Imperial cloning program

The Imperial cloning initiative encompassed a wide range of endeavors undertaken by the Galactic Empire alongside its associated entities. These projects focused on the further investigation, replication, and advancement of Kaminoan cloning and genetic engineering techniques that had been employed during the Clone Wars. As an element of Emperor Palpatine's [Contingency](/article/contingency] plan, the Imperial cloning initiative aimed to produce either a precise Force-sensitive clone or a Force-sensitive strandcast, a type of clone with modifications, that could function as a replacement vessel for Palpatine, thereby enabling him to attain immortality.

Even after the collapse of the Galactic Empire in 5 ABY, the Imperial cloning initiative persisted in its objectives for decades afterward. Cloning specialists within the Sith Eternal cult possessed the capability to preserve Palpatine's essence within a deteriorating clone form on Exegol, thus averting his complete death for a significant period. Palpatine ultimately met his demise in 35 ABY at the hands of his granddaughter, Rey, who was naturally born from a failed strandcast of Palpatine who managed to break free from his confinement.



The Galactic Empire confiscated the cloning technology of Kamino, where the clone troopers were made.

Following the proclamation of the New Order and the near-annihilation of the Jedi Order, Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine—also known as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious—held dominion over the galaxy's largest governing power. The clone troopers originating from Kamino were gradually replaced by natural-born human conscripts due to their reduced cost, as dictated by Project War-Mantle. The Kaminoan government's agreements with the former Galactic Republic to produce clones were declared invalid, and a new generation of stormtroopers assisted in removing all vital personnel from the cloning facilities at Tipoca City. Chief Medical Scientist Doctor Nala Se and her research were secured, along with other Kaminoan cloning specialists, for subsequent utilization by the Galactic Empire. Prime Minister Lama Su became convinced that the Empire intended to eradicate the Kaminoans' capacity for cloning. After Tipoca City was decommissioned, Vice Admiral Rampart received orders from Governor Wilhuff Tarkin to obliterate it via an orbital bombardment using his fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers.

With the Empire securing exclusive control over cloning technology, any remaining Kaminoan facilities on the planet were also destroyed. Simultaneously, the Empire relocated its experiments to a facility situated within Mount Tantiss on the forested planet Wayland. Under the protection of clone commandos, Nala Se was transported to the planet to contribute to the Empire's efforts, with an Imperial scientist named Doctor Scalder asserting that they drew inspiration from her work.

Research During the Imperial Era

Initial Phases

During the Imperial Era, Imperial scientists strived to duplicate the cloning proficiency demonstrated by the Kaminoans. With Emperor Palpatine's ambition to achieve [immortality](/article/immortality], significant research was dedicated to fulfilling this objective.

On Seltron, within a medical laboratory, Project Necromancer was initiated, involving the transfer of clone cadets to the facility for M-counts testing. Concurrently, Slither vines underwent bioengineering by Chief Scientist Doctor Royce Hemlock and his fellow scientists. However, these vines were deemed uncontrollable after escaping containment and overwhelming the base, necessitating the evacuation of personnel and technology to Tantiss, followed by an orbital bombardment of the research facility.

Building upon the foundation laid by the IMDAWR, the Advanced Science Division, under the leadership of Doctor Hemlock from the former Republic Science Corps, embarked on a comprehensive project to catalogue and repurpose Kaminoan technology. The aim was to analyze the intricacies of their cloning process and replicate it in their own initiatives. Consequently, all surviving Kaminoan technology was relocated to Tantiss Base, where Imperial scientists commenced modification and testing. Furthermore, the technology from Nala Se's private lab, initially used to create Clone Force 99, was recovered intact and transferred to the facility. Imperial engineers successfully leveraged Se's confidential advancements to finalize the work initiated by Doctor Sionver Boll during the Clone Wars and develop live Zillo Beast clones, despite the original specimen's long-term demise. The resulting Beasts exhibited a normal life cycle, progressing from infancy to fully grown adults within a matter of days.

Following this initial success, the Advanced Science Division initiated the abduction of clone troopers, who had been decommissioned following the implementation of the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill, for experimentation in Tantiss's underground laboratories. These clones were maintained in suspended animation, often within vats, and subjected to compatibility testing with midichlorian-rich blood. Many clones did not survive these experiments.

Subsequently, a potential breakthrough emerged in the form of Omega, a genetically defective unaltered clone. Engineered by Nala Se with a higher M-count than other clones derived from the Fett template, Omega's purpose-built genetic material was identified as crucial for cloning without diminishing the M-count within an individual. This discovery potentially paved the way for creating Force-sensitive beings as potent as, or even surpassing, the genetic donor, rendering her invaluable to Project Necromancer.

