The Bad Batch barracks was a specific barracks located within the military complex of Tipoca City. It was exclusively used by Clone Force 99, also known as the Bad Batch, as their living quarters when they were on Kamino. Functioning as the headquarters for the Special Operations Brigade, the space was notably disorganized and filled with an excessive amount of equipment. Echo, a clone who joined the Bad Batch in 19 BBY, commented that the room had an unpleasant odor. The barracks contained several sleeping bunks for the team.
Wrecker maintained a record of successful missions on the wall adjacent to the entrance, which exceeded forty by the conclusion of the Clone Wars. Following their return to Kamino after the Battle of Kaller and the subsequent implementation of Order 66, an order that did not affect the squad, they entered their living quarters. As the Galactic Republic underwent re-organization to become the Galactic Empire, the squad began to question the legitimacy of the new ruling power.
While the Bad Batch was away on a mission, the young clone Omega secretly entered the barracks accompanied by her droid companion, AZI-3. However, a shock trooper quartermaster discovered her and had her arrested for trespassing. Eventually, Omega was incarcerated in a prison alongside the rest of the squad, who had disobeyed orders during their mission. Ultimately, the Batch escaped and fled Kamino together with Omega.
After the Bad Batch left Kamino, Crosshair, a former member who chose to remain and serve the Empire, was placed in command of an Elite Squad. This squad then occupied the barracks for their own purposes. The room was thoroughly cleaned, and new equipment was brought in for the team's use.