Edmon Rampart was a male human who, in the early days of the Galactic Empire (formed from the ashes of the Galactic Republic via the Proclamation of the New Order), achieved the military rank of Vice Admiral. Eager to embrace his new Imperial responsibilities, Rampart took charge of the implementation of the chain code system and the recruitment of conscripted soldiers into the Imperial Army as a key part of Project War-Mantle. He firmly believed that the loyalty of these new recruits was a more valuable asset to the Empire than the clone troopers previously utilized by the Republic, and he was confident that his project would be a great success.
At Tipoca City on Kamino, Rampart presented the first Elite Squad, a squad composed of top soldiers, to Governor Wilhuff Tarkin. Following a mission undertaken by the squad, now under the command of the clone trooper Crosshair, Tarkin entrusted the entire project to Rampart's leadership. Later, acting on Tarkin's direct orders, Rampart oversaw the destruction of Tipoca City and the forceful acquisition of Kamino's cloning technologies for the Empire.
Upon his return to Coruscant, Rampart introduced the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill as a formal mechanism to transition the Imperial military from clone troopers to conscripted, non-clone soldiers. Subsequently, Rampart was arrested under the orders of Grand Vizier Mas Amedda following an investigation by members of the Imperial Senate concerning his involvement in Tipoca City's destruction. Despite his defense that he was merely following orders, he was sentenced to serve time in the mines of the Imperial labor camp located on the planet Erebus. He was soon rescued by Clone Force 99, who wanted the coordinates of Tantiss Base that he knew. The team was then able to find the location of the complex and arrived on Wayland with Rampart, but the former Imperial was soon captured by his former allies, only to be freed. He attempted to retrieve data on Project Necromancer but was stopped and killed by Nala Se.

Following the end of the Clone Wars and the formation of the Galactic Empire from the Galactic Republic in 19 BBY, Edmon Rampart became an officer within the new Imperial structure, achieving the rank of Vice Admiral. He played a role in the transition from the Republic to the Empire, with the goal of solidifying the foundations of the nascent regime. Rampart was tasked with overseeing the introduction of chain codes, a system designed to identify citizens of the Empire. He delivered a holographic message, displayed at Imperial chain code posts, explaining that these chain codes would enable citizens to exchange their old, now-invalid currency for the new Imperial credits.
Rampart also supervised Project War-Mantle, an initiative intended to replace the Republic's clone troopers with conscripted and volunteer soldiers in the Imperial Army. As a component of this project, he formed the first Elite Squad, comprised of four recruited Elite Squad Troopers. Rampart journeyed to Tipoca City on the planet Kamino to showcase this squad to Governor Wilhuff Tarkin. During his meeting with Tarkin, who was observing the enhanced Clone Commander Crosshair alongside the Kaminoan Nala Se, Rampart's superior officer commended the success of the chain code initiative before inquiring about the progress of Project War-Mantle. Rampart then proceeded to tell Tarkin about how the foundation of the Empire was important and the recruits' presence, and that the Elite Squad would train under the command of Crosshair.

On their way to the hangar to meet the squad, Rampart stressed the need for a larger army. Nala Se argued that the Kaminoan cloning facilities were capable of producing effective clones, but Rampart expressed his belief that soldiers who chose to enlist would display greater loyalty to the Empire. Upon reaching the hangar, Rampart presented the Elite Squad, suggesting that they could be trained by experienced clones. Shortly after, as Rampart and Tarkin observed the squad undergoing a medical examination, Prime Minister Lama Su, a Kaminoan, voiced his doubts about recruits being able to match the military skills of clone troopers. Rampart disagreed, emphasizing the value he placed on the loyalty of willing recruits. To resolve the disagreement, Tarkin proposed a test for the squad because he felt the two Imperials needed to see what they can do in battle and Rampart was happy to let his recruits go out onto the field so the Governor had Rampart send them and their Clone Commander to Onderon to eliminate a camp of insurgents led by Saw Gerrera.
When the squad's Nu-class attack/transport shuttle returned to Kamino victorious, Vice Admiral Rampart and Governor Tarkin awaited them in the hangar. Tarkin noted that the squad had lost a trooper—ES-01 had been executed by Crosshair for disobeying orders to kill civilians under Gerrera's protection on Onderon—but Crosshair reported that the camp had been destroyed, although Gerrera had escaped before they arrived. Rampart then reminded his superior that the loss was unfortunate but soldiers know the risks of battle. Tarkin was impressed as they succeeded while Crosshair's brothers had failed, while Rampart saw the success as proof of the potential of his initiative. As a result, Tarkin left Rampart in charge of the project and departed from Kamino.

