In the initial stages of the Imperial Era, Clone Force 99 embarked on a crucial endeavor: to rescue their leader, Hunter, from the clutches of the Galactic Empire. Hunter's capture occurred on Daro during the squad's rescue of another clone, Gregor, from Imperial detention. Crosshair, a past member of the "Bad Batch" who chose to remain with the Empire, transported Hunter to Kamino, intending to set a trap for his former comrades. Vice Admiral Rampart, who was in charge of an operation to extract all valuable assets from Tipoca City before its destruction, was unaware of Crosshair's ulterior motive: to sway the Batch to join the Empire. A confrontation ensued within the city's training facility, where Crosshair killed the majority of his own Elite Squad Troopers in an attempt to persuade the Batch, who ultimately rejected his offer. After ES-02 informed Rampart that Crosshair had lost control, Rampart evacuated her before beginning the city's bombardment. The Batch managed to stun and capture Crosshair before escaping the collapsing city. Following a perilous underwater journey, they returned to their ship, but left Crosshair behind due to his unwavering loyalty to the Empire.
The Clone Wars, spanning three years, pitted the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Republic's army consisted of clone troopers, created by the Kaminoans and led by Jedi Generals. However, unbeknownst to most, the clones were secretly implanted with inhibitor chips that, when activated, would force them to betray and kill their Jedi commanding officers, as part of a conspiracy orchestrated by the Sith to seize control of the galaxy.
In 19 BBY, the Clone Wars concluded abruptly, precisely as the Sith had planned. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic, secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith, issued Order 66, initiating the Great Jedi Purge. This resulted in the near-total annihilation of the Jedi Order, with the few survivors forced into hiding from the newly formed Galactic Empire. A small number of clones possessed immunity to the command, including most members of Clone Force 99, an experimental unit initially composed of genetically defective clones. Echo, the squad's only "reg" member, was immune due to cybernetics acquired during his time as a prisoner of the Techno Union. The exception was Crosshair, the team's sniper, whose chip was functional, though initially less active due to his genetic mutations, an effect that was amplified on the orders of Admiral and Governor Wilhuff Tarkin. Shortly after its formation, the "Bad Batch" defected from the Empire, leaving Crosshair behind after he attempted to kill them, but taking Omega, a uniquely modified and enhanced clone and a special project of Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se.
Labeled as fugitives by the Empire, the Batch eventually took on work as mercenaries for information broker Ciddarin Scaleback operating out of Ord Mantell City. Crosshair, in the meantime, became involved with Project War-Mantle, the Empire's initiative to replace clones with a recruited military. Vice Admiral Rampart placed him in command of the first unit of Elite Squad Troopers. After the unit's first mission proved successful, Tarkin authorized Rampart to continue the project. Secretly, Crosshair harbored resentment towards his former unit for abandoning him and developed a desire to hunt them down.
After leaving Kamino, the Batch discovered the existence of the inhibitor chips, although Tech initially determined that they posed no threat to the squad. At the urging of fellow rogue clone Captain Rex, who had personal experience with their dangers, they eventually had their chips removed, traveling to Bracca to do so. Following Rex's departure, the Batch's presence on Bracca was discovered, and Crosshair was dispatched with Imperial forces to eliminate them. During the ensuing confrontation, Batch leader Hunter and Omega attempted to convince Crosshair that he was being controlled by an inhibitor chip, but their efforts were unsuccessful. Crosshair sustained severe injuries from the backblast of an ion engine as the Batch escaped. Despite eventually having his chip removed, Crosshair remained loyal to the Empire, believing in his superiority over standard clones and finding a purpose within the Empire that his former squad lacked.
The Batch encountered Imperial forces again while rescuing several prominent Twi'lek freedom fighters from Imperial custody on Ryloth, narrowly avoiding a confrontation with Crosshair in Lessu. Impressed by the destruction caused by the Batch, Rampart expressed a desire to have them on the Empire's side and granted Crosshair permission to hunt them down. However, the renegades' next encounter with the Empire occurred on Daro, where Rex requested their assistance in rescuing Gregor, a clone commando assigned to a secret base to train recruited "TK troopers" as part of Project War-Mantle. At the time, Rampart and Crosshair were overseeing an operation to remove all viable clones, personnel, and equipment from Tipoca City on Kamino, as the Empire planned to eliminate the threat posed by its cloning facilities. During the rescue mission on Daro, Hunter became separated from the rest of the Batch, instructing them to escape without him as he was captured by the Empire.

