ES-02 was the designation given to a human female Elite Squad Trooper. Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart enlisted her into the Galactic Empire's military shortly after the Empire's formation. Rampart considered her and her squadmates to be among the finest soldiers in the galaxy. She became a member of the Elite Squad, which was led by Clone Commander CT-9904, also known as "Crosshair." During the Empire's operation on Kamino, ES-02 started to question her commander's dedication to the Empire, particularly concerning his former unit, Clone Force 99. He intended to lure them into a trap in Tipoca City. She shared her concerns with Rampart. Later, she discovered that Crosshair had lost control of his scheme and that the rest of the Elite Squad had been killed. ES-02 then left Tipoca City as instructed before Rampart initiated the bombardment of the city, leaving Crosshair to die.
The human known as "ES-02" was a female soldier. Following the end of the Clone Wars, the newly established Galactic Empire aimed to replace its clone troopers with a fully recruited army. As part of Project War-Mantle, Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart recruited four soldiers to serve as the first Elite Squad Troopers. In addition to ES-02, the unit included ES-01, ES-03, and ES-04. After Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin inspected the squad on Kamino, CT-9904, a modified clone previously known as "Crosshair," was placed in command.
Subsequently, they were dispatched on their first mission, tasked with locating and eliminating the rebel leader Saw Gerrera and his fighters on Onderon. During the shuttle journey to Onderon, ES-02 silently observed as ES-01 challenged Crosshair's authority, asserting that he would soon take over as the unit's commander because clones were inferior. ES-02 and the rest of the squad engaged several of Gerrera's fighters who were attempting to evacuate civilian refugees, though Gerrera was not present. They killed all of the fighters. After failing to obtain any information on Gerrera's location, Crosshair ordered the Elite Squad to execute the civilians. Initially hesitant, they complied after he executed ES-01 for objecting to the order.
ES-02 later participated in a mission to Bracca, with the objective of eliminating Clone Force 99, Crosshair's former squad. The Elite Squad was subsequently deployed to Ryloth, before taking part in an Imperial operation on Kamino. There, they arrested Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se after discovering her attempt to gather medical personnel for departure from the planet.

After Hunter, the leader of Clone Force 99, was captured by Imperial forces on Daro, ES-02 stayed with her squad and Crosshair as they awaited the Bad Batch's arrival on Kamino. Distrustful of Crosshair's loyalty, she alerted Rampart of her suspicions and was instructed to monitor her commander. When her squad apprehended the remaining members of the Bad Batch, ES-02 was assigned the task of tracking down Omega. Upon finding the girl, she received orders to send her off-world on a shuttle, but AZI-3 incapacitated her. After regaining consciousness, ES-02 attempted to rejoin her squad, only to discover them dead. She also found Crosshair and the Bad Batch engaged in a firefight with the facility's training droids. One of the droids attempted to attack ES-02, but she quickly eliminated it and escaped from the training room. Retreating from the area, she informed Rampart of Crosshair's failure before evacuating Tipoca City prior to its destruction.
ES-02 was a human female characterized by her pale skin and black hair, which she kept styled in a bun. Demonstrating loyalty to the Galactic Empire, ES-02 initially hesitated when faced with the order to kill civilians on Onderon, but she ultimately complied following the execution of ES-01. When she began to suspect that Crosshair's allegiance to the Empire was faltering and that his plans for the Bad Batch deviated from Rampart's directives, she informed Rampart. She then abandoned her commander upon realizing he had lost control of the situation.
Like her fellow Elite Squad Troopers, ES-02 wore modified Phase II clone trooper armor, custom-fitted to her body. In combat scenarios, she used a DC-15A blaster rifle, which had been modified with the addition of a scope.
ES-02 made her debut appearance in the third episode of the first season of the animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Her voice was provided by Tina Huang.