Kamino tube system

The Kamino tube system comprised a network of submarine tunnels situated beneath the oceans of the planet Kamino, facilitating connections between various structures. Small groups could be transported within spherical orbs, which moved through the tubes in a unidirectional manner to reach their intended destination. The top part of the tunnels were constructed from a see-through glass-like substance, offering passengers views of the marine life in the surrounding waters.

A secret landing platform, concealed beneath the ocean's surface just outside of Tipoca City, provided one access point to this system. In 19 BBY, Tech, Wrecker, Echo, and Omega, members of the renegade clone squad Clone Force 99, utilized this platform to land undetected on Kamino, avoiding Imperial detection. Leveraging Omega's prior knowledge as a clone medical assistant within Tipoca City, the squad employed the tubes to infiltrate the city, aiming to rescue their captured comrade, Hunter.

Following the Galactic Empire's bombardment of Tipoca City, portions of the city succumbed and impacted the tube system. This situation presented challenges for Clone Force 99, Crosshair, and AZI-3, who sought to utilize the tubes to return to their ship, the Marauder. As they progressed through the tube, the transparisteel canopy above them began to fracture. Subsequently, a kamoradon sea dragon assailed the tube, latching onto the incapacitated structure. AZI-3 endeavored to restore power in hopes of deterring the creature. The clones attempted to ascend into the collapsing structure, but the exterior was compromised, and water began rushing into the tube. AZI-3 briefly succeeded in restoring power, electrocuting the sea monster and causing it to retreat.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of the tube system

The tube system made its debut in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode "Return to Kamino," which was the fifteenth episode of the first season.