Following his capture, Crosshair visited Hunter in his cell, expressing his hope to capture the entire squad, before transporting him back to Kamino. The remaining members of the Batch regrouped on Ord Mantell, leaving the injured Gregor with Scaleback while they repaired the Marauder in preparation for Hunter's rescue. Once the repairs were completed, the squad intercepted a signal from Hunter's comlink, intentionally sent by Crosshair to lure them into a trap. Despite realizing the likelihood of a trap, Echo and Tech decided to proceed. Upon arriving on Kamino, Crosshair's party was met by Rampart, who informed Hunter that his squad's actions on Ryloth had drawn his attention, before granting Crosshair permission to deal with Hunter as he saw fit, provided he remained on schedule. However, Elite Trooper ES-02 privately expressed her suspicion of Crosshair's motives regarding his former unit to Rampart, distrusting all clones. Noting that they would not be a problem if Crosshair's plan failed, Rampart ordered her to monitor the situation.
As the Marauder traversed through hyperspace, Tech deduced that the signal was undoubtedly a trap, although he remained uncertain about the Empire's motive for luring them to Kamino. Omega provided Tech with the coordinates to a secure landing pad within Tipoca City for their use. Echo pointed out that the city's landing bays would be heavily guarded by troopers, but Omega assured him that this particular one would not be. As the shuttle emerged from hyperspace, Echo questioned the presence of only three Venator-class Star Destroyers above Kamino, rather than the entire fleet, although Wrecker considered it a positive sign. Tech guided the ship through Kamino's stormy atmosphere towards Omega's designated coordinates, but the location appeared to be devoid of any structure. Omega instructed him to descend further, but when the Marauder was in close proximity to the water, Tech declared that he could not descend any lower without submerging beneath the [ocean](/article/ocean]'s surface. Omega responded that submerging was the only way to activate the landing pad, and Echo reported that their sensors detected a substantial structure beneath them. The platform then rose from the sea, providing the Marauder with a safe landing area.

After the Batch disembarked, Wrecker affirmed his unwavering faith in Omega. Tech pondered how they would reach the city, which was visible in the distance, and Omega suggested utilizing the tube system, a concept unfamiliar to both Tech and Echo. Omega approached a hatch on the landing platform, which opened to reveal a circular pod, which the squad boarded. Activating the pod's controls, Omega guided it back the way it had come, plunging deep beneath the surface into a long transit tube. Tech noted that the system was absent from any official schematics, and Echo added that the Kaminoans were known for keeping secrets, before asking Omega how she knew about it. Omega explained that Nala Se had informed her about it, and that the tunnel led to her private research lab. Observing Omega's apparent sadness, Echo inquired if she was alright, to which she replied that she was.
While being escorted through the hallways of Tipoca City, Hunter remarked on the absence of "regs" or Kaminoans, realizing that the facility was being decommissioned, although Crosshair expressed confusion as to why he even cared. Hunter retorted that it indicated the Empire's intention to phase out clones, to which Crosshair responded, "Not the ones that matter." Crosshair led Hunter to the main control room, where ES-03 informed him about the detection of a ship, although it had disappeared below scanner range. He identified it as the Batch but instructed ES-02 not to inform the scouts, as the renegade clones would come to them, before pointedly remarking that they did not typically abandon their own. Hunter countered that they had no choice, as Crosshair had attempted to kill them, to which Crosshair questioned whether Hunter believed he had a choice either, prompting a glare from Hunter, who assumed Crosshair was still under the influence of a chip.

Upon the rescue team's arrival in Nala Se's lab, Wrecker commented that it resembled every other Kaminoan laboratory. As Echo worked to access the city's computers, Omega explained that she and the Batch had been created there. Wrecker questioned the truth of this statement, but Tech quipped about how he was supposed to know that. Omega added that she had been present during the enhancement of the Batch's mutations before they were sent back to be with the other clones. The conversation was interrupted when Echo announced that the city's computers had been wiped, preventing him from finding anything, a discovery that puzzled Tech. The group was startled and drew their weapons when a noise emanated from a corner, but it turned out to be the medical droid AZI-345211896246498721347, a friend of Omega's. He explained that the Empire had been rounding up important medical personnel and killing those who protested, and that he had evaded the mass deactivation of the city's droids. AZI-3 revealed that Crosshair was the only clone still officially assigned to Kamino, prompting Wrecker to comment that he should have known the sniper would be present.