While Omega was recaptured by the Advanced Science Division, Clone Force 99 forcefully retrieved her during an assault on Tantiss Base, resulting in Hemlock's death and the demise of several stormtroopers from the Advanced Science Division. The Zillo Beast's escape further damaged Tantiss Base. Se then sacrificed herself to destroy Hemlock's research for Project Necromancer, ensuring Omega's safety. Tarkin, upon arrival, deemed Hemlock's failures too costly and ordered Captain Bragg to permanently close Tantiss Base, redirecting all funding and assets to his rival Commander Orson Callan Krennic’s Project Stardust. Consequently, Project Necromancer was discontinued until Commandant Brendol Hux resumed it, assuming leadership in Doctor Hemlock’s stead following Emperor Palpatine's death and the Empire's downfall at the Battle of Endor.

Additional Endeavors

Under the direction of the Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research and its Sith scientists, Project Blackwing achieved the revival of necrotic tissue, transforming deceased Imperial stormtroopers into animated corpses. However, a containment breach led to the escape of the Undead Troopers. Another project undertaken by the Tarkin Initiative resulted in the creation of Hutt clone troopers, which were ultimately rejected for widespread deployment.

Darth Sidious utilized Exegol as the secret location of his genetic experiments during his reign as the Emperor.

On the secluded Sith world of Exegol, with the assistance of the Sith loyalists of the Sith Eternal cult, the remnants of Project Necromancer were relocated. A dark science laboratory—concealed among a retrofitted, automated complex of ancient shipyard forges within the Forbidden District—was established for biomedical and genetic engineering research. The objective was to create a successful strandcast body for Sidious, mirroring Hemlock's aspirations before his death. This research drew partly upon Kaminoan cloning technology. Further research led to the creation of various genetic constructs, including an elite Exegol Sith guard known as the Tankers, alongside other frail anomalies maintained within vats and in a perpetual state of suffering.

Developments Post-Endor

The Emperor resurrected himself by transferring his spirit to a clone of his original body.

The collapse of the "Old Empire" did not signify the termination of the Imperial cloning initiative. Sidious's essence was transferred to a clone body on Exegol, facilitated by significant advancements in Project Necromancer. However, the research remained incomplete, and the body proved too feeble to contain his power, leaving him weakened and reliant on an Ommin harness, supplemented by Clone Wars-era life support systems. Hux, a member of the Imperial Remnant's Shadow Council, displayed keen interest in finalizing Doctor Hemlock’s abandoned cloning research for Project Necromancer, with Moff Gideon characterizing it as an obsession.

Without the Shadow Council's authorization, Gideon's Imperial remnant conducted genetic experiments as late as 9 ABY under the supervision of clone engineer Doctor Penn Pershing. This Imperial remnant placed a bounty on Grogu, a Force-sensitive child with a high concentration of midi-chlorians in his blood, which was crucial for experiments aimed at achieving Force-sensitivity in cloned bodies of Gideon himself. An Imperial base on Nevarro housed strandcast bodies in liquid-filled vats and was overseen by scientists wearing scientist uniforms adorned with Kaminoan symbols on the right shoulder. The base was destroyed by Din Djarin, Marshal Cara Dune, Magistrate Greef Karga, and the Mythrol.

Following Gideon's capture by Djarin during the second rescue of Grogu, Gideon was extracted from New Republic custody by Imperial armored commandos. Gideon relocated his cloning experiments to the planet Mandalore, concealing his operations within a hidden underground base. Gideon created a group of clones of himself and believed they would be able to use the Force; however, they were destroyed by Djarin and Grogu during the conflict on Mandalore, with Gideon meeting his end in the battle.

The Emperor's cloned DNA was used in the creation of a failed strandcast, who, in turn, sired a daughter named Rey.

On Exegol, numerous unsuccessful strandcasts were produced and discarded, including a partially successful Snoke, whom Sidious employed to govern the First Order while remaining concealed in the shadows. Another unsuccessful strandcast was Rey's father, a completely ordinary human lacking any Force sensitivity, whom Sidious permitted to depart and propagate his family line through natural reproduction. He was regarded as his "son." This strandcast eventually fathered Rey with a human female. Fearing Sidious's capture of their daughter, an exceptionally powerful Force user, Rey's parents concealed her on Jakku before ultimately meeting their demise.

During the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, Sidious was slain by his granddaughter Rey, ultimately vanquishing the Dark Lord of the Sith and his adherents. In rejection of her lineage, Rey adopted the family name Skywalker.