Some time after arriving in Tipoca City, Rampart met with Prime Minister Lama Su, insisting that he be informed of all events on Kamino from that point onward. Their meeting was interrupted by Crosshair, who reported that the Scrapper Guild on the junkyard planet Bracca had detected a power surge emanating from a wrecked Jedi cruiser. Rampart instructed Crosshair to dispatch a scout team, but the clone requested additional forces, revealing that the surge was caused by Clone Force 99, a renegade unit of clone commandos who had previously escaped Kamino. Lama Su insisted that the clones of the unit were highly skilled assets and as such should be returned alive if possible, Rampart, uninterested in rogue clone deserters, dismissed Lama Su and ordered Crosshair to terminate them if they were found.

Rampart, Crosshair, and the Elite Squad traveled to the Outer Rim planet Ryloth, where the native Twi'lek population was uneasy with the Empire's military presence, which the preceding Republic had promised to remove after the Clone Wars. In Ryloth's capital of Lessu City, Rampart held a mass gathering at the Capitol building, alongside Senator Orn Free Taa, the Twi'lek Resistance General Cham Syndulla, Cham's wife Eleni and the clone Captain Howzer of the city's local clone battalion. Rampart received a report from Crosshair that one of the Empire's skeptics, Cham's Lieutenant Gobi Glie, and several fellow insurgents are within the crowd, and Rampart explained his displeasure to Taa at the senator's people's apparent lack of support towards the Empire. Taa reassured the Vice Admiral that he spoke for the people that the partnership was most welcome. Rampart inquired whether Cham agreed, to which the Twi'lek general supported peace for Ryloth.

Rampart watched on as Senator Taa failed to galvanize the support of the people of Ryloth, having delivered a speech about how the Empire would bring peace and prosperity to the planet and that the Twi'leks should step down from their military posts. Cham stepped in, reassuring the crowd by reminding them about how the clones helped liberate their world from the Separatist Alliance and had earned the Twi'leks' respect. After the speech, Rampart remarked to Eleni that it was a shame that her and Cham's daughter, Hera, could not be a part of the occasion but she said their little girl had other interests.

In a meeting with Taa and Crosshair, Rampart exclaimed that Cham was being more cooperative than he had been led to believe he would be, to which Taa responded that he was worried about the general's influence over the citizens. Crosshair believed Glie was more of a threat than Cham, but the senator believed they all need to be dealt with, to which Rampart stated that everyone had their part to play. Later on, the Admiral showed Cham and Eleni around the doonium refinery, claiming that it would help rebuild areas affected by the Clone Wars across the galaxy. Eleni was concerned at the militaristic aspects of the facility, but Rampart responded that the Republic had left Ryloth in a vulnerable position, something which the Empire was rectifying in order to protect the planet's interest, before excusing himself after receiving a message from one of Crosshair's squad members.
Rampart received intelligence from Crosshair that Glie, Hera, and the Twi'lek resistance fighter Serin were on a supply run to smuggle weapons, having attached a homing beacon to their ship. Upon their return, the ship was shot down by Crosshair. The trio were quickly apprehended, and Rampart arrived with Taa and numerous clone troopers, expressing how distressing it was to see Hera's involvement in this operation. Taa angrily claimed that Hera's involvement was clear proof that Cham was plotting an uprising against the Empire. However, Rampart disagreed, saying that the public would not see it that way, and that Cham had not technically committed a crime yet. Hera, Gobi and Serin were taken away in a HCVw A9 turbo tank, while Crosshair informed Rampart he had spotted three more of Gobi's insurgents on the mountain ridge. Rampart told Crosshair to hold off and let the resistance fighters report back, having the commander to get into position regardless.
Rampart's convoy, comprising of the juggernaut and escorting BARC speeders, was intercepted by Cham and Eleni and the remaining insurgents, and he expressed concern at the whereabouts of the reinforcements, with Howzer stating the comms had been cut. Taa ordered the remaining troopers to defend them, but Rampart had Howzer and his men stand down and surrender. This horrified Taa, but Rampart reassured the senator that his decision would keep them all alive. With Hera reunited with her parents, the insurgents pondered on what to do with Taa, Rampart and the other prisoners. Cham and Taa become locked in a bitter exchange in which they both accused the other of being a traitor, leading to Cham pointing a gun at the senator. Taa pleaded with Rampart and Howzer to do something, but Rampart was unmoved, stating that Cham was the one holding the blaster.