AZI-3 warned Omega that Tipoca City was no longer safe and that they had to leave, but she refused to leave without Hunter. Tech detected the signal from Hunter's comlink originating from the main cloning platform, and Omega led the way out of the lab, pulling AZI-3 along. In the central control room, Hunter attempted to reason with Crosshair about the Empire's actions, questioning whether he could not see that it was wrong. Crosshair retorted that Hunter still failed to see the bigger picture, and Hunter asked him if he could not see that he was being used by the Empire, mentioning the inhibitor chip. An alarm interrupted their conversation, and ES-02 reported an unauthorized entry on platform five. Noting that it was right on schedule, Crosshair declared it was time to go, moving Hunter and the Elite Squad to the training facility to set up an ambush. However, he planned to ambush more than just the Batch, secretly planting blaster bolt-reflecting mirrors in the room before positioning the Elite Troopers to ambush the clones upon their arrival.
As the alarm blared, the Batch traversed an outdoor bridge to reach the building housing the training facility, following Hunter's signal. Taking the lead, Echo guided them through the deserted hallways before the group took cover in a doorway to avoid detection by a group of TK troopers moving boxes out of the city. Omega inquired about the absence of clones, and AZI-3 confirmed that the troopers were not clones; Echo further explained the presence of troopers on Daro. As they continued, Tech reported that Hunter was on the move and directed the group in a different direction. The Batch eventually entered the storage rooms located beneath the training facility, where Tech announced that Hunter's signal was coming from directly above. Echo cautioned that the training room was an open space and that Crosshair would pick them off, with Wrecker agreeing that the sniper would be lying in wait. Tech proposed using the lift to enter instead of the main entrance, believing it would provide them with a slight advantage. Echo instructed Omega to wait in the storage room, which she protested, insisting that they stay together. Wrecker agreed with the cyborg, stating that Crosshair was only after them, and Echo instructed Omega to head to the ship and contact Rex if things went south. Tech activated the lift, and the trio ascended from the storage room.

However, Crosshair had anticipated their move, and upon their arrival in the training facility, they found themselves surrounded by the Elite Troopers. Wrecker commented that Tech had been mistaken, and Crosshair, tossing Hunter's comlink to the ground, remarked that they were all together again before stating that they would not need their weapons. Echo, Tech, and Wrecker initially held onto their blasters as the Elite Squad approached, but dropped them after a nod from Hunter, prompting Crosshair to sarcastically comment that following orders was not so difficult for the Batch. He inquired about Omega's whereabouts, and Wrecker unconvincingly claimed that the Batch had not brought her to Kamino. Seeing through the lie, Crosshair ordered ES-02 to locate the girl, and Echo covertly signaled Omega. Upon receiving the signal in the storage room, AZI-3 suggested following Echo's instructions and heading to the research lab, but Omega refused, stating that something had gone wrong and they had to help the others. AZI-3 expressed concern about their safety, but Omega told him to focus. Noticing the numerous storage cabinets filled with dangerous training droids, Omega conceived the idea of activating them to attack the Imperials and began opening the cabinets.
Upstairs, ES-03 reminded Crosshair that they were running out of time, but Crosshair instructed the Elite Troopers to hold their positions. Hunter sarcastically commented on Crosshair's "grand plan" to lure the Batch to Kamino and kill them. Crosshair responded that the Batch would already be dead if he had wanted to kill them, accusing Hunter of betraying everything the squad had stood for with no apparent goal other than the fallen Republic. Hunter countered that the Batch was loyal to each other, not the Empire, and Crosshair retorted that they had not been loyal to him. Reminding a chagrined Hunter that he had once been one of them, Crosshair announced that he was going to give the Batch the chance that they had not given him, surprising both the Elite Troopers and the Batch. Down below, ES-02 found Omega while she was working on activating the training droids, ordering her to freeze. When she reported to Crosshair that the girl had been located, he ordered her to send Omega on a shuttle offworld, prompting Hunter to protest. Crosshair claimed it was for her own good, dismissing Hunter's argument that she belonged with the Batch by stating that they were living as fugitives and it would be better to let her go.
