The clandestine research facility of Nala Se served as a secluded laboratory utilized by the Kaminoan Chief Medical Scientist, Nala Se, both prior to and during the Clone Wars. Located deep beneath Tipoca City, the lab's existence remained a secret to almost everyone, and it featured a dedicated, private access point to Kamino's internal tube system. Within this lab, Nala Se engineered the unaltered clone known as Omega, and also augmented the inherent genetic mutations present in the original members of Clone Force 99. During the early years of the Imperial Era, Omega, Tech, Echo, and Wrecker leveraged the lab as a covert entry point into Tipoca City while endeavoring to rescue the leader of the "Bad Batch," Hunter. Subsequently, the Batch sought refuge in the lab following the Empire's destroyed of Tipoca City, repurposing the lab's medical tubes into makeshift escape pods to reach the ocean's surface.
The secluded lab of Nala Se was situated far underwater, linked to the lower sections of Tipoca City, which is the primary capital of Kamino, a planet located extragalactic from the galaxy. As a standalone structure positioned on the ocean floor, it was furnished with medical tubes and a multitude of computers. Access could be gained either through a private entrance to the Kamino tube system originating from a secret landing platform situated outside the main city area, or directly from within the city itself.
The private research facility of the Kaminoan Chief Medical Scientist, Nala Se, was actively used during the creation of the clone troopers for the Grand Army of the Republic, with only a select few individuals aware of its existence. Within its walls, she brought into existence the singular unaltered female clone named Omega, one of only two clones ever produced without the accelerated aging and obedience conditioning that were standard for clone troopers. Later on, Nala Se enhanced the genetic mutations of four clones who were labeled as Experimental Unit 99 in the lab, an event witnessed by Omega. The four clones remained in the lab for only a brief time before being returned to the larger clone population.
In 19 BBY, the newly-formed Galactic Empire seized control of Kamino. Around this period, Nala Se formulated a plan to extract genetic material from Omega, but Omega ultimately fled the planet alongside the Bad Batch as the Empire initiated its takeover. As part of an Imperial operation aimed at extracting all valuable personnel, clones, and technology from Kamino, Nala Se was taken into custody under the orders of Vice Admiral Rampart after it was discovered that she had been assembling medical staff in an attempt to escape the planet. Subsequently, as newly-introduced recruited TK troopers began to gather medical personnel onto [transports](/article/transport], killing any who resisted, and deactivating droids, the medical droid AZI-3 managed to escape, finding refuge in Nala Se's lab, which by that point was deserted and devoid of experiments.
Later, several clones from Unit 99—original members Tech and Wrecker, as well as later recruit Echo—entered Tipoca City via the lab's secret entrance at Omega's suggestion, hoping to rescue squad leader Hunter from the Empire. Arriving via the tube system, Wrecker commented that the lab looked just like every other Kaminoan lab he had ever seen. Omega explained that she had been created there, and that was also where the so-called "Bad Batch" had begun. When Wrecker asked if that was true, Tech pointedly inquired how he was supposed to know that. Omega reminisced that the squad's mutations had been enhanced there before they were sent back to be with the others, but the conversation was interrupted when Echo discovered that Tipoca City's computers had been wiped. As the Batch was discussing why this had happened, the group was startled by AZI-3, who filled them in on the recent goings-on. Tech then detected Hunter's comlink pinging from the central cloning platform, and Omega led the way out of the lab with AZI-3 as they headed to the upper city.
During a confrontation in the city, the Batch rescued Hunter and captured their former member Crosshair, who had remained with the Empire. However, the Empire began to destroy Tipoca City with the clones still trapped inside. The section of the city they were trapped in sank and landed on top of a mostly-intact tube leading back to the lab, so at Omega's suggestion they cut their way into the tube and used it as an exit. Near the entrance to the lab, a kamoradon sea dragon attempted to attack the group, but AZI-3 was able to use the last of the facility's power to drive it off before they entered the lab. Once there, Hunter asked what the facility was, and Tech told him and Crosshair what Omega had earlier said about the facility's purpose and their past there. Omega discovered, however, that the tube leading from the lab back to the landing platform had been broken, leaving them stranded.
The initial appearance of Nala Se's private lab occurred in "Return to Kamino," which is the fifteenth episode within the first season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. The first identification of the lab was within an entry found on the official Databank, although the entry featured an image of the Tipoca City Training Facility storage room instead of a picture of the actual lab.