With some encouragement from Howzer and Eleni, Cham lowered his weapon, and Rampart thanked Taa for playing his part, signaling Crosshair to shoot one of Taa's lekku from a vantage point. At this exact moment, Imperial reinforcements arrived to aid Rampart and Howzer, leading to the capture of the Twi'lek fighters present, except for Hera and her droid C1-10P "Chopper," who escaped on a landspeeder. Rampart then formally arrested Cham and the insurgents for the attempted assassination of Senator Taa. As Cham, Eleni, Gobi, Serin, and fellow fighter Lenk were all led away, Rampart ordered Howzer to assemble his forces to locate Hera, before departing in one of the Low Altitude Assault Transports with the prisoners.
Soon after, Vice Admiral Rampart and Captain Howzer walked through the detention block of the Capitol building in Ryloth's capital of Lessu. When they reached the cell holding Cham and Eleni, Rampart mocked Cham, saying he was once considered the liberator of Ryloth, but is now a traitor to Ryloth after attempting to assassinate Senator Taa. Cham retorts that the people wouldn't believe the Empire's lies, but Rampart believed that they would turn against him easily. However knowing that their daughter was out there and since she was the reasonable one, Rampart asked Eleni about where Hera was and promised to return her to the hands of her parents safe and sound, but knowing about how his allies are treated, Eleni claimed she would rather be his enemy like her husband is now than a friend. Rampart then ordered Howzer to scour the planet and arrest all of General Syndulla's supporters.
When Howzer swore to find Hera as well, Rampart told him that Crosshair's squad was already taking care of that. Rampart then addressed the citizens of Ryloth, telling them those responsible for the shocking attack on their senator have been detained, and that Orn Free Taa would make a full recovery. In the city, Rampart told Howzer that arresting some of Cham's supporters was not good enough, he wanted them all. Howzer was concerned that arresting innocent citizens would provoke an uprising, but Rampart said that they should be arrested too and peace has a cost. Captain Howzer later informed Vice Admiral Rampart that the refinery wa under attack. He offered to deal with it but Rampart insisted on handling the attack and ordered Howzer to guard the Capital. Then after seeing what Crosshair's old team was capable of, Rampart gave him permission to hunt down his brothers.

At Tipoca City on Kamino, Crosshair told Vice Admiral Rampart that the operation was ahead of schedule. A pleased Rampart asked that every available clone be mobilized. As Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships took off, a Kaminoan watched. When Crosshair asked about the Kaminoans, Rampart said that they have their orders and to keep their eye on them until the time is right.
At Tipoca City, Vice-Admiral Rampart confronted Prime Minister Lama Su, telling him that he is disappointed at the Kaminoans' lack of cooperation. He informed the Prime Minister that a disturbing matter had been brought to his attention. As Elite Squad Troopers entered the room with Nala Se, Rampart said that Su's Chief Scientist was gathering medical personnel to flee Kamino. Lama Su feigned surprise and said he will decide on a suitable punishment.
Rampart said that while he found the clone troopers overrated, he told Nala Se that he hopes to utilize her services as a scientist for the Empire. However, he had little need for Lama Su's services as a politician. Two Elite Squad Troopers arrested the Kaminoan Prime Minister for treason.