Telling Hunter he should stop trying to be something he wasn't, Crosshair said they were and always had been superior to the "reg" clones. He said the Empire could not protect the galaxy without their strength, arguing that was their purpose. Striking off Hunter's binders with his own knife, Crosshair said they had been brothers once and pushed him towards the other members of the Batch. As the Elite Troopers reacted in surprise, Crosshair continued that they could be brothers again. Tech noticed one of Crosshair's mirrors on the wall and silently alerted Wrecker. Hunter asked why they would trust Crosshair, and the sniper raised his blaster pistol and ordered the Elite Troopers to stand down. After a moment, they refused, ES-03 out loud, raising their weapons and aiming at the prisoners. Crosshair fired a single shot, utilizing the mirrors to kill all of the Elite Troopers. Approaching the others and removing his helmet, Crosshair asked if that answered Hunter's question.

In the storage room, ES-02 found herself unable to raise her squad on the comms and attempted to order Omega to move. The girl nervously said she was in the middle of something, and ES-02 only noticed AZI-3 moving around just before he opened a storage cabinet, which slammed into the Elite Trooper and knocked her unconscious. AZI-3 exclaimed that he had done it, and Omega complimented him before beginning to activate the droids, saying they had to hurry as the two ran off. In the training facility, Crosshair insisted that the Batch should join the Empire, saying it was time for them to stop running as they were meant for greater things. Hunter responded by flatly stating that Crosshair really did not understand who they were. Crosshair's response was to coldly warn him not to make the same mistake twice or they would become his enemy, which Hunter said they never had been. The conversation was interrupted when the training facility activated due to Omega's actions, deploying the training droids. Hunter took advantage of the distraction to tackle Crosshair, while the other members of the Batch reclaimed their weapons and began destroying the droids. Wrecker assumed Tech was responsible and demanded to know why, but Tech said it was not his doing.

Omega and AZI-3 observed the scene from one of the training room's corner turret towers, and the medical droid stated that Omega had activated far too many droids. Agreeing, Omega drew her energy bow and began firing. Below, Hunter fought Crosshair, the two exchanging blows before Hunter flipped the sniper over onto the ground, reclaiming his knife and Crosshair's pistol before opening fire on the training droids. As another unit of droids arrived in the room via the lift, the Batch began attacking them, and Crosshair, getting to his feet, joined forces with his former squad to fight the droids. Wrecker charged the droids, and the entire Bad Batch fought them as a unified force. Having regained consciousness, ES-02 entered the training room and discovered the fight. Seeing her fellow Elite Troopers were dead, she destroyed a droid which attacked her before retreating from the room. Upon reporting to Rampart that Crosshair had lost control of the situation, he ordered her to pull all remaining forces out of Tipoca City, leaving the clones to die together.
As the battle in the training room continued to rage, ES-02 boarded the final Rho-class transport shuttle, which flew to the three waiting Venators commanded by Rampart. The Vice Admiral reported to Tarkin that Tipoca City had been cleared of all essential personnel and cloning technology, and that Nala Se had been secured by the Empire. Tarkin gave permission for Rampart to fire when ready, and Rampart ordered the Star Destroyers moved into position.

Once all of the training droids had been destroyed, Hunter held Crosshair at gunpoint as the rest of the Batch moved in on their former comrade. Hunter attempted to appeal to Crosshair one final time that he had only served the Empire because of his inhibitor chip and that they could help him. The sniper countered by revealing that he had had his chip removed some time before, to the others' shock, and Hunter demanded to know when. Crosshair claimed it did not matter and that his actions had been true to who he really was. Hunter stunned Crosshair before the sniper could shoot him, and Omega ran to Hunter and gave him a hug. He apologized for breaking his promise that she would never have to return to Kamino, but she said he had done the same for her. Hunter crouched down to investigate the burn scars on the right side of Crosshair's head, but Tech warned that three Venators were descending on the city and they had to leave immediately. Taking Crosshair's sniper rifle and backpack, Hunter said they were taking the sniper with them, having Wrecker carry him. The Batch ran out of the training room and headed through the empty corridors.

