The Elite Squad was a special forces squad operating as part of the Galactic Empire's armed forces under the [Special Operations Brigade](/article/special_operations_brigade]. This unit was under the command of Clone Commander CT-9904, known as "Crosshair," and was comprised of newly enlisted personnel hand-picked by Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart. Initially, the squad included Elite Squad Troopers designated ES-01, ES-02, ES-03, and ES-04.
After Clone Force 99 declined to kill Saw Gerrera's rebels, leading to their subsequent defection from the Empire, Governor Wilhuff Tarkin tasked Crosshair's Elite Squad with completing the mission. Tarkin aimed to determine if Rampart's recruited soldiers could achieve what the rogue clones could not. The troopers successfully ambushed Gerrera's base on Onderon, eliminating a number of insurgents.
However, Gerrera had already departed the base before the squad's time of arrival. Crosshair commanded the troopers to execute the prisoners, but ES-01 refused to follow the order to kill unarmed civilians, resulting in their death at the hands of the commander. The remaining members of the squad obeyed Crosshair, carrying out the executions while he observed. Despite losing ES-01 and failing to capture Gerrera, Tarkin and Rampart deemed the mission a successful trial in the field.
By the time Hunter was captured, the Elite Squad had gained two more troopers. Crosshair surrounded the Bad Batch in the Tipoca City Training Facility, offering Hunter and his former squadmates a chance to rejoin the Empire, and instructed the Elite Squad Troopers to stand down. The new members, along with ES-03 and ES-04, ignored the order and prepared to eliminate the Bad Batch. Crosshair swiftly killed all four of them by firing a ricocheting shot at the mirrors he had installed around the room.
ES-02 was the only one to survive, having been previously dispatched to find Omega. She tried to rejoin her squad, only to discover their bodies and the Bad Batch engaged in combat with training droids. She then informed Rampart about Crosshair's failure and evacuated Tipoca City after Rampart instructed her to leave Crosshair to die alongside the Bad Batch.