Upon landing at Tipoca City, Hunter was marched out of the ship by Crosshair and his Elite Squad Troopers. Vice Admiral Rampart greeted them accompanied by several clone troopers. Crosshair told Rampart that he planned to intercept the rest of the Bad Batch on arrival. Rampart spoke to Hunter, telling him that the destruction of his squad caused on Ryloth got his attention. Rampart left Hunter to Commander Crosshair, telling him to stay on schedule. ES-02 questioned Crosshair's motives with his old squad, adding that she doesn't trust any of them. Rampart replied to her that if Crosshair's plan fails, none of them would be a problem anymore. He ordered her to keep an close eye on things.
Later when Crosshair's plan failed, ES-02 informed Rampart that Crosshair had lost control of the situation. Rampart ordered that all remaining forces be pulled out and told her to let the clones die together. Rampart then informed Admiral and Governor Tarkin that all essential personnel had been evacuated from Kamino. Tarkin asked him about the chief scientist. Rampart reported that the chief scientist was secured and the cloning technology was now under Imperial control. Tarkin allowed him to fire when ready. Rampart ordered the crew of his Star Destroyer to move the ship into position. An Imperial officer confirmed that they were in position and Rampart ordered the gunners to bombard Tipoca City. After receiving confirmation that the city was destroyed, Rampart ordered the Star Destroyers to leave Kamino and make their way to a rendezvous point with the Imperial Fleet.

After Clone Force 99's failed attempt to steal from Count Dooku's war chest from his castle on Serenno, Rampart read Clone Captain Wilco's report on the incident, leading him to travel to Serenno. Wilco informed him that 85% of the war chest had been recovered, and assured the Vice Admiral he would get that number to perfection. In response, Rampart said he was not there because of the captain's failure to ensure the cargo's transfer. Rampart asserted that the mission report was inaccurate due to claiming the thieves were from experimental unit 99, believing that they died during the fall of Tipoca City. Wilco explained that Rampart's information was incorrect as he had seen two of the unit's members. Rampart stated that he could not let Tarkin find out about his misstep, so he ordered Wilco to submit a new report lacking any mention of Clone Force 99. Wilco refused to falsify a report, and in response, Rampart said he would do it instead and then shot the clone in the chest with a RK-3 blaster.

Rampart journeyed back to Coruscant, where he was assigned an office and took up residence at the Imperial Inspectorate HQ. After Crosshair's rescue from Kamino and subsequent return to Coruscant, Rampart placed him in a squad under the command of Commander Cody, whom Rampart only recognized by his designation, CC-2224. Their assignment was a mission to liberate Governor Grotton, held captive by Separatist holdouts still active on the planet Desix. Following the successful operation on Desix, Rampart entrusted Crosshair with another assignment, this time partnering him with CC-1226.
While stationed on Coruscant, Rampart introduced the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill to the Imperial Senate, a legislative package designed to officially end the clone trooper army's service and transition to a volunteer military composed of conscripted civilians. The bill was initially rejected twice before reaching the preliminary hearing stage. There, it encountered opposition from Senators Bail Organa of Alderaan and Tynnra Pamlo of Taris, who deemed the discussion about creating a new army premature. Riyo Chuchi of Pantora also voiced concerns, advocating for fairer representation for the clones who would be directly affected by the legislation. Despite support from corporate Senator Gani Riduli of the InterGalactic Banking Clan and the Commerce Guild representative, the vote was ultimately postponed. Grand Vizier Mas Amedda privately cautioned Rampart, emphasizing the Emperor's keen interest in the bill and warning against failure.

To guarantee the bill's enactment, Rampart tasked a clone assassin, Clone X, with eliminating Cade and Slip, two crew members who had been aboard his Venator during Tipoca City's destruction and had threatened to testify to the Senate about it. Additionally, he held a private meeting with Senator Chuchi, who was representing the clones' interests in the Senate. He conceded to her demands and the provisions she conveyed to him in an attempt to secure her backing. However, Chuchi remained unconvinced and soon acquired evidence of Rampart's involvement in the destruction of Tipoca City, thanks to Clone Force 99. They infiltrated Rampart's Destroyer while it was undergoing maintenance at the Coruscant shipyard and extracted its command log, which contained footage of the attack.

During the final vote on the bill, Chuchi brought Halle Burtoni, the former Senator of Kamino, before the Senate to testify about Rampart's misappropriation of funds from the Defense Finance Committee during the post-war period. Rampart had been using these funds to finance his War-Mantle bases and recruits. Bail Organa also presented the command log to the Senate, further substantiating their objections to the bill and their conviction of Rampart's culpability in the destruction of Tipoca City. With all the evidence stacked against him, Mas Amedda ordered the Coruscant Guard to arrest Rampart and forcibly remove him from the Senate floor, despite his protests that he had been following orders. Nevertheless, Emperor Palpatine capitalized on Rampart's actions to rally support for the bill.