With the Venator-class Star Destroyers strategically positioned, Rampart commanded the commencement of the assault. The Bad Batch became aware of the attack as lights flickered and died amidst the violent shaking of the city, prompting Hunter to urgently instruct his team to reach the transport lift. Upon reaching the exterior bridge intended for their escape, they discovered it had been obliterated by the ongoing barrage, forcing them to retreat. Omega, visibly shaken, hesitated, but AZI-3 firmly grasped her hand and pulled her back to safety. The relentless bombardment resulted in the destruction of Tipoca City, leading to its complete submersion beneath the waves.
The Batch, navigating through the damaged structure, sought refuge from the destruction but found themselves trapped inside as the city crumbled and sank. The force of the Star Destroyer's weaponry briefly disoriented the clones, knocking them off balance. As they regained their footing, a minor explosion further destabilized them, sending them sliding down a rapidly descending corridor as the city gave way. Wrecker inadvertently dropped Crosshair, who briefly regained consciousness as he slid along the floor, ultimately becoming trapped beneath debris. Omega paused to assist him, but the others continued their descent. The girl cried out for Hunter as he slid past, but an electrical surge caused a door to slam shut between them as he called out her name. Further falling debris caused the group to lose consciousness. Their objective achieved, the Venators withdrew from Kamino.
The upper compartment began to rapidly fill with water, posing a significant drowning risk to Omega and Crosshair. AZI-3, reactivating, observed the rising water level and promptly awakened Omega, urging her to evacuate the compartment immediately. Scanning the area with her flashlight, Omega discovered Crosshair pinned beneath wreckage and attempted to free him, but the debris trapping the unconscious sniper proved too heavy to move. Omega contacted Hunter and the others, who were regaining consciousness in the lower section. Upon Hunter's response, Omega informed him of their predicament, stating that she was trapped in a flooding area and Crosshair was immobilized, prompting him to order Tech to breach the door. Tech responded that compromised sections were automatically sealed to contain flooding, preventing him from overriding the safety protocols from his location. Wrecker then attempted to force the door open using his combat knife as a lever, while Tech provided assistance. The section of the city began to sink below the ocean's surface.
Crosshair awoke to find himself trapped by rubble as Omega struggled to dislodge it, and AZI-3 informed him that he had survived the bombardment but now faced the threat of drowning. The sniper angrily demanded that they remove the debris, and Omega called for AZI-3 to assist her. The water level rose to Crosshair's neck, causing him alarm. In the lower chamber, Wrecker and Tech managed to create a small opening in the door, allowing a stream of water to enter. Omega submerged herself and attempted to shift the debris, but was unable to make progress before being forced to surface for air. Crosshair was forced to hold his breath as the water covered his face, and Omega instructed AZI-3 to submerge and use his boosters while she attempted to break the debris free. As Wrecker and Tech worked to force the door from below, AZI-3 pulled on the rubble underwater while Omega climbed above and fired on the debris pinning the now fully-submerged Crosshair with her energy bow. Two shots proved effective, and Omega dove again and pulled Crosshair to the surface.
As the two clones coughed, gasping for air, Crosshair recoiled from Omega with irritation. The girl told AZI-3 they needed to open the door and swam towards it with her torch in her mouth, diving again to pull on the door near where Wrecker's knife had been inserted. She made no progress before she was forced to surface again, with the water level nearly reaching the ceiling in that lower end of the compartment. Shortly after, Wrecker successfully forced the door open, and Omega, AZI-3, and Crosshair were swept into the lower chamber before the door was sealed again. Echo caught Omega, while Crosshair was left to slide along the floor. Confronting Hunter, the sniper demanded to know what he had done. Hunter responded that the Empire had destroyed the city and the Bad Batch had not intended to abandon Crosshair. Tech interrupted, stating they had no time to argue and had to reach the surface immediately. Hunter told Crosshair it was his decision whether to stay behind and die, and the Bad Batch moved out. Crosshair reluctantly followed.
