. Hunter asks about progress, and Echo reveals that the prisoner is located in Cellblock 25, four levels below. The three clones descend deeper into the base.

Prison break

Inside his cell, "Gregor" demands that his captor provide him with food. The guard dismisses him as a traitor, but Gregor reminds him that he is "Captain Traitor." At that moment, the Bad Batch incapacitates the guard. Echo asks if he is CC-5576. Hunter explains Rex sent them. Gregor identifies himself as Gregor and accepts his rescuers' assistance. Traveling through the corridors, the Bad Batch and Gregor attempt to avoid the other clone troopers.

Gregor explains that the troopers have assembled for inspection, making passage impossible. Echo points out that without access to the lifts, they cannot escape. Tech states that he can redirect them and heads to a network terminal. When Gregor asks if they are clone commandos, Hunter explains that they are CT-99s, the so-called "defectives." Gregor quips that the clone troopers who are loyal to the Empire are the true defective clones. When Echo asks about Gregor's assignment, he reveals that he was an instructor.

Suddenly, klaxons sound. Tech explains that he initiated a Code-16 to redirect their forces. Gregor explains that clone codes are ineffective here and that he has triggered a security alert. The clones are attacked by Imperial stormtroopers and one of the commandos, resulting in a blaster battle. The clones stun some of them as Hunter breaks the neck of the Imperial commando. When Hunter asks if there is another way off the base, Gregor says that the only way out of the base is up.

Examining the body of a fallen stormtrooper, Tech realizes that these are not clone troopers. Gregor explains that these are their "replacements." Hunter stuns a pursuing stormtrooper and uses a stun grenade to incapacitate more stormtrooper reinforcements. The Bad Batch fight their way through the stormtroopers. Tech asks Gregor if he is certain of their destination. Gregor replies that he escaped before, but Tech reminds him that he was captured. Gregor counters that this occurred after his initial escape.

When Hunter asks if Gregor had trained these new stormtroopers, Gregor replies that he didn't teach them everything since that wouldn't have been smart. The clones reach an elevator shaft. They stun the occupants and drag them out. Tech uses an authorization code to activate the lift, which ascends to the top of the mountain.

When Echo asks about the new "replacement" troopers, Gregor explains that the clone troopers were soldiers of a Republic that no longer exists and that these new recruits come from all over the galaxy. He says that they swear loyalty to the Empire. While they are not as skilled, there is an endless supply of them. Hunter replies that numbers are not everything. When they reach the top, they are confronted by a squad of stormtroopers. The clones are force to take the lift down for a "detour."

Change of plans

Back at the Marauder, Gonky wanders around while Wrecker rests. Omega asks how Wrecker can be so relaxed. Wrecker says that he is "charging" before the action. Omega is worried because they haven't heard from the rest of the Bad Batch and thinks that something has gone wrong. Wrecker thinks they have everything under control.

Meanwhile, the Bad Batch and Gregor engage in a blaster battle with stormtroopers, stunning several. Hunter jumps on top of a lift before grabbing part of the lift shaft. Tech and the others stun a clone commando named Scorch. Gregor is wounded during the shooting, but dismisses his injuries stating how he was blown up once. He, Wrecker and Tech seek shelter in a control room and disable the door controls. Hunter joins them and says that the Imperials have blocked off all entry points to the main ring.

Tech proposes using reactor conduits to escape the base. Gregor points out that the exhaust vent is halfway up the mountain and that they can't survive that jump. Tech says that they can signal the Marauder for a pick-up. He blows open the hatch leading to the reactor conduit. While traveling through the conduit, Echo asks Gregor how he ended up on Daro. While coughing, Gregor says that he was sent here with other clone commandos but quickly realized that he wanted out. Gregor quips that the Empire does not take kindly to desertion.

Meanwhile, Omega waits on the gangplank of the Marauder. Hunter contacts Wrecker and Omega, telling him that they found the target but need a pick-up because they ran into trouble. Wrecker and Omega lift off in the Marauder. Meanwhile, the stormtrooper patrol realizes that the fugitives are escaping into the reactor port. The Bad Batch and Gregor reach the reactor port as the Marauder approaches. In response, several LAAT gunships and V-wing starfighters depart from the base.

The Bad Batch and Omega find themselves under attack from behind. Under Wrecker's guidance, Omega manages to pilot closer to the reactor conduit. Wrecker extends the gangplank so that the clones can cross. Before they can complete the evacuation, the Marauder is attacked by several V-wing starfighters. Tech and Gregor manage to board the ship, but Echo and Hunter are left on the conduit. Tech takes control of the ship and assigns Wrecker to the rear gun. The Marauder leads the V-wings on a chase.

Hunter's choice

Meanwhile, Hunter and Echo fight with the stormtroopers. During a struggle with Hunter, one of the Imperial commandos over the edge. Wrecker manages to take down two V-wings but the ship's shield generator is damaged during the dogfight. Omega tells Gonky they need him and plugs the droid into the ship's power system, restoring the deflector shields. This allows Tech to circle the mountain base long enough for Wrecker to shoot one of the V-wings, causing it to collide with another one. Tech tells Echo and Hunter that they are coming back and to be ready.

Echo manages to jump aboard. However, more V-wings arrive, disrupting their rescue. Hunter jumps and attempts to reach the gangplank but loses his grip and falls down the hill into the forest. He attempts to break his fall with his knife. Omega screams in despair. Back in the cockpit, Gonky short-circuits and the ship experiences multiple system failures. The Marauder manages to take out a couple of V-wings with its rear cannons.

Meanwhile, an LAAT gunship lands near Hunter. Hunter rises to his feet and tells the other clones to save themselves and get out of here. Tech is unwilling to abandon Hunter but Hunter orders him to take the others to safety. As the Marauder rises into the sky, Wrecker continues exchanging fire with the pursuing V-wings. Several crash into the mountain while others are shot down. Omega pleads with Hunter to order the rest of the Bad Batch to turn around but Hunter is unwilling to sacrifice his team to save himself. He allows himself to be captured by stormtroopers and Imperial Commandos. The Marauder flees into hyperspace.

Imperial captivity

At Tipoca City, Vice-Admiral Rampart confronts Prime Minister Lama Su, telling him that he is disappointed at the Kaminoans' lack of cooperation. He informs the Prime Minister that a disturbing matter has been brought to his attention. As Elite Squad Troopers enter the room with Nala Se, Rampart says that Su's Chief Scientist was gathering medical personnel to flee Kamino. Lama Su feigns surprise and says he will decide on a suitable punishment.

Rampart says that while he found the clone troopers overrated, he tells Nala Se that he hopes to utilize her services for the Empire. However, he has little need for Lama Su's services. Two Elite Squad Troopers arrest the Kaminoan Prime Minister for treason.

Back on Daro, Hunter is locked in a cell. He is greeted by his former comrade Crosshair, who says he was hoping for the whole squad but decides Hunter will do for now.


In the initial sequence, Gregor plants the beacon, then is chased through the forest into a different clearing before being captured and dragged off. However, upon the Batch's arrival and investigation, the signs of Gregor being dragged away are found in the same clearing as the beacon.

When Rex contacts the Bad Batch and transmits Gregor's signal to them by hitting a button on his gauntlet, the one with the controls is shown on his left arm, which is inconsistent with the usual depiction of Phase II armor where it's on his right.