Following his arrest, Rampart was relieved of his rank and sentenced to an Imperial labor camp on the planet Erebus. During his imprisonment, he grew out his facial hair. Several months into his sentence, after the Advanced Science Division invaded Pabu and captured Omega, Clone Force 99 found themselves in a predicament. Their initial plan to allow Omega to be captured with a tracker had been thwarted when CX-2 ordered her to be searched. As Clone Force 99 pondered how to locate Tantiss, Crosshair confessed that he knew a way, but was reluctant to reveal it, as he did not want to return there and considered it only as a last resort; former Admiral Rampart. Rampart was being transported on a HCVw A9 turbo tank when Clone Force 99 intervened, eliminating the crew. Rampart was taken aback by the clones' presence, initially assuming they were there to execute him, but he soon realized that they needed him alive. He learned from Crosshair that they were searching for Tantiss. Rampart offered to provide the information in exchange for his escape from the planet.

Clone Force 99 successfully evaded their Imperial pursuers. During the escape, Rampart attempted to seize a blaster but was stunned by Crosshair. He was then taken aboard the Providence, where Crosshair questioned him about Tantiss. Rampart claimed ignorance of its location, citing its highly classified nature, but asserted that there was a workaround. Crosshair, suspicious of Rampart's trustworthiness, threatened him, but Rampart countered that threats were unnecessary, as they were now collaborators.
Following their successful escape from Erebus, Rampart accompanied Clone Force 99 to a cloning facility on Bora Vio, where they rendezvoused with Echo, who had procured an Imperial shuttle for their mission. Rampart disclosed that Hemlock had kept Tantiss' location a secret, but any ships destined for it would need clearance from Imperial Station 003 above Coruscant. He questioned how the clones could infiltrate the station in their current condition, pointing out that the codes changed with every rotation. The clones decided to infiltrate the station disguised as Imperial soldiers, with Rampart leading them as a captain. Rampart was handed a stolen Imperial captain's uniform, much to his chagrin, as he considered the captain's rank beneath him due to his former vice admiral status. Echo retorted that he had already been demoted, prompting Rampart to groan and declare his aversion to working with clones.
Upon their arrival at the station, Rampart leveraged his improvised privileges to grant them access to the station's manifest database. Echo soon discovered that when the data was uploaded, the targeted vessel was marked for direct uplink, making it impossible to extract the data from within the station. Crosshair questioned Rampart, inquiring whether he had been aware of the process but had deliberately concealed it from them. Rampart claimed that he had never been concerned with technical details. Ultimately, the clones opted to connect their stolen shuttle to a science vessel departing for Tantiss. Rampart protested, asserting that it was not the plan he had agreed to. Nevertheless, he accompanied the squad back to their shuttle while Echo was tasked with sneaking aboard the science vessel and disabling its proximity sensors. Rampart opposed the plan, arguing that they would be shot down before they could close in, and instructed Hunter to abort the mission, but Hunter ignored him. As the science vessel approached its jump to hyperspace, Rampart urged them to abandon the mission, claiming that Echo had likely been captured or killed. However, Hunter remained steadfast, and his faith in his teammate was rewarded when Echo successfully disabled the sensors, allowing them to latch onto the vessel and head to Tantiss.

As the clones arrived on Wayland and detached from the science vessel, they were immediately ambushed by Imperial forces, who had anticipated their arrival. Their ship sustained damage from Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters, prompting them to quickly evacuate as it neared the surface. Rampart was incredulous upon learning that they were going to escape by jumping out of the ship into the jungle below, hesitating out of fear. Hunter saved him from being killed by his inaction, and Rampart survived the crash. While accompanying the clones as they advanced towards the base, he rested his head on what he assumed was scenery, only to realize that it was a dryax, which awakened from his intrusion.
Rampart ordered the clones to fire on the beast before it could attack, but they refused, as it would reveal their position to the Imperials. He countered that they wouldn't have a position if they were devoured by the beast, but the clones still refrained from shooting it. Eventually, they encountered a patrol group dispatched by Hemlock, and Rampart was separated in the ensuing chaos. In his panic, he tripped before being discovered by a patrol of three TK troopers.