The section of Tipoca City completely submerged beneath the ocean's surface, initiating a rapid descent towards the seabed. Inside the structure, the clones sprinted down a corridor that passed through large cloning chambers, which were actively filling with water. The devastation deeply affected Omega, who paused to observe it. The others also stopped briefly, but Wrecker urged Omega to move on, and the group continued forward.
The sinking ruins tilted during their descent, causing the hallway the clones were using to escape to quickly become vertical. Hunter instructed everyone to secure themselves, and the clones ran briefly before finding handholds in the wreckage as they lost their footing. AZI-3 floated over to Omega, and was deactivated by a falling piece of debris which he protected her from. Omega caught the droid by the arm before he could fall any further. The structure's descent was halted when it settled on top of the tube system. Echo lost his grip in the shudder caused by the collision, but was caught by Tech. With the ruins no longer sinking freely, the corridor tilted back horizontally, causing the clones to release their handholds and collapse to the floor.
Omega reactivated AZI-3, and Tech informed the group that he believed they had reached the ocean floor. As he discussed the likely destruction of the facility, water began to pour into the hallway through a crack in the ceiling. Hunter stated they needed to find a more secure location, and Tech, after consulting his equipment, led the way. Crosshair remained stationary as the others departed, and Omega stared at him in distress, exchanging a glance before she followed the others. After a moment, the sniper turned and ran after his former team.
Tech guided the clones to the Bad Batch's former barracks, which he noted were ironically one of the few remaining habitable spaces in the city at that time. Wrecker was surprised to recognize the room, as the Empire had removed almost all traces of the squad's presence. The sight of the room prompted Crosshair to question why his former teammates had abandoned everything in favor of desertion, and Hunter retorted that they had made a choice, as had he. Crosshair argued that soldiers followed orders, but Hunter countered that blind allegiance was the mark of pawns, while true leaders looked after their teams. The sniper countered that that attitude had led Hunter to the point where his team would die there because of him.
Omega interrupted, pointing out that the city had landed on the tube system. The girl suggested that they could use the underwater tunnels to return to the Marauder. Tech stated that accessing the tube would be challenging, but Echo said it was preferable to remaining where they were. Omega added that they had to try. Crosshair sarcastically asked if the girl was now in charge, and Hunter rhetorically asked him if he had a better idea while brushing past him, leading the way out.
The group descended to a maintenance deck that Tech identified as being directly above the tube. AZI-3 created an opening in the floor to access the tunnel. While the droid worked, Tech explained that a precise airtight seal might allow access, the "might" in his wording making Wrecker uneasy. Once the hole was complete, AZI-3 entered the tunnel to scout ahead, reporting back that it was clear. The rest of the group entered the tube.
As the group moved towards Nala Se's lab, Crosshair noticed extensive cracks in the tube's glass walls and demanded they return to the city, insisting there had to be another way out. AZI-3 responded that the tunnel was their only escape route, and Wrecker asked the sniper if he was finished complaining, pointing out that Crosshair's own actions had placed the clones in their current predicament. Crosshair responded by insulting Wrecker's intelligence, and he retorted that the sniper had never even tried to rejoin the Bad Batch, even though they would have welcomed him. Tech advised Wrecker to drop the subject, stating that Crosshair was incapable of changing his "stern and unyielding" nature, before informing the sniper that he was not defending his actions, but attempting to understand them.
Examining the cracks with her torch, Omega told AZI-3 the tube did not appear safe, but the droid responded that it was a viable mode of transport barring any unforeseen complications. Hunter ordered the group to move on, and they continued forward. Shortly after, however, the clones heard a roar emanating from the ocean depths, and Hunter stated they appeared to have a problem. As the group stopped and peered into the dark water, Omega asked AZI-3 if the tunnels were protected, but the droid replied that that was only true when the power was operational, which it was not. A kamoradon which had detected the clones emerged from the murk, roaring, and Hunter yelled for the group to run. As the creature approached the tube, Omega tripped and fell onto the glass, which cracked under her weight. AZI-3 stated that restoring power would likely repel the creature, shouting for the clones to try and stay alive as he flew ahead. Omega got to her feet, and the girl and her brothers ran along the tube.