Rampart was confined to the facility's cells when Hemlock confronted him, criticizing him for aiding insurgents. Rampart expressed surprise at Hemlock's composure, considering that the "secure" facility had been compromised by rogue clones, and suggested that the Emperor would likely be displeased. Hemlock retorted that Rampart's time on Kamino had been wasted, as he had failed to comprehend how clones think, and stated that he had anticipated that Clone Force 99 would eventually find Tantiss in their efforts to rescue Omega. Rampart failed to grasp why the young clone was so valuable to Hemlock, but Hemlock asserted that, unlike Rampart, Omega was indispensable to the Empire with his projects. Rampart remained in his cell until Echo and Omega arrived to liberate all the prisoners, including Rampart himself. When Echo asked the freed clones if they would assist in rescuing his brothers, Rampart vehemently objected, believing that their best course of action was to flee the base. Echo asserted that clones would never abandon their brothers and managed to persuade the clones to assist him in freeing the rest of the Bad Batch. After the clones departed, Rampart followed Nala Se to her laboratory, seizing an RK-3 blaster from a fallen TK trooper along the way. Curious about the significance of Project Necromancer, he demanded that Se divulge everything about it. As she explained that it could only be understood by Kaminoans, Rampart, realizing that the Empire would be willing to pay any price for the data, including Omega's importance, decided to retain the information as a "bargaining chip." As he shot and killed Se, the Kaminoan dropped an activated thermal detonator, and as it landed at his feet, he was caught off guard and perished in the resulting explosion.

Edmon Rampart, a human male, possessed brown hair, brown eyes, and a fair complexion. As Vice Admiral, Rampart enthusiastically embraced his role in the newly established Galactic Empire, which sought to impose order upon the galaxy. Despite cultivating relationships with high-ranking Imperial officials, including Governor Tarkin and Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, Rampart was, in reality, an insignificant component of the Imperial machinery. Despite all his actions performed in the name of the Empire, the regime was prepared to discard him should he become an inconvenience. Rampart, despite his loyalty to the new regime and its directives, was also willing to violate protocol to safeguard his own well-being and career, as exemplified by his efforts to falsify an official report on Serenno.
Rampart viewed the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the establishment of the Empire as an opportunity for peace, asserting that it would usher in prosperity and opportunity. He recognized the importance of establishing a robust foundation for the new Empire and believed that an increase in soldiers was necessary to maintain order and ensure a strong ruling government. Consequently, Rampart's endeavors in Project War-Mantle aimed to produce loyal soldiers without relying on clones, and he was confident that his proposal would fortify the Empire's future. Rampart believed that the loyalty of those who willingly enlisted was more valuable than the training undergone by clone troopers, reasoning that with training, his forces would surpass anything the galaxy had ever witnessed.

In his efforts to expand Imperial presence and power throughout the galaxy, Rampart exhibited patience, cunning, and opportunism. On Ryloth, he strategically surrendered to Cham Syndulla's forces to preserve himself until reinforcements arrived, enabling Imperial forces to regroup and ultimately capture Syndulla and frame him for the attempted assassination of Orn Free Taa. Rampart was also highly pragmatic. When his Elite Squad returned from its mission with one trooper lost, Rampart considered the loss unfortunate but remained unconcerned, asserting that soldiers were aware of the risks associated with battle. Rampart was prepared to murder Wilco and fabricate an official report to protect his reputation. In his message concerning chain codes, Rampart emphasized the Empire's generosity in allowing citizens to exchange them for Imperial credits. During his time in Imperial Custody on Erebus, Rampart's hair became disheveled and unkempt, and he grew a beard.

Edmon Rampart wore the uniform of an Imperial officer, including a rank insignia plaque displaying two blue squares followed by four red squares in a line, and four code cylinders. Rampart's position in the Imperial Navy granted him command over at least three Venator-class Star Destroyers, which were part of a larger fleet. Rampart used an RK-3 blaster to shoot at Wilco.
Vice Admiral Rampart was initially revealed for the series Star Wars: The Bad Batch on May 4, 2021, as a figure in Hasbro's Star Wars: The Black Series line. He subsequently appeared via hologram in "Cut and Run," the second episode of the series, which was released on Disney+ on May 7, 2021. Noshir Dalal provided his voice and was credited accordingly.