Reaching the base of the lab, AZI-3 flew up and located a socket which he plugged himself into. The kamoradon swam up to the part of the tube which connected to the lab and bit it, causing the structure to shake. The clones, with Omega in the lead, reached the part of the tube where it curved upwards as water began to pour in through the various cracks due to the creatures attack, climbing upwards. As the clones reached his position, AZI-3's effort to restore power was successful, opening the hatches above to allow entry to the lab and activating the structure's lighting. The kamoradon was delivered an electrical shock which caused it to release its bite and swim away. The lab's power was mostly drained as a result, with AZI-3 able to seal another door ahead of rising water before the power went out again. AZI-3 flew through the hatch before it sealed, and the exhausted clones dropped down onto the door to rest. The droid explained that the remaining power had been shorted out, but he considered the effort satisfactory because the clones had survived the transit.
The group climbed into the lab. As Omega sadly surveyed the powerless building, Hunter asked what it was. When Tech explained, Crosshair expressed skepticism about Omega's knowledge, but Tech countered that the girl was older than the Bad Batch's original members. The group left the main chamber and ventured into another one, where they discovered a problem upon looking out the window: the tube leading back to the secret landing platform, which was their only path back to the Marauder, had been severed. Omega despondently relayed the news, and AZI-3 commented that once again, they were trapped. The platform itself, however, was undamaged by the Imperial assault.
Back in the lab's main chamber, as the clones spread out looking over the room, Omega noticed something appeared to be wrong with AZI-3. The droid informed her that his batteries were becoming depleted, apologizing for the inconvenience. Echo reported to the rest of the group that long-range communications were down, and oxygen supplies would become critical in a few hours. Crosshair snidely quipped that the clones' predicament was the natural result of letting a kid call the shots, and Hunter retorted that Omega had saved the sniper's life when the Empire had left him for dead. The sniper did not care, however, justifying the Empire's destruction of Tipoca City as a necessary act and accusing Hunter of taking things too seriously. Crosshair stated that the time of "regs" and the Republic was over, and now that the Empire called the shots, it would control the entire galaxy, something he intended to be a part of. He told Hunter he had made the wrong choice, before turning to walk away. Hunter retorted that Crosshair would only ever be a number to the Empire and needed to stop fooling himself.
Crosshair sat by the window alone, rubbing his head as if complaining of a headache. Omega sat next to him, guessing that he had never liked it on Kamino at all. When he told her to go away, she said she understood, explaining she had spent most of her life alone in the lab before the creation of the Bad Batch, and it was why she had been so determined to find them again. Crosshair coldly retorted that being a clone did not make her a member of the squad, and Omega, disappointed, stated that her belief that his behavior was solely the result of his inhibitor chip had been wrong before walking away.
The rest of the Bad Batch had been examining the specimen tubes in the lab, and Echo announced the tubes were their escape route out of the lab. Tech added that the capsules' buoyancy would, if their weight was properly distributed, allow them to float to the surface. AZI-3 pointed out that the capsules had not been tested for such a purpose, and Hunter added that they would lack directional control, asking how they would avoid the underwater debris field. Crosshair interjected, suggesting the droid could do it. Hunter asked AZI-3 if he could guide them to the surface, and the droid confirmed he could, barring any complications. Omega asked if it would not be dangerous, but AZI-3 responded that the clones' safety and well-being were his primary mission objective.
Omega and AZI-3 planted explosives on the large window in the lab's main chamber, while the others set out four large capsule tubes. Wrecker complained that he barely fit inside his assigned tube, but Echo retorted that at least he was not doubled up. As they finished with their task, Omega asked AZI-3 how his charge was holding up. The droid responded that he had accessed his reserve power, and they needed to hurry. Running over to the tubes, Omega reported that the explosives were set. The girl and Wrecker each had a capsule to themselves, while Hunter and Crosshair shared one pod and Echo and Tech another. On Hunter's order, the clones sealed their capsules. AZI-3 took his position and signaled Hunter, who in turn nodded to Omega to detonate the explosives. The girl hesitated briefly before hitting her detonator.
The charges blew open the window, causing water to rush into the lab. The capsules were caught up in the torrent. AZI-3 submerged himself, grabbing the one containing Hunter and Crosshair. The other capsules floated out of the lab and upward, and AZI-3 followed with the one he was pushing. The ocean was filled with debris, and the droid navigated Hunter and Crosshair's capsule past debris while approaching Omega's tube. Wrecker complained that he could not see anything, and Tech responded that that was a good thing as something struck his and Echo's capsule, cracking it. Orienting Hunter and Crosshair's capsule upright, AZI-3 let go of it before adjusting Wrecker's, pushing him away from some falling debris. The droid next turned his attention to Omega's capsule, navigating the girl away from more debris before pulling her upwards. Omega encouraged the droid that he was doing great.
The girl's capsule was struck by a large, twisted piece of debris, which knocked the droid away and sent her plummeting down. AZI-3 called out in concern, and seeing that the other capsules were floating upwards unhindered, dove after Omega. Seizing the debris, AZI-3 attempted to shift it but failed, his boosters sputtering due to his low power. The droid activated his torch and moved to cut apart the wreckage.
The other capsules surfaced amidst burning wreckage, and the clones opened them and sat up. Not seeing Omega, Hunter called her on his comlink. Below, AZI-3 finished cutting apart the debris, causing it to fall away from Omega's capsule. The droid began pushing the girl towards the surface. Answering her comlink, Omega explained she had been caught on some debris but AZI-3 had her. However, seeing the droid's photoreceptors flicker, she grew concerned. AZI-3's boosters died, but the capsule continued to float upwards. Omega exhorted the droid not to give up as they were nearly at the surface, but AZI-3, with his last remaining power, responded that her path was clear and he had completed his objective. His power having failed, AZI-3 began to sink below the surface, to Omega's horror.
Omega exclaimed on her comlink that she was going after the droid, ignoring Hunter's shout not to do so. The girl opened her capsule and dove after AZI-3. On the surface, Hunter removed his helmet as Echo, staring into the water, reported that he could not see her. Omega reached AZI-3 and, grabbing hold of him, attempted to swim back up. However, the droid was too heavy for her, his weight dragging her down. Hunter announced he was going in. Crosshair, however, reclaimed his sniper rifle and reassembled it with a cable launcher. Hunter realized Crosshair was armed and apparently aiming at him, but the sniper aimed and fired a cable at the sinking AZI-3, far below the surface. Omega and the droid were towed to the surface by the cable, and Hunter pulled them both into the makeshift boat while reassuring Omega that he had her. Crosshair, realizing that Tech, Echo, and Wrecker were aiming their blasters at him, tossed his rifle to Wrecker. Tech reported that he had a visual on the Marauder, suggesting everyone start paddling.
The group arrived at the landing platform after daybreak. After climbing onto the platform, the clones took a moment to watch the burning remnants of Tipoca City in the distance, Omega sadly commenting that it was all gone. Tech noted that they needed to leave before Imperial scouts arrived, and Wrecker asked Crosshair if he was going to accompany them. Crosshair retorted that their recent teamwork changed nothing and he had made his choice. Hunter, reminding Crosshair that he had given them a choice earlier, said they were returning the favor. The sniper refused, and Hunter responded that they did not have to be enemies even if they wanted different things. Crosshair still chose to remain with the Empire.
The Batch boarded the Marauder. Omega remained on the platform a moment longer, watching the burning city, before turning to the ship. She stopped by Crosshair, who responded with irritation, and thanked him for saving AZI-3. He responded that they were now even. After Omega boarded, the Marauder departed Kamino, as Crosshair refused to look. Crosshair was stranded on the landing platform for thirty-two rotations before being found by the Empire, after which he was placed on medical leave to recover.
Following Tipoca City's destruction, the squad was officially declared dead, allowing them to maintain a low profile and evade Imperial detection for several months thereafter. Upon being recharged, AZI-3 began working as a waiter at Cid's Parlor.
The Bad Batch once again attracted Imperial attention after attempting a heist at Castle Serenno, the former residence of the deceased Separatist leader Count Dooku, with the aim of stealing some of the contents of Dooku's war chest, a substantial collection of wealth intended to secure their future should they need to flee Ord Mantell. During the failed raid, Clone Captain Wilco, who was leading the operation to secure the valuables, identified Hunter and Wrecker as members of Clone Force 99. However, Wilco's attempt to report the truth led him to clash with Rampart, who feared repercussions to his career if Governor Tarkin discovered the Bad Batch was still alive. After Wilco refused to falsify his report, Rampart murdered him.